The Tsunami that is Draconis Offensive army

as the days Go by after Ryjin's Order for the Offensive Army's To mobilise and come to Majestic citadel The Magic gate is literally Flooded with Troops coming threw none stop night and day for around a week or so even Ryjin was now Amazed and also Scared he had not Known he had Breed such a vast army Well he knew it was Big but not this damn big.

a few more days Go by and finally it seems the last troops had come threw So messengers where sent to dragon and griffon citadel's to tell all that the magic gate was now open to all again However what no one knew was that Caused a HUGE influx Bigger then the army did as all came to bare witness to the Behemoth army that was Draconis.

after a full 2 week's Ryjins force's where now Fully brought and also fully Group'd and Organised and was about to leave for the Mongol lands as all Citizens from all 3 citadels had come even people from the lords lands had come to bear witness to this Massive force.

Riley had a Drawer do a Great drawing of the army in the square so he would have a picture to go with his Description and he has to saw it was magnificent.

all the generals had been summon'd Wallace Achilles Glen Robert eve Ragnar Odysseus hundreds of lords if not Thousands had answer'd the Imperial summons.

Ryjin had now found out His entire offensive army alone with all lords lands combined numbers over 2.5 Billion this was Astonishing But considering his lands are extremely developed he could believe it as the so the army was apparently made of

1.2 Billion Infantry

200 Million pikes and spears

600 million mix'd archers

500 million Cavalry

Ryjin knew he could win the war with the Mongol's However he decided to Split his army all infantry would go and Aid Qin this would be a surprise the states wont see coming HAHAHA

Ryjin and Glen shall lead all the Heavy armour'd cavalry to attack the mongol's

The Main army going to Qin's Aid was commanded by Odysseus and the 2 Commander generals are Wallace and Achilles all the Lords children had gone with Ryjin's cav where as the Lords them self's had gone with the main army Ryjin had set forth with his army along with Glen all the others had gone with the main army Ragnar had joined his farther and was leading The younger lords as they all saw Ragnar as a Great prince.

along Ryjin's march he was meet by around 50 million mountain dwellers Cavalry Led by Yotanwa herself she was adamant about joining them cause these mongol's had attacked them from the north for uncountable Years Ryjin welcome'd The mountain dwellers and to there surprise His army was very open and welcoming of them this shock'd the Mountain dwellers due to they only knew that flat lander's did not like them but these people Greeted them with open arm's.

as the Cav army was Charging forward Ryjin and Yotanwa pulled there Intel together as Ryjin had known around 400 to 800 million cavalry was coming from the Mongol's however This was there Entire military Ryjin had also had the Mumakill from Greece come But they would take a week if not 2 to reach Ryjin's Battle line so he had them march slowly and keep there breath.

with all of this his army finally reached the Flat lands of Mongolia as they saw The huge open lands even the Mountain dwellers where Awe struck Ryjin's army was Now walking Not charging cause Ryjin wanted his entire army to be fresh and ready for there Charge on the Mongol's.

after a day or so Ryjin's army came to a head to head with the Mongol army Ryjin rode out alone and Shouted Genghis Khan surrender and you and your men will Live do it not and you shall hear my answer.

Genghis: Does this Child think I am scared He narrow'd his eye's at ryjin as he Ordered his force's To form battle line's.

Ryjin see'ing this Shouted from the back of Deathclaw ALL DRACONIS FORCE'S CHARGE This action had cought Genghis off his game cause his men had not formed up yet yet this Young boy had just told his entire force to charge.

From the flat lands in front of the Mongol army was a Tide a Tide of CAVALRY charging them with Zeal and Wrath and Blood-lust The heavy cavalry of Draconis was Charging headlong as there Lance's Where lower'd and Pointed forward Glen was mounted and At the for front leading the Charge as all the cavalry had Charged right past Ryjin towards the Mongol's Ryjin also charged with Deathclaw and cought up with Glen as the charge was around 100 meters from Impact Genghis saw this and Knew he must have his men charge to stop him from suffering a huge loss.

