I became a God of... creation? (1)

This time he calmed down a lot faster than before. Karl had already gotten somewhat used to being continuously screwed over by literally everything in this strange new world and he found himself caring less and less about it.

"So what, if my damn starter pack has been claimed by that bastard? I didn't want it anyway!" he proclaimed, still a little furious with his sneaky predecessor.

Karl had decided to make the best of his current situation, however strange and unfavorable it may be. Not that he had any choice, but some matter of resolve was better than none. He would just have to look on the bright side! He had already unlocked 73 blueprints on his very first day in office; there was no way that stupid Thandoril had managed to do anything like that!

"What does the starter pack contain anyway?" Karl asked curiously. Maybe it was not such a big loss after all.

[Generalized starter packs for new Users contain various resources necessary for creating and maintaining a small planet with a simple ecosystem. Apart from several trillion tons of metals and minerals, the most important parts include a large reservoir of water, air, and a simple magnetosphere kit. The most precious one would be a premium grade life base as well as a beginner seed pack, donated by benevolent Users to support new arrivals]

"Damn! Screw my microbes, what's with this premium-grade life base? What can that do?" Karl inquired. Those ingredients sounded pretty impressive and he started to feel bad about the giant heap of crap he had gotten from scrapping Terrania again.

[Life bases assist in the customized creation of species. Depending on the grade of the base used and the intended complexity of creation it is capable of forging multiple individuals of an advanced species to start colonization of a planet. A premium-grade life base is capable of creating sentient life, modeling it after your wishes with very little input, enabling you to quickly start earning faith from worship]

"Alright, yeah... Why did I expect anything else? So, everyone gets a whole sentient species formed after their wishes... everyone but me?" he complained about the unfairness of the situation.

[That is correct], stated the system free of emotion. As usual, it did not care.


"Ok, no point in feeling down over this. At the very least I still have a lot of ingredients left from Terrania, how much of a difference could it make? As for life... I will take care of that later."

The decision made, Karl focused on the creation menu and his inventory again and started sorting out what he had and what he could use it for.

He was not the brightest bulb in the shed, but even he knew what a planet was made of, vaguely at least. Very vaguely...

"Uhh... There was a core, right? I think there was and then there were these layers, it looked somewhat like an onion, I think. Isn't it just all rock anyway? I probably just need to pile something up into a ball and melt the inside a little, the rest will sort itself out eventually," Karl philosophized. Who could have expected that the geography classes in 6th grade would turn out to be so important?! All of a sudden he wished he had paid more attention back then.

[This question will require 5 faith to answer. Do you want to confirm your choice?]

"No! Leave me alone, I'm thinking!" he spat back, still deep in thought.

With a vague image of his first creation in mind, he returned to the creation menu and chose 'planet' from the options tab.

[Welcome to planetary creation mode. To commemorate your first task as a new God, your first planet will be created free of charge. The creation assistant has been enabled to shape your planet after your wishes]

As soon as the voice rang out, Karl found himself hovering in front of an empty patch of space, rows of available materials resting at the side, waiting to be used. He had already visualized the approximate image of his ideal planet — basically earth, or what he remembered of it. It was always best to start with what you knew worked well.

When he wanted to reach out for the row of metals to form the new planetary core from, the materials began dancing and swirling by themselves and flowed in giant streams towards the previously empty patch of space.

"I wonder if this is the creation assistant that the system talked about. If so, I should be able to control it by using my thoughts," Karl observed attentively.

Right before his eyes, a huge ball of various heavy-metals slowly took shape. It even began to heat up, first glowing, then melting, until it turned into a huge red blob, silently hovering in space. Apparently, the system did not lie when it said, the new planet would be modeled directly after his wishes.

With a last thought, he gave the core a violent push, forcing it to spin and flow around on itself. Core dynamics — check! Hopefully, that was enough to take care of the magnetic field for a few million years.

"That was easier than I thought! I don't know what the mantle should be made from, but it's definitely various minerals and metals. I got a lot of stuff left... why don't I just fill it up with a healthy mix of everything? It couldn't have been much different when the earth formed, right?" Karl pondered as he observed the finished core.

Again, as soon as the words left his mouth, the materials surrounding him stirred. This time, almost half of his remaining stockpile flowed forward and surrounded the swirling core of liquid metals like a warm blanket.

Warm indeed! Just like the core previously did, the ball of rocks, crystals, metals, and liquids heated up rapidly and turned into a bright-red sphere of roiling magma. Things were coming along nicely!

"lt doesn't even look that bad! Who said I need to know what I'm doing to create a nice little planet of my own?" Karl said amused with a huge grin plastered on his face.

His joy rapidly ebbed though, when he remembered, that the hardest part was yet to come: the crust!