Injured Once Again (2)

I opened my eyes when I felt the brightness from my surroundings. I saw the I was inside a hospital suite, with flowers and balloons with get well wishes written on them.

'Oh yes, I remember I was sent to the hospital after falling from the stairs.' I thought.

I sat up my hospital bed carefully. Thankfully, I did not feel the pain on my head again like yesterday. The door opened and I saw Shiki coming in, holding a plastic bag.

"Well, good morning princess." Shiki smiled brightly after seeing me. "Well it is technically noon time."

"I slept that long?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Yep. Your parents was here early in the morning and just left a while ago. They were worried that you have not woken up yet." Shiki sat by my bedside. "The doctor said that your body needed time to recuperate from the shock of the fall, that is why you have been sleeping soundly. By the way, how are you feeling?" He ran his hand over my head carefully.

"Thankfully, I feel fine." I said, feeling the bandages coiled around my forehead.

"You gave us quite the scare princess." Shiki said. "I thought that I would see you once again in the underworld." He chuckled.

"Hey, that is not a good joke." I scolded but still giggled with him. "But thankfully, nothing bad happened."

"Well thankfully your ex was fast on his feet." Shiki said with a grunt. "At least he was useful this time."

"Hey, is that how you thank my savior?" I joked at him.

"Well he was also partly to blame because that girl's actions was probably because of him." Shiki shrugged his shoulder.

I remembered how Angelika was about to let herself fall from the stairs and push the blame on me. Such a 'white lotus' b*tch kind of way. I am just thankful I have averted that, but I paid a heavy price for it.

"What happened to that woman?" I asked, wondering what happened after I fell from the flight of stairs.

"I heard that your ex pressed charges against her." Shiki said. "But she was also set free after, seeing that there was not enough evidence and not much witness. Your ex and Nana only saw you when you were falling and not before."

I sighed knowing that even if Jeremy or father pressed charges, nothing will happened because I was the one that pulled Angelika from falling down the stairs, and in turn I was the one that fell.

"Here, I bought you some bread, banana, and milk from the convenient store. It is past lunch time and the plate that had your food was taken a while ago." Shiki pulled the table towards me and emptied the contents of the plastic bag on top of it.

"You just came back from the convenient store to buy this for me?" I asked, feeling warmth envelope my chest.

"Well I knew that you would get hungry when you woke up, so I bought you some food when I got mine as well." Shiki explained but I was sure that he really had gone to the convenient store for my sake.

"Thank you. I will eat it well." I smiled gratefully. "I am a little hungry."

I started to eat the bread slowly and down it with some milk. Once I am done, I had the banana last. With only that, my hunger was satiated and I smiled feeling full.


"Good afternoon." I hear Geraldine's voice right outside the door.

"Can we come in?" I heard Krista's voice next.

"Din, Krissy. Sure, you can come in." I said with a delighted voice.

I see my two best friends come inside. Krista was holding a fruit basket while Geraldine had balloons in hand.

"How are you Ana?" Krista asked. She put the basket of fruits down at the side and walked towards me with Geraldine.

"I hope you are feeling well. We were shocked when we got the news." Geraldine said. "We wanted to visit you as soon as possible, but your mom said you needed rest."

"That is why we only visited now." Krista said. Both of them had worry etched on their faces.

"It's okay. I am doing fine now." I replied.

"Oh, Shiki is here as well." Geraldine said, eyeing Shiki and me back and fort. She had a mischievous smile on her face. I have an idea what she was thinking in this situation.

"Hello." Shiki waved his hand and greeted nonchalantly.

"My parents let Shiki take care of me." I reasoned out.

"Oh, is that sooo..." Geraldine grinned. I am sure I was not able to dispel what ever she had on her mind.

"I heard from my brother what happened. Jeremy told him." Krista said. "He said that Jeremy was so furious of Angelika."

"Heh, suits her." Geraldine scoffed. "She is a b*tch that thinks she could get everything she wants if she shows her tears. Well I am happy that Jeremy is not taking any of that sh*t from her."

"Din, words please." Krista scolded.

"Well sorry. I just cannot seem to hold my words if it is about that lowly wench." Geraldine said with a sarcastic tone. Krista just shook her head in defeat.


There was another knock on the door. When it opened I saw a male doctor and a female nurse come inside. The nurse excused herself to take my vitals. My eyes were glued at the male doctor. He was a young man that looked like in his late twenties or early thirties. He was rather good looking, but what really caught me in shock was his appearance. He looked like the god of love and fertility, Eros. I looked at Shiki and saw that he was looking intently towards the doctor.

"Hello my little rabbit. How are you doing?" The doctor asked. "By the way I am doctor Eric, your attending physician."

'Little rabbit?' Now I am sure that this was Eros posing as a doctor.

Eros, or now Eric, took my medical chart and was busy reading and flipping it. He looked at it seriously as if he truly was a doctor.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing, 'doctor'?" Shiki asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Of course I know. I have been a doctor for quite some time now." Eros smiled at Shiki.

While the two men are having some invisible friction with one another, Geraldine leaned down close to me.

"Hey Ana, your doctor is hot." Geraldine has her eyes glued on Eros. That was when I remember that she has now currently single.

'Oh no, she can't fall for the god of love.' I thought. 'One of my missions is to play cupid for Din and Krista's brother Chris.'


There was another knock on my door. The door opened and two men came in. It was no other than Jeremy and Krista's brother Chris.

"Chris. I did not know you will be visiting Ana too." Krista said.

"I came with Jeremy." Chris replied with a gentle smile. "It is good to see you are well Ana." He greeted.

"Thank you for coming." I replied.

"Hello Ana, I missed you." Jeremy came in holding a bouquet of flowers and a huge teddy bear. He walked pass Shiki and the others to be by my side and gave me his gifts.

"T-Thanks." I took the teddy bear in my arms and embraced it with the sense of awkwardness.

"I will place this flowers in the vase." Jeremy said.

Jeremy passed by Shiki and the two looked at each other fiercely. Chris' eyes on the other hand landed on Geraldine, but Din had her eyes glued on Eros.

"Hello Dinny." Chris greeted. He had a calm smile on his face, but I feel like there is something hidden underneath that smile.

"Oh, h-hello Chris." Geraldine finally woke up from her daze and blushed from Chris' greeting. It was a different reaction from seeing the good looking Eros that is posing as a doctor.

The room now felt suffocating, even though this hospital suite was rather relatively large. That is because the atmosphere inside drastically changed. I can feel multiple invisible sparks flying all over the room.

Edited by: nalyn