Survivors Searching For Food

General zombies had 200kg of force. Ordinary people could not hope to overcome this and only when they awakened the talent to refine the energy introduced during the apocalypse did they have the strength to supress a general zombie, and with skill and combat sense, they would be able to hold out against a maximum of 6 zombies.

The amount of talent determined how many zombies needed to be killed to achieve a qualitative change in the amount of energy.

The divisions of strength were divided into A,B,C,D,E, and F rank, there were six degrees of qualitative change.

E-rank survivors had ten times more force than F-rank survivors.

Ordinary people are directly crushed in the zombies vice grips.

Once the Apocalypse happened, people reverted to the pure goal of survival just like in ancient times.

There was nothing left worth mentioning in the mall so Liu Bai went back to her body in the survivor camp.

Ma Gen, another survivor in the camp, could not stand the environment anymore, and the viciousness in his heart burst out.

He wanted to rape all the beautiful women in camp in the middle of the night.

He had set his eyes on a particular target, all though the target had a face full of dirt, it could not conceal her natural beauty.

Yu Meili, was her name, he waited into it was the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, and quietly opened eyes.

His eyes held the glint of evil intent.

When Ma Gen approached Yu Meili and was ready to rape her.

Yu Meili suddenly woke up and stabbed Ma Gen through the throat with a pocket knife.

Ma Gen wondered why a gentle-looking girl like her could do something like this.

When beautiful girls could survive for a month in the apocalypse, they naturally had to have some self-defense skills.

Ma Gen clutched at his throat as blood gushed out from and it and slowly fell down, a couple minutes later he was dead.

The next morning when it was dawn and when the survivor camp woke up and found Ma Gen's corpse they all silently sneered and thought that he deserved it.

Hu Qiang, the leader of the survivor group rounded everyone up, and discussed how to gather food with everyone.

The reason Hu Qiang, could become the leader of the survivor camp was because he had been an althete and was the strongest in the survivor camp.

"Okay, everyone let's gather food from the nearby supermarket." Hu Qiang said.

"Why do we have to search for food in the supermarket!"

"What to do we do if there are zombies in the supermarket!"

"You can't expect us to go into the supermarket to confront the zombies right!"

There were numerous complaints and some people even wanted to get physical.

Hu Qiang hurriedly tried to calm everyone down and told them that if they didn't gather any food in a few days they would all starve to death because the camp's food supply would not last.

The camp reserves and everyone's individual reserves would only last them for a week and they would then starve to death.

Although, the survivors understood this but they were still scared of the zombies.

Finally, some survivors gathered up their courage and volunteered to go with Hu Qiang.

The one who volunteered to go on this expedition were two men and one women who were named Shi Deming, Jiang Tao, and Yu Meili.

Yu Meili understood that only by relying on your own strength could you survive this cruel era.

They ventured into the supermarket next door.

The moment they opened the supermarket door a zombie sprang and gripped Hu Qiang's hand.

Hu Qiang's hand turned into mush.

It terrified Shi Deming, Jiang Tao, and Yu Meili because Hu Qiang was their spiritual pillar and the strongest one among them.

Luckily, Hu Qiang managed to evade the second strike of the zombie.

The Zombies had the same characteristics of a normal human except for their strength during this stage.

Liu Bai found that through the energy flowing through the zombies that the zombies could still evolve.

Hu Qiang managed the maintain his dignity and tried to maintain morale by shouting

"All the zombies have are strength, as long as we maintain vigilance and catch the zombie off guard, we can kill it."

Unfortunately, after witnessing the zombie taking Hu Qiang's arm ,Shi Deming and Jiang Tao cowered and ran away.

Only, Yu Meili stayed behind and waited for a chance to kill it.

Hu Qiang managed to consistenly evade the zombies strikes and allowed Yu Meili to spot a blind spot, she pulled out her pocket knife and approached the zombie from behind, step by step.

When, Yu Meili was about to plunge the knife into the Zombie's head from behind...