An Uninvited Guest (1)

I open my eyes when I felt the rays of the sun on my face. I slowly opened them, seeing that I was in my room at home. When I moved, I felt pain on my feet, then I remembered what happened yesterday.

"Oh yes, I had a sprained ankle." I told myself.

Thinking that I cannot move as I please with my sprained ankle, I sighed in disappointment. I would have wanted to catch up with Krista and Geraldine now that I am back, but because of this I am confined at home for at least a few days.

"I should call them." I thought. When I was about to get my phone on my bed side table, there was a knock on the door.


"Sweetheart, its me." I heard my mother's voice.

"Come in mom." I replied.

My mother opened the door and came inside and she was wearing clothes meant to wear out.

"Are you going somewhere mom?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I have some errands to do, that is why I came to tell you." Mother said while sitting on my bedside. "You have slept in, it is nearly noon. How are you feeling? Does your foot still hurt?" She asked with a worried face.

My heart felt warm hearing my mother's worried words. I have missed having my mother take care of me when I was in Paris. I know that I am an adult now, but having a mother by your side can make any person feel loved and safe. That is something I missed so much, and also took for granted in my previous life.

"It hurts a lot when I move." I make a hurt face and hugged her. I just want her to spoil me for a while.

"Oh my poor baby." My mother started to caress my head. "How about I cancel my plans for today and accompany you here at home. Your father has gone to the office and Shiki is also in school preparing for his requirements in this starting semester."

"Shiki is also not here?" I asked in confusion. "He did not tell me he needed to go to school today." I was trying to remember if he had told me something yesterday.

"Oh, it was a last minute thing." Mother said. "The school called, and he needed to go there. He did not want to wake you up from your sleep, and so he was not able to tell you this morning."

"Oh, I see." I understood. Shiki will be one of the professors this upcoming semester, and because his identity is one that is fabricated, I am curious how he was coming up with his requirements.

'Maybe with his powers?' I thought.

"Are you two getting close now?" My mother giggled. "I am happy that Shiki can take care of you while you are at school. Your father and I would not want you to feel left out from your peers, after what happened."

"I am okay mom." I assured her. "I have gotten stronger while I was away and become independent. I will not let anyone get the best of me." I smiled.

"I will tell the driver that I will cancel my errand for the day to accompany you." My mother said while she was about to stand. I held her hand to stop her.

"It is okay mom, you can go and do the things you need to do." I said with a smile. "I just wanted to be spoiled a while ago. I am big now so you do not need to worry about me. And I will just be here at home, I can call the maids if I need something."

"Are you sure sweetheart?" Mother asked.

"Yes, of course." I replied with a smile. "Just give me one more hug before you go." I said opening my arms.

"Oh my baby girl wants to cuddle." Mother giggled and hugged me. "I will tell Nana to bring your lunch here so you won't need to use your sprained ankle." My mom got up and headed to my door. "Oh, and by the way, Jeremy is coming here to visit you."

"Jeremy will?" I asked. I remember him telling me he would visit last night, and I said that he needs to ask permission from father first.

"Yes. He called your dad and asked solemnly." Mother replied. "Your father wanted to reject him flat, but I said to give the young man a second chance. I think that your relationship with him can at least be saved, even if it will just be as friends."

"Thanks mom." I felt touched with my mother's words. "Jeremy, he told me he loves me."

"Oh my. Then what did you say in reply?" My mother looked worried. She knew how I loved Jeremy, that my heart was broken when he canceled our engagement.

"I said that I needed time to think." I said truthfully. "I said that I just can't rush giving him an answer to his confession. In truth, I do not even know what I feel for him now. I have moved on this past year, and because of his confession, it feels like I am back in square one once again."

"Oh sweetheart." Mother walked back and pulled me into her embrace. "Just take things slowly. Think carefully and hard. Remember that he is not the only man in this world. Try meeting others first, and if Jeremy is still the one inside your heart, then I will support you all the way."

"Thanks mom." I said and squeezed her tightly in our embrace. "But I think father will oppose to that." I giggled.

"Don't worry about your father. I will handle him." Mother winked. "Well, I better go. Rest well sweetheart." She gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Be careful mom." I replied.

Not long, my mother left the villa to do her errand. Nana came with my lunch and I ate it inside my room. I was about to call the girls on my phone when I heard a knock on the door.

"Young miss, a guest arrived to visit you." Nana said.

"Oh yes, please let him in." I said.

When the door to my room opened, I was expecting Jeremy to come in. But the person who I least expected came thru the door.

"Hello, Anastasia." Angelika said with an angelic smile.

"Angelika?" I was filled with surprise. "Why are you here?"

edited by: nalyn