Hot, Hot Summer

I decided I'd stop counting the remaining days of Justine's summer vacation with me and instead decided to make all the remaining days count. I figured there would be a lot of days to be sad but not on this day. Not today at least.

We went back one more time to our secret garden. Immediately after reaching the hut, we automatically sought each other's lips and kissed. There was more urgency in our kisses now. It was as if we were making up for all the kisses we'd miss when he finally leaves for New York. Our kisses had become bolder and deeper too. But today in our hut, after catching our breath, we broke away our kiss and just looked at each other intently.

I've lost all my shyness now. I looked back at Justine with the same hunger and intensity. That was another thing I decided. I'd show Justine how I feel. I wouldn't make him second guess me.

Justine looked at me as if memorizing every feature on my face. He kissed my forehead, my eyes and my nose. He planted little kisses all over my cheeks and chin. Then he started to kiss my jaw. I took a deep breath. His kiss went to my right ear. He nibbled on my earlobe. His tongue explored my inner ear so gently. Something delicious was spreading on me, setting me on fire. My heart threatened to explode. I copied Justine's lead and kissed his ear too, exploring it with my tongue. He gripped my shoulders tightly. He let out a loud moan. He gently pushed me at arms' length and smiled at me mischievously.

"Whoa, where did you learn to do that!" he asked.

"Where do you think?" I answered teasingly licking my lips.

Before he could even answer back, I reached for his lips and planted little playful kisses. I peppered his lips with small bites. He kissed me back fiercely. The force made me lay down on the bamboo floor. He continued to kiss me. I kissed back with the same force arching my back to meet him. He supported my back with his left hand while the other arm was firmly planted on the floor. He broke his kiss. I had barely caught my breath when he started to kiss my neck so gently. It tickled but it felt so good. I sat up so he could continue kissing my neck more freely. I can hear his rough breathing. He continued to kiss my neck. His right hand caressed my back with feather light touches.

To sit more comfortably, I opened my legs and wrapped them gently around him. This innocent move seemed to have aroused him even more. He moved closer to me. Our bodies touched. I can feel how deliriously hot he was. He was perspiring and emitted a heady scent. Even his smell fluttered my heart so much. I didn't even know I was making some weird sounds. I was moaning! I pressed my body even closer to him. My hands were caressing his back, his shoulders, his neck and his ears. I absentmindedly began unbuttoning his shirt. Stunned, he clasped both my hands tightly. He took a few deep breaths.

When his breathing was back to normal, he guided me to sit in front of him. He combed my hair with his fingers. He straightened my shirt. He hugged me from behind. I leaned on him gently. He leaned on me lightly too to keep his balance. I lovingly caressed his arm.

"Baby…" I like it even more when spoken than written.


"Let's not be alone with each other anymore, please?"

"Why?" I asked sullenly.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to keep our promise to your Dad,"

"Then, let's break our promise together," I teased.

Justine laughed silently and teasingly pulled my hair. I pretended it hurt so he laughed some more. I snuggled on his neck drinking his scent. He kissed my forehead. He laid down on the floor with his eyes closed. I followed suit, lying on one side facing him.

"Baby…" I hoped it was as sweet as he said it.

"Baby…" He said, mimicking me.

"When did you start liking me?" I asked.

Justine opened his eyes and looked at me. He took my hand and held it over his heart.

"Do you remember when you first video called Grandpa while he was with us in New York?"

"You mean to tell me you already liked me that early?" I asked, not quite believing what I was hearing.

"It was love-at-first-sight, I think. After that first call, I hung around with Grandpa hoping you'd call again. I can't bring myself to ask him because I was afraid of the teasing that would follow. I silently prayed for your next call. You called Grandpa every week for the entire month that he was with us. I liked that your call made my Grandpa happy. It made me very happy too. I'd often dream of you. I thought of you all the time. My heart was heavy with the loss of my parents. But there was a little corner in my heart where the memories of your laughter and smiles were enough to make me less sad…" Justine confessed lengthily.

I got teary-eyed with his confession. I deeply empathize with the grieving Justine but at the same time I was happy to have at least given him some measure of comfort by my calls. I just wished I could have called more!

I drew myself closer to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. We stayed that way for a long time.

"Did I disappoint you when you finally met me in person?" I asked.

"No. You were just as I imagined you to be. You were smart, funny and kind. And so pretty!" He answered.

"But you were not smiling at me. I thought you hated me" I accused him.

"Only because Alex claimed you to himself. I was not prepared for that. And then you giggled and it wasn't to me. I felt jealous for the first time in my life. I deeply regret making you feel hated though. Can you forgive me?"

His face was so pitiful, I laughed! "I've already forgiven you, silly!"

Justine hugged me again. He caressed the outline of my face with his finger. He planted a noisy kiss on my lips.

"What about you, when did you like me first?" It was his turn to ask me.

"Hmnn, I don't know. Maybe it was the first morning after you arrived. I saw you on that balcony and you looked so alone and lonely. I wanted to run to you and hug you. My heart felt pangs of pain." It was my turn to confess.

"Also because you are so damn good looking. And you never comb your hair so I always have this urge to comb them. Don't even get me started on your lips!" I added accusingly.

Justine drew me closer to him, laughing. He again kissed me. I surrendered to the boldness of his kisses. He kissed me hungrily murmuring, "I love you, I love you, I love you…"