Chapter 10: Erotic Novels

Zhihuan scowls as the memory resurfaces. His pride had been shattered that day. As he sees the departing backs of his maids, his scowl suddenly turns into a smile. Maybe having Changying in his kingdom would not be so bad, especially with him around.

He still had some time to laze around as the food was being prepared. Zhihuan knew he would ultimately have to meet princess Changying one day soon. He was not stupid. She would be staying for a while in his kingdom. However, his plan was to ultimately make her lose face by not coming to greet her on her arrival. But now, his plans were all ruined. Sighing, he grabs a book from his shelf without looking and plops onto his bed.

Bringing his attention to his book, he almost flings the book away from him, his cheeks blazing red.

"Wha-t...What was this book doing here?" Zhihuan's eyes widen as he sees various erotic pics exquisitely drawn on the page.

Once again a bitter memory resurfaces.


8 years ago-

Little Zhihuan smirks. Somehow his teacher had not got a whim of what had happened at the Garden of Eternal Beauty or what happened to the rare 'The Art of a Thousand Li.' He stands in front of him, reciting the answers that Princess Changying had told him in return for a kiss. He puffs his chest out proudly, waiting in anticipation for the erotic novel he was told he would receive. Sure, this may be considered cheating, but Zhihuan wanted nothing more than to be granted entry into adulthood at the ripe age of 11.

His teacher Zhou Li beams, his long mustache swaying from side to side as he speaks.

"My dear highness, I knew you could do it. I am so proud of you." His eyes sparkle and Zhihuan could not help but feel a little bit guilty. He had never seen his teacher so happy. But erotic novels! He cannot be swayed and admit the truth. Getting a new surge of confidence, he closes his mouth and waits in anticipation. His teacher looks at him and comes to a realisation.

"Ah, yes, the erotic novel I promised you. I will reward it to you now but remember to keep it a secret or the emperor will surely have my head," he says, winking. Zhou Li disappears and soon returns with a book in his hand. Zhihuan eagerly grabs it and opens the book.

Rows of beautifully illustrated erotic images lay upon the page. Zhihuans face suddenly heats up before suddenly feeling like he was doused in cold water. Wait a second. Upon taking a closer look he realised the pictures were not male and female but male and male!

"Whaa, what is this?" Zhihuan mutters out, wide-eyed to his teacher.

"It is the erotic novel I promised you." Zhou li says, his eyes twinkling.

"But this is... man and man? How is this possible. It should be female and female. I mean man and female!" Zhihuan was so flustered even his words were getting mixed up.

"What do you mean how is it possible. The pictures showcase just how possible it is." Zhou li says with a smirk.

Zhihuan's mouth almost drops to the floor as he frantically turns the pages, taking in images that showcase various erotic positions and what not. There was not a single female and male drawing! He drops the book as he steps back, the images forever burned in his mind.

"Ha ha Ha. You should see the look on your face. You dare lie to me? I do not care if you are the Crown Prince, I am your teacher and you are my pupil and thus you shall be punished. To think a little girl from a neighbouring nation had to tell you the answers. Are you not ashamed? And to think you still shamefully came to me, acting as if you knew the answers all by yourself. Oh and do not even get me started on what you did to that extremely rare book." His teacher guffaws out, a cold glint in his eyes.

Uh oh. He was dead.


Present time-

Zhihuan winces. It was these very cold but honest words that changed him for the better. He was no longer that idiotic boy from before. He quickly stuffs the book back into his shelf and gets up, walking around his room to calm himself down.

Lan min then comes into the Crown Prince's grand room, ready to get Zhihuan to come and meet Princess Changying when he suddenly notices something strange.

He rushes up in shock and fear. "My dear Crown Prince, why are you so red in the face? Are you sick? Do I need to fetch the imperial doctor? What is the matter?!" Lan Min cries out as he grabs at Zhihuan's robes, observing his red yet emotionless face. What a strange combination.

Lan Min's words suddenly freeze in his mouth as he sees the icy cold glare that was suddenly directed at him through Zhihuan's fiery gold eyes. He quickly steps back, his mouth gaping like a fish before shutting it. He was more than fine. How peculiar. He quickly takes a sneaky glance again and sees the Crown Princes cheeks still red. What could have made the Crown Prince blush like that so out of the blue? He had only gone fore a mere 15 minutes.

Was he that excited to meet Princess Changying? Maybe the empress was wrong and his dislike for Princess Changying had instead turned into love?! No wonder! When Lan Min had heard a strange sound coming from Zhihuan's room the day before, he had replied that he was practicing a dance for her. Lan Mins mouth opens in shock. Everything was falling into place. Maybe...He left the palace not because he was trying to escape from her, but because he personally wanted to buy her something from the marketplace. It all made sense!

Lan Min smiles gleefully to himself. He had discovered the Crown Prince's romantic side and he most definitely will not let it go to waste.

Zhihuan observes Lan Min's strange behavior with a scowl. Just what exactly was going through that thick head of his? It was finally time to meet her. At that time, he had broken a promise. He only hoped that it would not come back to bite his backside 8 years after.


Kai Fanghua, on the other hand, was living a nightmare. He had already arrived late the day before and after Yu Yan the witch had marked her territory and power, everyone had gone to sleep. But had Fanghua slept a single wink? Of course not. In the maid's chambers, everyone slept on thin mattresses placed on the ground.

But it was not that which greatly worried Fanghua. It was the fact that each mattress was tightly packed together. It was no shock if you woke up with 2 other people sprawled across you. For another man, this might have been a dream come true, to sleep with so many young and fair ladies. But to Fanghua, who was currently hiding his identity and posing as a beautiful lady, in the emperor's palace itself, it was a crime punishable by death!

Gahhhh. Fanghua cries internally as he rubs the sleep out of his face. He scowls as he huddles in the corner and observes where Yu Yan's empty bed currently was. As the head maid, she had a proper bed all to herself and away from everyone else. How Fanghua wished he could have that bed to himself.

And how early it was! Why must they wake up so early urgh. Could this day get any worse?

"You." A cold voice demands. Kai Fanghua's head snaps up as he sees Yu Yan's ugly sneer come into view. He just had to ask, didn't he? Should he just drug her?

"Whats your name?" Yu Yan asks spitefully as she stares at Kai Fanghua. How could a woman look so beautiful?

"Fanghua." Kai Fanghua says without thinking. After a few seconds, the realisation sinks in and he almost slaps his mouth. How could he reveal a part of his real name just like that?

"Wow such a beautiful name! Does it not mean Fragrant Flower? It is truly befitting your face." One of the maids call out, her eyes shining. Ahh, thank God. When he was a small boy, he had mistaken him for a girl and had given him such a last name.

"Silence." Yu Yan commands, her eyes flashing.

"Soon, you and a few other maids will be serving the Crown Prince and his esteemed guest Princess Changying and the empress directly. This meal is extremely important and if you make a single mistake, you will suffer the consequences tenfold," Yu Yan says smirking, causing some of the maid's mouths to drop open in shock, including Fanghua's.

"What do you mean soon!? You have not even taught me anything!? You just want me to waltz right in there expecting me to know everything and somehow magically serve them properly?" Fanghua seethes, holding back his anger.

"Is that my problem? As head maid, I have chosen you so you must comply. What happens next is all on your hands." She says with a wicked smile before leaving. Hah. If that pathetic girl screws up on her first day, she will most definitely get kicked out, or even better, punished brutally.

Fanghua glares at Yu Yan's back in anger. If that's how she wanted to play, then so be it.