
Rockey : so our target is now to make Kira to fall in love with vikram.

Sanjay : for that??

ugi: geetha only can help us right.

vikram : she will give us left and right.. if we ask her to act.

Rockey : who told to act

vikram :?!!?

Sanjay : according to her you are getting closer to her but according to us it's not.

vikram : I don't know where this going to end.

ugi : of course 100 percentage dead.. be ready.

vikram :😂😂

(12 -D)

(ugi is running fast to the class)

ugi :(breathing heavily) ki....ra

kira : Wht happened macha ??!!!

ugi : HM wants to meet you...hurry up

kira :ok

(kira moves to see HM)

(after half an hour)

(kira comes inside class but talk nothing, started to pack her bag)

Onisha : Wht happened kira?!! why are you packing your bags??

(but kira doesn't answer anything)

(onisha pull her to see her face)

onisha :kiraaaa.... why? why are u crying??

kira :😭😭😭

Thara : don't worry Wht happened??

ugi :say

kira : my dad is dead 😭😭

Onisha : Wht?!!!

kira : someone killed him 😭😭😭

Thara :kiraaaa...

kira :i have to move now leave me.

(tears like pearls flow out of her eyes nonstop, not able take the sadness she runs out of the school)

(suddenly a bell rings)

Onisha : kira... kira

(kira comes to sense)

kira : yeah coming

(opens the Doors)

Onisha : go inside kids... play with him.

Onisha kids:ok mommy

kira : good , Kim you have to take care of your Frds OK.

Kim : OK, mom.

kira : good

Onisha : what where you doing kira??

kira : just looking into my father pic and old stuffs

Onisha :our school days!!

Kira :☺☺yes

Onisha : hay that's our school album right

kira : yes and more photos of our wonderful days.

(both move to album and started to see the pics in the album)

past :

( everyone in Kira house)

dhaya Sir : now we have to decide...only you are going to be here.

Onisha dad : no way.... let me take her with me and take care.

Dhaya sir : then I will take care of her school things.. till she finishes everything.. till getting married everything I will take care.

Kira : no I won't come.. I will only be in this house and no one should care about me.. I will take care about my school fees and everything.

Onisha dad : no you are still a small girl.. you can't take care of everything in this age.

vikram : what are you saying Kira, do what my father says, OK.

Kira : No.

Dhaya sir : OK, wait let me and onisha's dad decide and say, OK.

Vikram :Hmm

( after 1 hour)

Onisha dad : what we have decided is...

Dhaya sir : Kira came from south Korea soo her some family members will be there.. so we have decided to send her to South Korea.

Vikram : No, No.

Onisha : no way dad.

( vikram moves out of the house)

Kira : I'm not able to decide anything now 😭😭

Dhaya sir : no Kira, we have decided you have to move.

Onisha dad : I will book the tickets and say you Kira.

Kira : 😟😟😟

(vikram house)

(vikram is staring at the moon in the balcony)

Mr Dhaya : sad that Kira is moving.

Vikram :ahaa no.

Mr Dhaya : I'm your dad, I know you love Kira and I know missing someone you love is really.. (breaths out)

Vikram : actually I don't know she love me or not but when I heard that she's moving... I'm not able to.

(Mr dhaya hugs vikram)

Mr Dhaya : this is the age is meet many person and leave many person.

(Mr Dhaya moves inside)

(kira house) (kira is packing up stuffs)

Onisha : I will help you macha.

kira : ahaa .

( onisha helps her)

Onisha : do you wanna really leave??

Kira : ahaa what question is this, they have decided then...

Onisha : what about us and vikram??

Kira : do you really think that I'm happy leaving you .

Onisha : in these little days you got attached to me more kira.. I'm not able to leave you

Kira : I'm always your macha till I die.. don't forget me.

Onisha : o my goodness OK, what about vikram.

Kira : do you think he loves me??

Onisha : do you love him?

Kira : I don't know.. but I'm not able to miss him.. my heart says we both love ,be here. but, my mind says no move.

Onisha : before going tomorrow you have to meet him.

Kira : can you say him to meet me in the park.

Onisha : yes I will.. and wht about your father murder case.

Kira : your father said he will take care of it and told I should not include myself.

onisha :hmm

kira : I have to meet vikram.