so Ryjin was now excited due to Yotanwa had asked for a audience this got Ryjins heart race's cause in the manga SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL he had a strong crush on her and even now that Crush had survived Ryjin went to the Palace's Main hall to welcome the mountain King's Ambassador and saw someone he Got all fanboy on BAJIO the dude is a fucking legend Yet Ryjin kept his face stern to keep up Face as he sat on his throne he motioned for the envoy to come forward He offer'd them Food and Drink and gave them Utmost hospitality as he does He lives by Give respect you in turn wish to get.
Ryjin: Greetings Mountain Dwellers and welcome to The Majestic citadel of Draconis empire I am Ryjin the emperor of the Empire Its my pleasure and Honour to meet you and welcome you to are lands How may we help you fellow Neighbours.
This Greeting Caught the Envoy and there guards off guard this emperor had just spoken in there Tongue and perfectly and also had given them Respect and Hospitality they never expected to get this warmed them the 2 elders that Ryjin recognised Came forward and said they came on behalf of the king of the Mountains to forge Peace This Cought ryjin off guard cause he does not remember being at war with the Mountain dwellers.
Ryjin: Elders You have me at a loss i am afraid we are not at war so i do not know why you ask for peace We have no malice or bad blood between are 2 people so there is no need for peace for we already have it OR has someone of my land attack'd you.
Elders: No No Great king are king wish's for a longer Peace as you flatland'rs say an alliance.
without even thinking Ryjin said Yes This sudden agreement baffled the elders and even the Guards Bajio just stood guard and was watching Ryjin closely Ryjin had talked with them for about 3 ta 4 hours and they came to the conclusion of forging an alliance and also trade In respect for the elders Ryjin insisted that The envoys accept a gift of 5000 Horses and also 10 wagons filled with food and 10 filled with wine as a show of Gratitude and honour Before leaving Ryjin said some words that cought the elders and the escorts off-guard he said.
Please tell the King i await to meet them some day
Ryjin then left to his palace as a Rider came running in Past the mountain Envoy Who heard what he said.
Rider: your majesty The Qin have asked if we would join them in attacking Sanyou of Wei as a joint attack.
Ryjin turned to him and said Get me Achilles and Glen and eve The rider ran off to gather the Great generals The mountain Elders Had Noted down the names he called as they rode off back to there Queen yotanwa.
In the war room in the Palace Ryjin was sat and had a look on his face that showed his excitement in this battle he would witness Shin of the Hi shin unit and the other 2 units Led by Moubu's son and also another who he can't remember the name But remembers he is arrogant Ryjin is sat down and Knows right now he has 100k cav with him he could take and use just that But Ryjin would like to have a good stable army plus he has no idea how big the army qin will send is or how big the Wei army is plus Zhou and chu get involved he thinks or was it Han humm.
as he sat down he was also looking threw the Unit roster he decided to go with some Basic units
He chose to buy
200k Armour'd men at arms with sword and shield
100k Swiss Heavy armour'd Pikemen
200k Heavy armour'd English longbows
and for the heavy hitters he chose another
100k of the Defenders of heaven Heavy armour'd Glaive infantry
He had the defence Troops already Being bought and summoned but these would be His army until all is sorted so he shall lead 700k to march alongside Qin
so his current Imperial far eastern army is made of
200k Armour'd men at arms with sword and shield
100k Swiss Heavy armour'd Pikemen
200k Heavy armour'd English longbows
100k of the Defenders of heaven Heavy armour'd Glaive infantry
100k china's Heavy Xiliang Cavalry
This shall be it till he see's Just how big the Population difference is and Just how big the armies of China are in comparison to the rest of the world Ryjin had his generals here Achilles was given command of the Glaive's Eve the Longbows and Glen the Infantry as Ryjin would take the Cav with this they where Set Ava and Ragnar wanted to go to Kanyou to look around Qin's lands Ryjin gave them the 10k Demigryph Knights as guards and also sent a rider To Sai to let him know his children shall be coming for a Visit to witness Qin's Culture and ways of life the message also stated he shall be coming to Kanyou with 700k troops to march alongside the qin army on sanyou.
The rider speed off
Ryjin was marching with his Men at a good pace and after 1 and half weeks They reached Qin's Borders and entered and headed to Kanyou as they arrived at Kanyou Ryjin saw there armies Number'd in the hundreds of thousands BUT they where spread all over defending and attacking so there total army size should be Bordering on the Hundred million size This means the other states should have the same size except han and wei due to there smaller land size.
Ryjin approached the Qin army that numberd around 700k also and he was met with a character Mougou farther of Moubu and the general leading the Qin force's on this campaign to take Sanyou Ryjin spotted Shin But noticed he was still a low Lvl commander Ryjin went forward and Greeted Mougou and held his hand out for a hand shake in which v returned and Ryjin felt his Strength and was Excited if he was this strong then Renpa should be stronger and give him and his generals a good fight.
Excitement Grew on Ryjins heart