The Direction this novel shall go

ok so this novel shall go by Books each book shall be about 1 area the world so Book 1 shall be how he shall conquer all of Britannia now i know i said i would include wales and scotland But i have decided Book 1 shall be about him takeing the english Lands then the next books will be about wales then scotland then ireland and so on and so on if i decide to do more Books

As i have said this is my First time ever writing so i wont be over extending my self as i have come to Realize i was doing by setting a goal i am not confidant i can attain cause i am so new to this Whole writing game so i wish to take my time and do Book 1 with atleast 40 to 55 chapters and then i will decide from there as to wether i should continue or leave as is this is me updateing everyone by doing this here