2 years passing and new turmoil

Ryjin had done what he said he had help'd shin construct a Gran City in Sanyou and also forts along the borders Ryjin was there for Ava's wedding So was Rose and so was Yotanwa when Ryjin told Rose about Yotanwa rose Was not flat out angry More along the lines of she could no longer hold him for her self Kinda feeling she got along with yotanwa after around a year and half of Courting Yotanwa Ryjin finally ask'd her for her hand and she agree'd The mountain dwellers Celebrated as they do haha The city in Sanyou was now 1 of the Largest in the land second only to Majestic citadel the lands had been Till'd and made farming and Breeding lands for horses and animals the sheer food Income from Sanyou was Immense.

Sai was happy at the construction due to Ryjin also building a Palace in Sanyou for Sai it was grand and Amazingly made with all sorts of Stone's and gems and such Shin had Been given command over a 60k strong army to attack Zhou with many in the Court believed he would fail and Die However he had won and taken 5 city's from Zhou before being forced to stop due to a zhou army numbering 200k barred his way.

Ryjin had been working on something for a whole year it was an idea he had To make a Magical gate so he could connect all citadels and people and trade and troops could come and go from all citadels The system said its possible But to create 3 gates would Require Tremendous Magic so for a Year Ryjin was having His Ragnar's Deathclaw's and Death wings Magic siphoned Daily to construct these gates and after a year They had finally been complete and would now never require there magic as they would generate there own The gates where placed in the centre of the central Squares of all citadels as a Huge Red Looking light was in it many in the citadels thought something was happening and gathered only to see there emperor appear and said that they could walk threw to the other citadels and lands that Draconis rule This caused a Huge stir as many wanted to see other lands.

With the citadels Now connected He no longer needed to sail or do long travel's neither did his Traders and he means ONLY his empire's Traders get to use this gateway Others can go piss off Archie celebrated with Ryjin and all in Griffon citadel and he also Greeted Yotanwa who was still coming to Terms about how her Now husband is so powerful and mysterious Not only that Archie also Meet Rose with the new'st Addition to the Imperial Clan his Name is George De Dragon Second Born son and prince of the empire.

many lords and such came to greet the New sister empress and the new Prince This shocked Yotanwa on the Sheer size of the Draconis realm and Power Ryjin is the emperor of Draconis and Yotanwa is king of the Mountains Ryjin does not interfere with her ruling At all he offer'd her to make alliance with Qin she was reluctant but after meeting Sai she understood Why Ryjin had suggested it after a few a days of talking and meeting Sai it was now official that the Mountain Dwellers have reforged there alliance with the flat lander's Qin this Knowledge tho is only in Sai Yotanwa Ryjin and Shobun's minds NO one else knows this.

With this all down Qin's Might had grown Massively as the now 6 other state's Knew Qin had the Power to take them down 1 by 1 and that Allie of there's is very powerful Qin had not moved at all in them 2 years for any Full assault's the other state's where being cautious and watching Cause the Qin kings coronation is now Here Ryjin remembered from the manga That Sai's Mother betrays Qin and ryofui also does However at the time of the Coronation Nothing happened ???? which cought Ryjin off guard In so doing Ryjin sent a message threw the Gate's to dragon citadel for the 2 Ninja masters and 20 of there best Ninja to come threw for a Mission.

about 2 days later the Ninja where gathered in-front of Ryjin Rose and Yotanwa Ryjin had told the Ninja masters and there Ninja there mission is to gather all the Information on Ryofui and the Queen mother as something is up they are planning something and what ever it is involves Sai which in turn involves Shin which include's Ava they got there mission and left after about 2 weeks of Nothing no problems no arguments Nothing from Ryofui's faction Which Sai and Shobun had Picked up on last week they now Knew something big was in the works and needed to Know what it was.

on the Third Week His ninja masters and 18 of his ninja return The masters said 2 where killed in action but Did not give any info away as they killed them self's before being cought Ryjin knew Ninja are serious on there missions The masters handed Ryjin a Scroll and as Ryjin open'd It he was Shock'd and Got up suddenly as Rose and Yotanwa had never seen him like this He headed straight out the door and towards Qin's Royal Palace if what is written on this scroll is right Qin is going to be Wiped out if they are not ready for whats coming.

The scroll stated.

Ryofui & Queen mother have Joined together the queen mother has been meeting Envoys of the 6 state's along with Ryofui However They have also meet with the Great Khan of the northern lands above china Genghis Khan and alliance has Been forged by all 6 states and the Mongol's.

It also had a Huge List of names of people under Ryofui and queen mother who are hidden Agents of there's