My Goodbye to you (1)

I was one of the first in line before people started to pile up thankfully. After giving my ticket and passing the gate I heard a very familiar voice calling out to me. I know this voice by heart.

"ANA!...ANA!" Jeremy was shouting.

I looked back to see him panting heavily. Guards approached him and held him back. He was unable to take another step towards me.

"Ana, please. Let me at least talk to you before you leave." Jeremy said out loudly for me to hear.

The other passengers were alarmed with the loud voice and all looked at his direction and then towards me. I felt embarrassed in the situation unfolding.

"Sir, please don't make a scene inside the airport." One of the guards holding him back requested.

"We would have to detain you if you make a ruckus sir." The other guard said.

"Please stand down, both of you." A man with the same age as Jeremy appeared. "He is with me."

"Big brother! What are you doing here?" Krista said with surprise.

The young man with Jeremy was no other than Kirsta's older brother Christopher.

"Sorry Krissy, I overheard your conversation in the phone." Christopher gave his little sister an apologetic smile. "I know how hard it has been for Jeremy since Ana have stopped seeing him. At least give them this chance to say good bye to each other."

Christopher and Jeremy are best friends. No wonder Jeremy knew of my departure, it's because Christopher heard Krista when mother informed her of my departure on the phone.

"He doesn't deserve to say goodbye with what he has done. Hmph!" Geraldine said while pointing a finger on Jeremy's face with anger.

"Come now, give the guy a chance." Christopher held Geraldine's hand that was pointing at Jeremy and smiled gently. Geraldine blushed instantly with the hand contact and retracted her hand immediately.

"W-Well that depends on Ana." Geraldine avoided Christopher's gaze shyly.

"Can you give him this last chance, Ana?" Christopher looked at me with his friendly and warm smile I am very familiar with.

I was taken aback with Christopher's request. I also knew him since we were in junior high school. He is also a good big brother figure to me and Geraldine. And so I nodded shyly.

'I guess it won't be bad to at least say goodbye.' I thought to myself.

The guards released Jeremy from their hold. Jeremy slowly walked towards me until he was just right in front of me by a few feet. Only the railings in between separate us.

"Ana, are you really going away?" Jeremy said with a pained expression, his voice sounded coarse. "This is my fault. You don't have to go just because of me. You will be separated with your parents. If you can't stand me, then I am willing to be the one to go. You don't need to be far from your loved ones."

Jeremy's words expresses his worries for me. It is evident that he still cares for me. But his words struck me like a knife in my heart. I know that his care for me is just for a little sister. I looked up at him and tried my best to smile.

"It's not only because of you that I am leaving Jeremy. I also need this for myself." I said. "I need to search for myself, to grow and become independent. I have always been dependent on mom, dad and you that I have become spoiled."

"No Ana. What you are now is one of your beauties. Who said you are spoiled?" Jeremy denied my description of myself.

"But it is true Jeremy. I have grown to become so dependent on you that I don't want any woman near you. I want your attention, your time, your affection to only be towards me and me alone."