The Person I wished I Wouldn’t Meet Again

After meeting Jeremy and Chris in campus, we headed towards the mall where Krista, Geraldine and I planned to meet. I drove my own car while Chris drove in his car with Jeremy.

Parking in a slot in the parking lot, I saw Chris also pulled over in a vacant slot. Shiki and I exited the car while Chris and Jeremy walked over towards u


"Where would you like to eat?" Chris asked me with a friendly smile.

"How about your favorite French restaurant in the fifth floor?" Jeremy asked me.

I was about to suggest the same restaurant that Jeremy said. French cuisine is my favorite, that is why I enjoyed the time when I was in Paris.

'I never thought that Jeremy would know this.' I thought.

Well Jeremy and I technically grew up together. I am just happy to know that he has been attentive to my likes and dislikes. But still that is so 'brotherly' of him.

'He really is like an older brother that dotes in me as a little sister.' This thought made my heart feel a slight sting.

"W-Well Jeremy's suggestion is the same as mine." I replied to Chris. "Why don't you guys go first? I will be meeting with Krista and Din. I will head to the restaurant with them after."

"Sure." Chris replied.

"You will be good now, okay?" I whispered to Shiki.

"I will be good, promise." Shiki made a promise gesture with his hand. I looked at him seriously but I wasn't able to see any signs that he was lying.

"Okay then, I'll be off." I waved my hand. "See you at the restaurant."

I have walked a few steps away when someone grabbed my hand out of nowhere. I was startled and was about to slap the person who was holding me.

"Whoa there… hold your horses." It was Jeremy who was holding my hand.

"J-Jeremy?" I was surprised. "I thought you have gone ahead to the restaurant with Chris and Shiki."

"Well I thought I want to accompany you in getting Krista and Gereladine." Jeremy smiled.

"O-Okay." I said shyly.

"Where are you meeting them?" Jeremy asked.

"By the gift shop." I replied.

"The gift shop the three of you often when we were in highschool?" Jeremy asked.

I nodded slightly. I never thought that Jeremy would be this attentive of me. He even remembered such small things. Jeremy pulled my hand and led the way.

"U-Um… my hand." I said with a shy face. He was still holding my hand while we are walking.

But rather than letting go of my hand, he squeezed it gently and did not let go.

"There are too many people here today. I don't want us to separate." Jeremy said with a warm smile.

His words made my heart feel warm. I want to say that 'I am not a little kid anymore' but the warmth from his hand holding mine felt good and I didn't want to let go.

We were walking inside the mall hand in hand when I heard someone called Jeremy's name.

"Jeremy." It was a voice of a woman.

When I was going to look around to see who it was, Jeremy pulled my hand and continued walking. I looked at him in confusion.

"Jeremy, someone just called you." I said while he was pulling me away.

"Don't mind her." Jeremy looked irritated. He had a frown on his face.

"Wait Jeremy." I heard the woman calling out to him once more.

'Her voice seems familiar.' I thought to myself.

But Jeremy quickened the pace rather than to stop and look at the person calling him.

"W-Wait Jeremy, you are going too fast." I was about to stumble down when Jeremy caught me before I feel on the floor.

"Sorry Ana. Are you alright?" Jeremy was holding me in his arms. This just made me embarrassed even more.

"I'm alright, thanks." I replied shyly.

"Jeremy." The woman calling Jeremy earlier had caught up. "I was calling you, weren't you able to hear me?"

When I looked up I saw the girl I wished I wouldn't have met in this lifetime once again.

"I heard you Angelika." Jeremy replied coldly. "I am with someone as you can see. And we are in a hurry. So I am sorry if I can't entertain you."

Angelika looked at me with a piercing gaze, ad if drilling a hole into me. I shivered with her look.

'Did she look this intimidating before?' I thought.

In the past I always see her acting like a goody two shoes, looking like an angel to everyone's eyes.

"Oh, it's you." Angelika came back to her usual angelic self and gave me a smile. "So you have returned to the city. I thought you won't come back until you graduate college."

This is what I don't like about her, acting like a good defenseless girl that would make anyone want to protect her.

"Yes, I needed to get back here. And I plan to graduate college here in the city." I said sarcastically.

"Jeremy, we haven't seen each other since the break from school started. Why not accompany me for lunch. I have missed you so much." Angelika said with a sweet voice.

I am getting irritated hearing Angelika's voice that was clearly trying to seduce Jeremy. I never knew why Jeremy liked her in the past life. She is clearly just acting cute and defenseless to get his attention.

"Like I told you, I am with Ana. We are busy Angelika." Jeremy said with irritation.

"Oh no, it's okay." I said. "I am just meeting with my girl friends. Why not go with Angelika for a while and let's just meet up later."

I stood up from Jeremy's embrace but felt pain on my left ankle.

"Ahh." I flinched in pain.

"What is it?" Jeremy was startled with my reaction. "Did you just twist your ankle a while ago? I'm sorry because of me…"

"I-It's alright." I interjected. "It is just a little sprain I guess." But I felt that my left foot was really sprained because of the pain I was feeling.

"Well she said she's alright." Angelika said with an innocent smile. "Let's not interfere with her and her girl friends plan. I am sure they have missed her and want to go hang out with her. Come with me Jeremy.

But Jeremy looked like he didn't hear any of what Angelika said.

"It doesn't look good." Jeremy said while squatting down and holding my left ankle. "It is swollen. It's my fault for pulling you so fast."

"Jeremy, I am really fine…." I was telling Jeremy I am alright when he quickly picked me up and princess carried me. "J-Jeremy!" I squealed. Feearing that get out of balance and fall, I hooked my arms onto Jeremy's neck into an embrace.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Jeremy said while carrying me.

"I-I don't think it's that bad." I said shyly.

While looking around, many people were looking at us. This made me so embarrassed that I buried my face on Jeremy's chest.

"Hehe." Jeremy chuckled.

"I-It's your fault you know." I slapped may hand on his broad back.

"Well I am glad this happened." I can hear happiness in Jeremy's words.

"You're glad that I got sprained?" I asked with a frown.

"Of course not." Jeremy smiled his sweet smile. "I am glad I got close to you like this once more. Please give me a second chance, okay?"

I don't know what to reply to him but remembering that one of my missions is for Jeremy to fall for me I nodded lightly. I can see a happy smile on his face.

"Jeremy, wait. Where are you going?" I can hear Angelika's voice.

"What about her?" I asked and pouted my lips.

"Don't mind her. She's not important." Jeremy replied.

edited by: nalyn