Coolest Summer Ever

It seemed that all was well between Karlo and Mel. They were laughing while grilling our dinner. I didn't understand why these two had not confessed to each other yet. They were obviously in-loved. I was happy that my two closest friends in the world were so into each other. I just hoped they'd find the courage to admit their feelings.

I smiled when I saw Justine and Gary joined Victor and Alexis for a game of UNO. There was no trace of animosity between the two. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company. They sipped beer while playing. Once in a while they erupted in boos and oohs.

Grandpa Anton allowed us teen-agers to have a bottle or two of beer once in while. He said that it was better for us to learn how to drink alcohol under his supervision than for us to learn it somewhere else. My father shared this view.

I thought the boys felt a bit like adults when they drank beer. They drank bravely although I knew they didn't really like it. At least not yet. Us girls didn't need to pretend. We didn't like beer. Well, at least not yet too. I laughed quietly to myself.

Marion, Via and I set up the table beautifully. We managed to score some dainty cloth which we covered the tables with. We put branches of bougainvilleas on empty wine bottles and used them as center pieces. We even managed to find citronella scented candles and placed them all over our dining area. The candles put a soft glow to the area while warding off hungry mosquitoes too. Our dinner table looked so cozy.

Mel checked if the table was ready to receive the platters of food they just grilled. Us girls had a chance to huddle all to ourselves and quizzed Mel.

"So how did it go? Did Karlo confess already?" Asked Marion.

Mel shook her head. We all chorused, "What the hell?" The boys looked in our direction so we spoke in whispers.

"Karlo is the biggest torpe* in the world," Mel said flabbergasted. "But that's what makes him so lovable." Mel added looking lovingly at Karlo.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Karlo shouted to Mel.

Mel blew him a kiss that made the boys erupt in laughter. Karlo just waved dismissively to Mel.

"Why don't you confess instead?" Marion suggested. I seconded the motion.

"Whoa! What's the rush? We've been sweethearts since we were eight. We just didn't know it then yet." Melody laughed, amused by some sweet memories. "I can be patient with him a little more. I'll let him find the courage to confess."

"What if he doesn't?" asked Via.

"Oh, he will," Mel answered confidently.

"Girls, I'm starving. Let's eat please." Alexis whined.

We broke our huddle and prepared to have dinner.

The food was served by Karlo and Mel. Everybody sat down to eat. I was of course seated beside my boyfriend Justine who looked so relaxed and handsome. I looked up at the sky and said a little prayer of thank you to the universe. 'What are the odds that a farm girl like me gets to have a New Yorker for her first love???'

"Are you thanking the universe for having me?" asked Justine. It was uncanny how accurately he read my mind sometimes.

Bewilderment must be written on my face because he added: "Don't be so surprised, Baby. I do that every night. Thank the universe too, I mean." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, stop the PDA** you two," Karlo teased.

"You're just jealous Karlo, cos' nobody's kissing you" I yelled.

Mel kissed him on the cheek and said, "There, stop being jealous."

The gang erupted in laughter and teasing. Karlo was so surprised he sat without moving. When he recovered his senses, he said to Mel, "You are going to pay for this Melody!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Threaten all you want, bring it on!" Melody said bravely.

The gang again erupted with more teasing and laughter. The guys are patting Karlo's back with force. He was blushing so much. It seemed my best friend Mel can't wait for Karlo to confess. She was taking matters into her own hand. 'Bravo, Melody!' Gary raised his hand. The banter stopped. Relief flooded Karlo's face.

Gary said to Karlo, "Permission to speak, leader?" Karlo nodded.

"I'd like to offer a toast," Gary said. All of us filled up our glasses with water or juice.

"First, let me thank you for adopting me into Karlo's Coven. I'd like to apply as a full pledged member but Karlo said I have to pass some initiation first. I hope it does not involve hazing." Everyone laughed.

"Please raise your glasses. Here's to a summer of first love (he looked at Justine and I), first kiss (he looked at Karlo and Mel), first heartbreak (he pounded his heart and acted hurt, everyone laughed, except Justine. Hmnnn), first beer, and friendship that is unbreakable. Here's to the coolest summer ever!"

Everyone raised his/her glass, clinked them and shouted, "Cheers!"

The gang cleaned up after our fun dinner. It was actually because Auntie Anita ordered us to put everything in order. And in the White House, you do not disobey her. I actually appreciated this tough love by her. She always said that it was her responsibility to make sure we didn't grow up with a false sense of entitlement.

Via took out some picnic mats from the mansion. We spread them on the grassy ground. Karlo and Mel immediately dove on them. Mel laid on Karlo's stomach. Karlo acted like brushing her off but Mel clung to him. They looked adorable for a couple who were not a 'couple' yet. I laughed softly. Justine looked at me. I pointed to the almost couple. Justine mouthed 'just let them be.'

Soon everyone was lying on the picnic mats. Gary flanked by Via and Marion, regaled the girls with his knowledge of constellations. The girls would point out a group of stars and Gary would tell them what it was. Justine held my hand up. Every time Gary mentioned a constellation, Justine would outline it with our intertwined hands. After sometime he noticed I was looking at him instead of the stars above.

"Tired of looking at the stars?" he asked.

"No. I'm looking at the brightest star!" I said, blinking my eyes cutely.

"Awwww. Don't love me too much, baby. Just love me enough." He teased. We both laughed out loud remembering our petty fight earlier.


*Torpe - the word is used to describe young men who can't bring themselves to confess to the girls they like

**PDA - Public Display of Affection