Both side's Glare

as the First major assault of the Greeks was held at bay all tho the Greeks attacked and alot where killed In actual Numbers it was Minimal at most maybe a few hundred thousand's but the Greeks where made up of up to over 10 million so yeah not to mention Ryjins army also took death's around 20k Sword's men That was a bit annoying if the fighting went on like this every day the Greeks would lose most there army but Ryjin knew they would eventually overwhelm his defence and the entire defence line would fall and if that happened then Troy would be placed under siege again and that would be Really bad.

with this Ryjin had 70% of his force sleep and had a Fresh 30% set as night guards with 3 hours rotation to make sure all get sleep Nothing happened during the night Hector had gone to Troy to report the defences Holding steady as Priam was gathering more soldiers from Troy many outer village's and city's and town's since the First major assault the Greeks have been very Quiet and It makes ryjin feel uneasy Its been 6 days since the assault 1 full week just 2 weeks more Yet Ryjin had this Nagging feeling something was wrong The Greeks where way to quiet also any scouts get near they die The Greeks are hiding something.

on the 8'th day the Greeks had assembled there army once again This time however at the head of there army where Reinforced carts with Blinded horses on Ryjin now knew what was wrong the enemy had made makeshift Battering rams with a wide With and Blade's on the side's If they Hit his shield wall or any for that matter That wall would Fall in a single Hit and an opening would be made for the enemy Ryjin and Glen had 50k Silver Shield Spears so they could Most likely beat back these things But the centre Does not have them at most they have normal spear men Ryjin urgently Dispatched 15k Silver Shield Spears to Hector with a message to use these men to counter them Make shift Infantry rams he also dispatched a rider to glen to also divert 15k of his Silver Shield Spears Each place now had 30k spears to defend against these things.

Hector Received the Reinforcements and the message and was Thank full His infantry was Great against other infantry but these things No his men would be butchered if them Things hit them these Spears Ryjin and Glen sent where Life savers with this all where confident The allies in there defence and the Greeks in there Offence.

Agamemnon Shouted his heart out for his army to charge as the Blindfolded horses started running and the Rams got closer and closer The spears did there work as they Blocked around 85% of them The ones that got threw Cut a 6 meter wide Hole in there shield walls Witch was plugged up Quickly Hector Ryjin and Glen all had the same thought if them spears did not take that hit them Things would of slaughtered a good few hundred thousand in there initial Charge Ryjin made his mind up on a tactic for the next assault He sent a rider to his Heavy armour'd Hellenic Cataphrac's He split them up in to around 25k for him 25k for Glen and 30k for hector with each Detachment he gave messages for hector and Glen on how his tactic would work and what they should do. the Cav made there way to there designated area's as Ryjin got his cav in Wedge formation a good 2000 meters behind his Main shield wall out of sight of the enemy Now Ryjin would await the Signals from Hector and Glen after about an hour and half 2 Flaming arrows where seen in the sky Ryjin Knew that was the Signal.

The Greeks also saw the Fire arrows and wounder'd what was going on they became weary of there enemy But they noticed there enemy's defensive Lines where starting to Crumble many of the enemy's where Being pushed back further and further in to there Entrance's Agamemnon was Excited and Overjoy'd he was shouting and ordering his men to Charge and Push harder inspiring his men HOWEVER 2 people saw what was to come and where Instantly Rushing to Agamemnon to Get him to Pull back Immediately They where rushing In a crazed manner and finally Achilles and Odysseus Reach Agamemnon and both Shouted for him to Order the Retreat Now its Dangerous Agamemnon just Smirked at them and Opened his arms wide -Take a good look This is my power The Gods only Help the Strong and wipe out the Weak My army cannot be stopped see how we have shattered there Defence lines Look- Achilles and Odysseus Both looked to the enemy defence lines and all they saw was the enemy Infantry and Full retreat NO it was more like Bolting for there life But both of them Knew them Soldiers would not act like that in the face of there army it was something else that made them Run.

Odysseus Tried to reason with Agamemnon to get him to retreat But Agamemnon Just Motioned his guards to Detain and take Odysseus away and he would deal with him later Achilles saw this and also Demanded Agamemnon stop and call the retreat or his army will suffer Agamemnon just Humph'd and Ignored Achilles.

Achilles made his way to the guards who took Odysseus away and he Killed them and saved Odysseus and told him he was Pulling his force's back He rushed and started giving his men commands to retreat Odysseus thought and also did the same also Telling ajax the same things as all 3 forces Pulled there men back from Agamemnon's army Agamemnon seeing this was infuriated and shouted he would have there heads after this war.

Achilles Ajax Odysseus and a few other warlords and kings had pulled there force's back Knowing something was wrong these other Lords and such where fervent followers of Achilles and Odysseus It was at this moment that the sound of Death was Heard as a horn a horn they all recognised was Blowing hard and Long The Ground started Trembling and shaking as if Gaia her self was about to come up out the ground From the Entrance's that Agamemnon believed he had broken Threw His men where Now running Back to the beach as if Terrified agamemnon was shouting for them to advance but non listen'd they just ran for there Lives and it was that moment he saw them Like death its self Walking on the battle field the enemy cav had charged the entrance's and had slaughtered Hundreds of thousands and was still going strong the cave was bee lining it in the Greek ranks and where massacring all in there path it seem'd these cav where on a Death run They Knew they would die So they had Resolved themselves to take as much of the enemy as possible with them.

-in the future Many history Scholars would Name this The Death charge as it would go in History as the Single Most Devastating Cavalry charge in all human History-

The cav was bee lining and once all the cave was out the entrance's the Sword and Shields Remade the Defence's as strong as ever as they watched there Brave and Honourable Friends Ride to there death in a way that would never be forgotten The Trojans Looked on at these Men of anotehr Kingdom who willingly ended there Lives just to help and Defend there allies -This unknowingly had sparked a Fire in the Trojans A fire of Comradeship with The Draconis Empire and also with each other to witness The last Charge of such Honourable Men was an honour for all the Trojans and all of Ryjins army as all Bowed there head in Respect and Honour.

The cav was still going now in multiple Groups they had carved Line death Path's from the entrance Outwards towards the beach Agamemnon was Terrified and was ordering his men to protect him and kill the enemy cav all tho the Greeks swarmed the cav the Cav refused to go down easy and still charged 1 hour later all of Ryjins army could see the Last stand of that last hundred of the cav as the Cave screamed at the top of there Lungs before death -FOR THE EMPIRE AND FOR ARE ALLIES- this sent a wave of Respect threw not only the allied lines But also the whole Greek army even Agamemnon Gave his respect to the cav by sending a messenger to Ryjin saying he may collect his dead and send them off with Honour Ryjin gathered his dead comrades and Burned them back behind his lines Secretly Achilles Odysseus and Ajax had also attended as they had requested it Hector and Ryjin agreed.

This Information however Did not sit well with Agamemnon at all he was Furious and planned to execute these 3 traitors once they return and take there army's and there lands upon Returning to Greece.

The Funeral went off well all the men gave there Respect Hell even Achilles Ajax and Odysseus gave there respect No longer Hiding there identity cause ryjin Gave his word they shall not be harmed and there action was an honour that his men would welcome This Gained Great Respect from the 3 Greek hero's after the Fire there was food and drink the 3 Greeks where Invited and join until The next morning when they return to there Camp.

Ryjin was happy he got to talk to them Hell even hector was Happy he met them him and Achilles and Odysseus got along Like Life time Friends -Ahhhh Ryjin sigh's hard- Its amazing how war works Huh.