Are You Serious

Ryjin was walking around in his Palace witch was his Old Keep all Reworked its a big palace with all that's needed even had its own outdoor Hot spring witch he and rose Loves he is now outside the Medical ward in the palace's Hospital area the Royals have there own hospital and Doctor's separate from the civil to stop any assassination attempts he can hear rose scream and Curse at him and finds it funny Till he hears ( I AM GOING TO CRUSH YOUR BALLS FOR THIS RYJIN ) he instinctual'y Protected his Little brother and Prey'd she would not actually do it a few more hours went by as a Maid came out Ryjin was staring at her Like a damn death god starring at a soul the maid was now panicking thinking she did something wrong she was stuttering but managed to pull herself together.

:Maid: Its Twins your majesty a boy and a girl congratulations

:Ryjin: ____________________ Error code 1404 and he faints Then and there.

as all the maids and doctors where rushing round helping the babies Rose commanded them to leave Ryjin there on the floor.

Rose was laying in bed with her twin's a boy and girl she was Really Tired and fell asleep as maids and doctors where in the room at all times to make sure she and the babies are safe rose was ECSTATICALLY HAPPY Pissed it hurt so much But happy cause she now has 2 baby's and she loves Ryjin she goes to sleep with the baby's beside her as maids clean up the area.

Ryjin comes too soon enough and Panic's and ask's the doctors how the babies are and How rose is He is Relived at them being safe and healthy He goes on to see his Children and he see's a Beautiful Girl who has definitely inherited her mothers beauty and his son who without a damn Doubt has inherited his Blood he looks like a Mini Wrestler for Fuck sake But he is hansom and cute none the less he leaves them to sleep as he heads out to now deal with the southern Trouble He heads to the Palace meeting hall where Wallace Eva Robert Glen and Loric are waiting for him with a map of his lands and the lands of allies and vassal's and also the southern lands Ryjin has no intention to take lands and hold them for him self he intends to take land by force from enemy's and Give it to his People as a reward for Great Honours and such making new noble's and also any who swear allegiance will keep there lands and be granted a title befitting them.

Now the map shows that there is a Small kingdom in the south there are 2 lords south or Ryjin but these lords are being Threatened by a small Kingdom further south So Ryjin has an Idea to meet these 2 lords talk and offer them the chance to join his kingdom in so doing they would be protected from the southern Kingdom and also get revenge due to Ryjin has a campaign to launch on that kingdom for causing trouble for his Own kingdom.

so he has Tasked Wallace and Robert to Leader the Offensive army towards the south lands This is a 37k strong army Wallace and Robert have really hit it of as friends Drinking and merry making with the troops and have become what you could call best Friends Wallace has Changed Dramatically he no longer show Hatred to the people I believe he has come to terms with his is not in the England he knew witch is amazing considering His hate was Legit i never though he would be rid of it but I will be Damn'd he proved me wrong.

Now Glen and Loric have Been tasked to take the Raiding army and go threw the south Lands and raid and Pillage southern Kingdom that's been fucking with us so 21k cav will be Charging there way there this will also be a good incentive to the 2 lords I will be meeting witch i must now set off to meet them of coarse my army shall be marching Behind me HAHAHAH.

Eva has become Best Friends With Rose they Literally now Refer to each other as Sister's I wont complain its good Eva has a friends she can confide in and is female being surrounded by males all the time must of been frustrating for her Eva also acts as a Personal guard for Rose and rose has been Establishing her own Female Warriors Legion and I must say its coming along Nicely they are all Training Hard and diligently they spar and train along side the men and both men and women learn new things each day because of this.

Now that also is the Reason for the current problems Many lords and Kings around began Insulting me for allowing women to be treated as equals they also did not like the fact that I allowed women to Fight along side men this to them was a insult bigger than any and they took offence to it my Replie was Go Fuck You'r Self's I rule and i make my laws if you have a problem then Come Fight my kingdom but I swear you will be Left for the Crows to feed on.

This response from me is the starting point of many Lords and Kingdoms trying to cause problems and also trying to raid us every raid attempt was compleatly Exterminated every problem was Uprooted with every spy Beheaded.

the lords of said raids and spy's where sent a warning witch was in the form of the Heads of there Trouble maker's with a warning stating Once more and its war this deters alot of them but the southern ones did not believe it and banded together and joined along side the kingdom in the south to attack us this is a battle on a large scale and the winner will very much control from the Middle to the lowest are of England the the entire southern lands its a battle North Vs South The south outnumber us But we have quality over quantity.