Chapter Eighteen: Mister Daniel

Xander and Princess Maria traveled for days back to the Kingdom of Inferna.

As they arrived, their army split off to see their families as they went to the castle.

Princess Maria walked into a bedroom guarded by knights as Xander waited outside. "Father, I have quelled the rebellion of the barbarians in the North. I fear that, unless you send my brother, they will raise an army."

A weak elfman laid on a bed and stared at Princess Maria as she spoke. He looked very weak. He was having difficulty breathing, staying awake, and speaking.

"Maria... your brother is... busy helping train... the new guard. You... are the only... the only one I trust... to deal with these matters." King Haytham spike, coughing violently afterwards.

"Do not speak anymore, Father. Rest and do not pass before I return, okay?"

Haytham smiled. "Tell King Zirian... I said hello. Can you go now, daughter? I must rest."

Princess Maria nodded as she stood and left, followed by Xander. They immediately left for Lucifina.

"Carver." Haytham said weakly.

An elf with a gray beard walked up to him and bowed. "Yes, my King?"

"Make sure... Princess Maria is the... one to inherit my throne."

"Sir, she is weak." Carver laughed for a moment.

"She is the... true inheritor, Carver. I... I will not survive... till the coming summer. Lord knows... I won't survive the... the coming war."

"She is the true inheritor?"

Haytham nodded. "She carries the curse... and if... she can be cured... she will revive... our dying kingdom." Haytham coughed violently, blood flying from his mouth. "I will rest now, Carver."

"Of course, King Haytham." Carver bowed once more before leaving. As he walked down the hallway, a shadowy figure walked up behind him.

"Is he well?" The figure asked.

"He will die before the summer. Do not fret, Mr. Daniel. Tell Master Faith-"

The figure ran up to Carver as the man turned to face him. He was met with a dagger ready to slice his throat. "Do not carelessly say a name of the Seven. They don't appreciate it." He pushed the knife slowly.

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry. Tell them that next in line is to be Princess Maria. She is weak."

Daniel white mask shifted as he hid his knife under his cloak. "Yet she is guarded by The Giant. Tell me, where does he come from? I may pay his mother a visit."

Carver held his throat as he stared in distain at the cloaked man. "I believe the king summoned him, thirty years ago. Mr. Daniel the Seven promised they would save our kingdom. However they send-"

"They do not lie, Carver. The barbarians are a tool, and you will be made king. In due time, friend." Me. Daniel stepped slowly back into a shadow, until he completely disappeared.

Carver stared at the shadow before walking towards the church. 'Damned Black-blood.'


Zirian sat in his throne as three elders bowed before him.

"You dare call me a liar, Elder Beezle?"

Elder beezle had two large black horns, and the eyes and face of a goat. His flesh was red and his tail had a spike on the end of it.

"Of course not, King Zirian. It's just what most of the people and elders feel. After most of the summoners disappeared, a daughter and deceased wife suddenly appeared." Elder Beezle looked up at Zirian. "I believe she is your failed summon. After all, a summon will always have an outcome. You said it had none."

Zirian stared down at the elder with contempt. "How would I prove she is my blood?"

Beezle lowered his head. "King, in order to get rid of any and all doubts, I suggest..." he looked at the two elders beside him, who nodded their heads. "...I suggest she undertake The Trial of the Gate."

Zirian quickly stood up, and slowly walked down the staircase. "You would have MY daughter, the ONLY heir of Lucifina, partake in the trial at the young age of NINE? Do you wish to see my family's downfall, Beezle?" Zirian grabbed Beezle by his throat and lifted him into the air as his wings extended from his back.

"K-King Zirian, i-it's the o-only way." Beezle struggled to speak as Zirian's grip tightened around his throat. "K-kill me, and no one would b-believe your word."

Zirian took a deep breath, before releasing the elder. "What if she passes the trial? She would be forced into the high ranks of the army, bound by tradition established by First Queen Satin."

"Then a Commander she will be, King. Once she rules, she'd be a... Warrior Queen? I don't know."

Zirian sighed. "I will go tell her to meet me here tomorrow." He waited for the elders to leave before walking to Alice's room.

As he walked, the cloak he wore dragged across the ground, his boots making an audible noise as he walked. He cast shadows on the paintings of all those that ruled before him.

Arriving at Alice's door, he knocked. "Alice, I must speak with you." Zirian waited for an answer, but received none. "Alice?" As he opens the door, he saw Alice lying on the ground, breathing heavily in a puddle of sweat. "Alice!"

She opened her eyes and smiled. "Oh, hello, Father."

He helped her up. "What were you doing on the floor?"

Alice looked down at the floor before back up at him. "Father, I had a vision."

"A vision?"

She nodded. "I was told, by a voice. Something called Tartarus."

Zirian opened his mouth to say something before stopping himself. "Let's get you to the bath, alright?"

After a bath, Alice rubbed a towel in her hair as she sat in a shirt and shorts staring at Zirian. "Why did you need to see me?"

Zirian sighed. "You must take The Trial of the Gate, a tradition to prove blood relations among families. Some of the people do not believe we share the same blood."

"They are right, Father. We don't share the same blood."

Zirian nodded. "I know, I know. They won't have it any other way. If you fail the trial, you will, at most, be banished from the kingdom. All your Royal rights would be stripped from you."

Alice looked into Zirian's eyes. "If I pass?"

"You will be forced to become a commander. However, those that take the trial end up much older than they were."

"What do you mean?"

"All who take the trial end up coming out at least twelve years older, in mind and body. You see, Alice, time is different within the gate. It is Hell, after all." Zirian stood up and patted Alice's shoulder before walking to the door. "Promise me one thing. No matter what, do not venture further than the white flames, okay?" He walked out, leaving Alice with her thoughts.

'System, have I read anything about this trial?'

- No written text read for The Trial of the Gate. -

'Great. With my immortality, I shouldn't die though, right?'

- Unknown. -