45.Chun Momo

Liu Mei looked questioningly at her friend that just sighed. ''She was sent to me last year as present from my third brother. I think it's better I send her back to him. It seems she had her ideas after entering the palace. Does she really think she is someone that Emperor would even consider? Dreaming some unrealistic life? Our Emperor is a pure man!''

Now was Liu Mei stunned by her words. ''What do you mean pure? I heard he had hundreds of women entering the palace last few years. How is it even possible?''

Hua Roulan shook her head. ''He has the thing with his likes. None of those women ever was good enough to be together with him. No matter what they did he was cold. Some even tried to do as those storybooks were writing about servant and master. They would hide in Imperial Room as servants and they would try to get closer to him but what they didn't know, he hated most people that did such stuff, so he would kick them out his rooms and palace, forbidding their families to send their girls forever.''

Liu Mei shook her head. ''They tried to climb his bed?''

''Not only climb...''She chuckled.

''Wait, does that mean he never had women that would teach him about those... things?'' It is impossible that a young man in his best age never did anything with anyone.

''He had some ''training'' as it seems in his youth with one of the specially trained ladies. But after that he didn't let any woman touch him. Including the one that came to be his personal instructor as well.'' Hua Roulan's words were confirmation of slowly sprouting ideas about the Emperor.

It seems it will be hard for the two of them to get a child. How can a man that likes other man like women at all? In her head that was the only explanation. It seems she will know this night.

''Now mistress, could you please tell me why the two of you were so excited after entering this messy place?'' Hua Roulan just saw green plants and flowers, everywhere.

LiuMai snapped out her thoughts and pointed at the flowers in her surroundings. ''These are all or edible plants or healing ones. Even if one day falls out of the Emperor's favor, we would never be hungry. Look there. These can be eaten and those as well. this place is actually literally fruit and vegetable paradise. I just wonder who took care of these plants so well. We can literally cook something nice today for meal.''

She touched gently the leaves of the nearby plant and smile brightly at the two as a suddenly a raspy voice could be heard between greens. ''Miss is wise. No wonder Emperor sent me to this garden.''

An older woman and small girl came out of the bushes with hands filled with all kinds of vegetables. They politely bowed.

In just a couple of steps, Liu Mei got closer and saw so many fresh vegetables. ''Can we use the garden?''

The old woman nodded. ''Miss, this garden belongs to you, of course, you can. This servant belongs to this place so you can just tell me what you want and I will bring it to you.''

Xiao ran came closer and bowed deeply. 'Chun Momo. Xiao Ran pays respect to Chun Momo.''

Liu Mei and Hua Roulan bowed, as well as they, heard Xiao Ran's words.

The old woman just patted her head and smiled. ''Xiao Ran. Oh, you are from old geezer Lord Fan his granddaughter? How is he?''

Xiao Ran's eyes filled with tears that she quickly brushed them off. ''Grandfather died. I am the last...''

Chun Momo sighed and patted her head. ''Death is not a bad thing. After your grandmother nad your parents died he became a cold person. Only you could bring him to smile. He was good minister. She that last emperor couldn't see his worth. At least our young one can see many things more clearly than anyone else. Young miss, what is your name?''

Liu Mei knew that she spoke to her so she smiled. ''I am Liu Mei, from Liu family.''

''Liu Family? Finally, they came back? That means our country still has the hope to stabilize. That would be so amazing if that could happen. Miss Liu, from today cal me like everyone else Chun Momo. I have been living in this place all my life, just like the little Xiao Ju heer will. It is the safest place to live for us servants. Most servants wouldn't even get close here, but actually I live here quite comfortably. I have no idea what they have against this place.''

Her straightforward words and kind smile made everyone smile as well. With slow steps, she explained about the plants they had in the garden and chuckled at Xiao Ran and Xiao Ju's playful bickering. On the end they choose to leave Xiao Ju as maid next to Chun Momo and the only one who could order them would be or Xiao Ran, Hua Roulan or Liu Mei directly. No one else.

Xiao Ju pouted but then excepted it as Xao Ran promised to bring her sweets whenever she could go out and buy some. Actually, the two girls were not even far apart from each other with their age so they became friends quickly.

Hua Roulan stood next to Liu Mei and could see how with just a few words here and there she made everyone became relaxed and friendly to each other. But outside, she didn't care about all those cats and dogs and bees and flowers and... She was so deep in thought that she almost didn't hear her question.

A soft hand patted her arm and two bright eyes came in front of her making her stunned. ''Hua Roulan, what are you thinking about so deeply? I asked you a couple of times but you just stood there like a frozen statue. Is there something you want to say to me?''

''Actaully, there is...'' Her eyes looked deeply into Liu Mei's.