The Draconis Empire And There Gods

Ryjin was sat atop his throne as he was handing out rewards Many talented men and women had cropped up during this war and time of conflict all the Lords where present all the captured lords where also present in the Citadels Main square and there where many Chopping Blocks every citizen knew this was an execution ground.

Ryjin had granted the entire North to Thomas to rule over as duke of the North Grey had the entire south Including the welsh lands Ireland was the clinch ryjin would need a new duke the duke of the west so Ryjin had talked with Wallace grey Robert glen and Thomas and rose after talking for 20 mins or so Ryjin called forth Marquis ash of the Fire-folk family Ash approached the throne and Kneel'd with his Poleaxe placed on the ground to his right.

-I Ryjin De Dragon Emperor of the Draconis Empire hereby declare Ash Fire-folk as Duke of the West and Lord of Ireland -

ash literally Fell over at this development he hurriedly argued that he was not fit and that it should be someone more worth Yet ryjin shut him down by telling him all his generals and the dukes have all agreed you have shown Great promise and also fought along side many of them and you care for your people in the lands you lord over With this all the lords Responded with cheers and ash bow'd and started crying while saying thanks he stood and bowed to the generals and dukes as they smiled and Bowed back.

With this Ryjin then stated that all the new lands must undergo development everyone knew what that meant ryjin ordered all out to the main square as all the enemy lords and kings where now On the chopping block's Ryjin Raised his hand while Talking to the system -System can i buy a monument I want a monument of are god to stand over this square i want it at-least 1500 meters or so high also Please build a Temple in the Lands beside the Palace near the mountains- The system responded it would cost around 2 mill wealth and if he wanted to finish it instantly he would have to pay a further 5 mill he agreed Cause wealth was literally No problem now Ryjin agreed but asked the system to wait and to add on a Extra piece to the statue a Golden Ball inlaid with diamonds and all gems of the word just above the Statues head as if Above the god the system agreed but was confused at this request.

Ryjin walked and all citizens where watching and Listening he raids his hand for all to be Quiet and spoke threw a Giant Cone -essentially a medieval Bull horn haha- My people we have Come far and have Grown strong Now all the lands here are under Draconis Rule he raised his fist and Shouted As of now these lands shall be Known as Dragon Isle's and we are no kingdom for we are now the DRACONIS EMPIRE.

With that deceleration all cheered and where raising there drinks and food and jumping up and down He then said These lords are the enemy's of the old and shall be Eliminated With a drop of his hand The soldiers holding the axe's swung them and all you herd was a Great Thud in unison he then shouted I offer these deaths to are Great God's Draco of war Honour and family and Sys The Creator god with that his hand waved as a HUGE statue came in to being from a multicoloured light The statue was of a man donning War armour with his hand over his heart in a honour'd sign and a Great smile on his face on his back where Dragon wings but about 300 meters above him was a Golden ball inlaid with every type of gem the world has and a small crown on it Added by Sys herself.

Everyone in the citadel was compleatly Fanatic all Kneel'd and bowed and said all together -We pray fro Great gods Sys and Draco for the safety and Harmony of are great empire as they said that they heard something.

the statue seems to move as its head looks down and all can see it move and start talking.

-I have heard the words of my people and have seen the deeds of my believers and Empire and I am impressed and thankful for the temple and statue I Draco Grant my blessing on to he points at Ava Ragnar Wallace Robert glen Thomas and grey and ash These 8 shall be my blessed champions all have my blessing as family is the heart of all never forget or forsake that Take care my mortal Friends-

All people where now fanatical and where looking at all 8 of the blessed ones who now had what looked like a Dragon tattoo on them on there Right arm's.

With this Ryjin was now happy however he was bombarded by the system for why he included it in this ryjin said its true the system was a creator god in ryjins mind the system came to terms with the fact it could not Argue it did have godly powers for some reason This declaration Had sent a huge Wave threw the entire Europa even reaching as far as Egypt and a little further many Kingdoms and Empires now Knew a new empire had arisen and they where strong and powerful with unknown gods Beside them Ryjin was now thinking about going on a Trip to the Greek Lands he was interested in troy and the likes of that or maybe Carthage ohh ohh or maybe i should go further east china or Mongolia Humm Think i shall on this said ryjin as he sat on his throne.