The March

so Ryjin had a few thing's to open however he decided not to draw the mythic summon or the troops summon Instead he opted for only summoning a Dragon he made his mind of the Dragon from world of warcraft as he Touched the summon orb It Glowed Crimson Red and Exploded and from it a HUGE dragon on a Massive scale appeared Ryjin also noticed a Glowing Marking all over his right arm as he looked System told him it is his Mythical sanctuary a separate dimension to store the mythic creatures there they will have there own food and drink and Open lands.

This made Ryjin happy as he loved this dragon It was Really REALLY amazing in real life and in person Ryjin had Kinda scared everyone in Griffon Citadel by calling the dragon out there I mean the dragon was that big all could see him Ryjin decided to name him Deathwing due to that was his name in first place he sent Death to the mythic dimension and Ryjin made his way to the Imperial army grounds as he was now about to Leave for the Macedon Exterminatus in the days His fury and Wrath had only Grown stronger.

Ryjin Mounted Deathclaw and sent words to the Guards to gather Archie and Achilles and have the Imperial army Mobilise outside the City's walls with this Ryjin slowly made his way towards the Walls but made a detour and went to Riley's Residence and spoke to him Ryjin had asked riley to Go further east as Ryjin brought out a map He pointed at a certain place in China it had the name QIN on it he asked riley to head to this land and develop Good relations and also state in the future we shall even send war aid to help them claim there country lands.

Riley was excited He was heading to another unknown land to meet more Unknown People Ryjin had also Give'n him the 10k Demigryph Knights and again Glen to command them and to guard Riley Riley had actually set off Hours before ryjin had for Macedon which was a funny sight Riley really loved to travel and to see new place's.

Ryjin had arrived at the Gate about 20 minutes later and his Entire army was assembled out the walls as many citizens had come to the walls and outside the walls to see the Imperial army and to say there where amazed was an understatement they where Speechless The army started to Stamp there feet as Ryjin approached and the Ground shook Ryjin was excited His blood boiling He raised his arm and with all the strength he could Shouted WE MARCH NOW and he started moving forward while atop deathclaw.

Ryjin at the head of his Huge host Archie was at his left and Achilles at his right Ryjin had been talking to the 2 for a while while the march was on He heard from Achilles King Philip was a waste and a arrogant man even more so than Agamemnon this suprised Ryjin Ryjin was thinking of Alexander and his mother Plus his teacher Archimedes He needed to Take them from Pella befor his army arrived.

He looked at Achilles and asked do you know what Archimedes and King Philip's wife and Child Alexander Look like or at-least his wife and the scholar Achilles Nodded and said he has seen and meet them before as he ask's why Ryjin gives him a run down that he wants to save the women and the scholar and the child if possible He ask's Achilles if he knows anyone who could infiltrate Pella and get them out before we arrive Achilles was thinking and suggested His old second in command of his Men Ryjin Nodded and said can you give him the run down also Tell him if he succeeds He shall be rewarded with 100k wealth and all the men who take part shall also be rewarded 30k wealth also Please tell them They must be Unharmed and Un-spoilt Achilles Knew what he meant and Nodded as he rode off.

King Philip was now Rushing about like a headless Chicken he had just gotten word the enemy has set out on the march with an astronomical number 13 Million He did not think that was true but all his scouts and all his Intel says its TRUE His wife was Holding alex and was talking to some maid's she was Organising her leave of Pella However it seems King Philip had other plans for her as he Came to here and grabbed her and pulled her close and said to her that she shall stay by his side during this Crisis -at this she was now Purely mad and upset she wanted to keep her Son safe but this ass-hole had ruined her days of planning- she nodded to him and He called his Personal servants and told them to take his wife to his Chambers and make sure she has everything she needs and she is not to leave till this Crisis is over.

King Philip then made his way to his court and assembled all his generals and commanders and started planning a defence of Pella Philip knew a Field battle was INSANE against an army that size so he Opted for a defensive Siege battle 1 he believes he can win he and his commanders and generals are planning making idea's and plans to hold walls and where to place said troops and such all the while Not knowing that a certain women was Listing and then made her way to the Kings chambers with a smirk on her face.