He order'd all his force's to charge but his men only had around a 50 meter gap to try and gather Momentum yet the enemy had a full charge going as the 2 sides Collided in the Meeting line all 1 could see was Cavalry hit and like 2 walls had hit each other as Men flew in the air unhorsed as there horse's where Trample'd under foot of tho's from behind and at front it was a Pure Chaos battle Ryjin had now reached that line and was Wielding his Glaive and cutting 10 men with a swing he managed to open a path for the back cav to continue there charge with.

Ryjin was leading his men threw the gap as Glen was also leading his own the cavalry battle had turned in to a concert style Battle royal as all troops where battling all out all over there place Ryjin was wading his way threw Killing as he went Yotanwa was showing her Ability too as the Mountain cav was with her charging round the battlefield Ryjin was Bolting it for Genghis the battle went on for hour's as Night time came the battling continued and got even more Fierce in the Night The battle was going Strong and had been for around nearly 2 days as soldiers where Pissing and shitting where they stood or on horse back eating what little they could from pockets when they had seconds to spare Ryjin had gotten close to Ganghis 6 times but every time He got away Ryjin saw both armies where Hitting with there all as the Mongols had speed and fast attack's But his army had High protection and offensive with Medium speed But his force was holding the advantage.

with The battle raging strong Ryjin had seen Genghis was shifting alot of his force's from his back lines and Reforming them to the flanks Ryjin Had his back line's Reform with him as he rode left with the entire back lines as Glen held the huge Moshpit and Genghis had seen this and Knew his right flank would be decimated if left unguarded so he had no choice but to engage ryjin and his force with his currently Gather force as second Battle line was Made as both sides had gotten there charge's off and where now Hammering each other with all fury.

Genghis had now come to Terms he underestimated this lad and this enemy army He believed his Cavalry to be Unopposed under the sun Yet this enemy lower in number had Bested them in the open and taken the advantage he Mounted his horse with his Elite guards as he made the Decision to enter the frey and target Ryjin.

as genghis charged in with his Guards Ryjin was holding the main line's and glen was doing the same Yotanwa had seen this enemy King heading to Ryjin and had charged her men forward and heading right to Genghis Left flank as Genghis saw this He became annoyed and turned to face the charge of his enemy Yet became even more Angry at the fact he was being challenged by a DAMN WOMEN he rode to her as his guards and hers Hit each other He saw how his guards where slaughtered easily and Yotanwa had Reached him as his Eyes Widened as he saw just a Glint and his defence was bypassed as his Throat was sliced His horse kept going But his body fell as the Mongol's saw there Great Khan fall all stopped fighting Ryjin made his way to Yotanwa and saw she had taken a strike in her right shoulder But he smiled and said Good strike.

The mongol's where now Leaderless and where on the verge of Pure scattering Yet Ryjin gathered them in a way that many did not under stand until later.

Ryjin: Mongol's Your Great khan has been defeated By Yotanwa The Mountain king SHE IS NOW YOUR GREAT KHAN bow or die.

At this Yotanwa just saw the entire Mongol army dismount and bow to her as Ryjin stood there with a Great smile on his face towards her She smiled and Raised her Blade and shouted as all force's Cheer'd in Delight Ryjin came to the body Of genghis as many of the Loyal Genghis commanders where watching he shocked them and even made some CRY he ordered a Huge Pyre for the fallen men from both sides to be burned on the Open lands and for genghis He handed his body to the commanders and said.

-Bury your Great khan and let him rest once you have finished Laying him to rest tell him The mongol's shall never Fall and will be strong-

after saying this Ryjin made his way to Yotanwa as the mongol commanders rode off with there Great khan to lay him to eternal sleep Yotanwa looked at ryjin and asked him why did he Have her take the mongol's His response was Cause they remind me of your people and i believe you would know them best Me and Draconis will help u in all matters you need help with He hugs her Careful of her right side as he Hugs her and kisses her as she says =You are spoiling me now=

Ryjin just smiled as his head turned south as he Now had to Have his men rest for a day and then Charge south to aid Qin -he does not know of the situation of the south-