The Kingdoms Foundations

so with all sorted and Grey now a duke and Ryjin now King of Draconis and the 5 lords now Vassal's

Under Ryjin and they know they may attain Real Noble Title's He had his army March home to his home lands with he has now Proclaimed as Dragon Citadel the Place that shall 1 day be the Capital of this land he him self and Rose and 1k Mongolian cav and 1k hunic archer cav made there way to Lord Thomas lands to discuss what has happened he also has Talked to grey about sending him all the wealth out of Krells treasury Grey was insistent tha Ryjin take all the wealth from brens land to so Ryjin reluctantly agreed and was having all of Bren and Krell's Total wealth taken to DC (Dragon Citadel).

as Ryjin and rose near'd her fathers lands rose became agitated at the though of the shouting and scolding she will get from her mother farther and grandfather Lord Thomas had been informed that Ryjin was approaching and Rose was riding beside him He went to His wife and farther and his Son's Followed so did his Youngest daughter as they knew a scolding was coming.

Ryjin and rose arrived at Thomas's Keep and dismounted and where escorted in by the guards respectfully and as they entered the hall all Ryjin saw was a Fuming Mother starring daggers at her daughter a farther who had a Proud yet angry look and a Grandfather that surprisingly had a gentle Smile Ryjin smiled at Thomas and his farther Tom as they Nodded to him and then it was Herd the Demoness had been let loose Rose's mother shouted or more like WAILED like a damn banshee.

:Rose Mother: what where you thinking Running off like that you even went in armour and arm'd your self like a man is this how i raised you Dressing like a man and acting like 1 Really You will remove such Stuff and will be the proper Lady i raised Now get here cause i am going to smack them Thoughts out of you (she was stomping towards Rose with all fury of hell behind her).

Ryjin was surprised and shocked was this his mother in law his mother to be she was scary as shit tho he had to help his wife he stepped in front of the demoness much to his Terror.

:Ryjin: excuse me my lady but i cant let you punish my wife as much as you may wish or ask or demand as i gave her my word and i wont ever break it even if its for her mother I am sorry but please let it go for me if you can we have alot to talk about will you please give me this 1 reprieve.

:Lord Thomas: Hunny leave her be and also Ryjin i believe i have not introduced her yet but this is my Wife her name is ( Cough Cough )

:Lady: I can Introduce my self my love She curtly bows and introduce's her self Greetings Lord Ryjin i am Jill before marriage i was formerly known as Jill Le Nirvana of the Nirvana Lord of the Island east of use on whats Known as the Isle of man i am now known as Jill Le Lion-heart wife of Thomas Le Lion-heart.

Ryjin Bowed and Gave her honour and respect deserving of a Great lady she was taken back as he had greeted her as an equal and started Bombarding him with the ways of noble's How ever Ryjin just smiled and said ( sorry Lady Jill but in my Kingdom women are equal to men that's why i asked you to not punish rose cause she is the Queen of Draconis and she is my wife)

:All in the hall: The Bomb had been dropped and many where Shocked senseless it was actually Old Lord Tom who was first to understand and come to terms in that Instant he Kneel'd and said

( This Old Lord tom Greets His majesty and apologia's for my family's Rude and Dishonourable Treatment of your Highness) This statement Shocked all other back to reality and they kneel'd and where about to start speaking when Ryjin stopped them.

:Ryjin: Please grandfather Stop this rose is my wife and you are my grand farther You never need bow Your wisdom and Experience make you my elder So you never need bow and as for Thomas and Lady Jill and his children i am here for a certain talk if we can talk somewhere private.

:Thomas: Of coarse sorry about that This way lets sit in the Great hall and we can talk while eating and drinking they Headed to the Great hall and sat about an hour passed before Ryjin started talking.

:Ryjin: well as you heard earlier I have helped Lord Grey and we helped Defend his lands and in the process we defeated the other lords Lord Krell joined Lords Roa and Bren in the next world but as for the other 5 lords I made them my vassal's and Offer'd Lord Grey to be 1 of the only 2 dukes in my kingdom he accepted after some serious thought as of now he is known as Duke Grey and that leads me to why i am here I would like the second Duke's house hold to be the Lion-heart house hold ( he rise's and Extends his hand out ) would you Lord Thomas Le Lion-Heart join me and Lord Grey and founding the Great kingdom of Draconis and will you take the mantel of the Second Duke of this kingdom.

also Rose is now my wife i have accepted her Whole heartedly and she me too I thank you for Allowing me to have a great women by my side ( he Bows to both Thomas and Jill )

Thomas is thinking serious and his farther is watching with a raised eyebrow as he looks at his Granddaughter now a Queen and smiles as he walks to her and Hugs her and says You have settled your heart on him haven't you my dear.

She Tears up as her grand farther hugs her she nods and cry's as she says Yes Yes i have grand Farther Thank you for giving your blessing Thank you I love you grandfather.

:Ryjin: so will you join us on this Path Farther in law ( Ryjin extends both arms outwards asif going to hug him ).

Thomas Looks at ryjin and then his daughter and his farther He sigh's and walks forward How can i say no when my daughter has Chosen you and my farther has even given his blessing You treat her right or i will hunt you You know this right Lad i mean it I will Hunt you (he stares at him as if he is a Reaper in human form) Everyone starts laughing.

:Ryjin: then i Ryjin De Dragon King of Draconis Hear by Proclaim that You lord Thomas and your house shall be hence forth Know as duke's of Draconis may your house help in the founding and building of the Kingdoms Mighty Foundation and you never need bow to me Farther in law neither you or your wife or children or you Sir Tom we are family and grey is the same.

(Ryjin smiles With all his heart to bear)