As the days go by Ryjin is relaxing as he heads east to the Beach area his ship shall be built at His is with Renpa Karin Houmei and Ribuko who is on his way with his 2 Commanders Futai and Kaine and Keisha Karin had Bamyu Who ryjin Found funny As they made there way east Ryjin Achilles Odysseus Wallace Ajax Glen and Eve had all hit it off with the new Generals Houmei who had gotten along with Odysseus Most due to there Minds Karin had come to Like Eve as a friend Eve even said Karin would like Rose Achilles and Glen and Wallace and ajax had gotten on well With Renpa and Ribuko and there commanders Ryjin even now could not believe His eye's at this Line up and this Turn of events He was all fanboy Giddy mode everything he thought of all this as they arrived at the beach and set up Camp Ryjin had 10k workers Brought around 5 days ago to set up the Ship building Platform and get it started a small scout ship was Built first To go and scout for the distance and weather towards Japan.
with all done and said Ryjin had a Black-ship from Shogun total war 2 Built the wood had been soaked in Black Paint and Had an intimidating Dragon head at the front Just like the ship from Divinity original sin 2 all looked on at the ship In AWE as they had never seen a ship Built like this before It was sturdy and Hard it would take alot to take this ship and alot more to sink it the Size was Good too it was around 1300 foot Long and around 500 foot wide It was a good ship to carry Them and some troops over to Japan.
Ryjin Had told them all once they land in Japan its All out war with Japan he intends to take the place which means all will be enemy's so They shall have alot of enemy's to fight so no one will get board haha Renpa was Beaming with a smile as Genbou and Kouen knew what that meant they would be Swamped with work once they land All generals where excited in fact and Ryjin had told them He shall give them men for them to personally command or they may Recruit men and women from These lands now while they are here Most Had men remaining from there Personal units so most where all good Renpa had no men tho as did Ribuko So Ryjin handed Renpa 5k Glaive Cavalry and Ribuko he handed a mix of 5k troops 1 k sword and shield spear and shield Pike Archers and cavalry So all had around 5k in total Ryjin had Come to Love the Heavy Xiliang Cavalry so he Had 5k be his Unit but had them Train in the Bow too so they could be used in range also.
as the days Pass'd The ship had come along well and was about a day from completion as all had gotten along and become Good friends Shin came with Ava and Kyokai as Shin had now married Ava Kyokai and Karyo Ten -When Ryjin heard this First thought was he best get Ava pregnant First or i cut his balls off- Somehow Ava had sense'd her fathers thoughts and Said out loud.
This Resulted in a Huge Fit of laughter from all around as all could not hold in there laughter as they saw Ryjin stood there with a WTF FACE as he he was thinking did he just hear that from his daughter
Of course Kyokai and Ten started arguing with Ava as to who would have a kid first Ryjin was loosing his mind at hearing all this =SPONGE BOB STYLE= -1 hour Later - Ryjin finally came to his sense's and regained his sanity he went by the Huge bonfire's and got some food and drink as he chatted with everyone the new generals Could not believe how this emperor was eating with his men and People as if they where all equal This had the new guys asking the older guys if this was how there emperor was all the time The answer.
-HAHAH yeah he is always like this we are all like family and he has never Treated anyone of Draconis bad Never has he-
they had now come to Understand Ryjin a little More only a little but it was a step forward.
after a day The Ship was Complete and was afloat in the east Ocean as Ryjin was Instead of waiting for the dingy He just swam to the Ship Ava literally just face-palmed at her fathers childishness as he stood at the front of the ship he really liked this Ship it was like a ship of the Line in Build but the Front was Shaped like a Dragon head it was amazing. as all where Boarding the ship it took about 5 hours to board all on the ship and with this Ryjin Was sat on the Dragon's head with some food and Drink as He was now staring east Excited and Smiling none stop as the Ship dropped its sails and all where amazed at its speed Houmai was literally Bombarding the Ship builders with questions on its creation and such.
about half a day was all it took for them to reach Japan The ship was that fast it surprised even Ryjin as he looked at the land He Knew from Sys that he has arrived at The shimazu lands which is a good area and Great cause he can Build from here and attack all in and round him as he Take's all of Japan as a Island country Like Dragon Isle's He shall rename this place to Isle of the Rising Sun As he saw ahead there was a Port and some Ships with the shimazu Symbol on He ordered his ship to Quickly Dock at the Port and for all To ready for battle as the shimazu had seen there ship Heading towards the port Fast they became Alert and Tried to Intercept Yet failed due to the ship's size and Defence.
as the Ship Charged in to the Dock as it SMASHED it's way in the dock as the Head run aground and as it did The Shimazu had gathers all there samurai at the ships sides Believing the enemy would Jump of the side of there ship to Land However they where wrong As the Dragon head at the front of the Ship seem'd to come alive as its Mouth open'd as a Large Ramp open'd up and Fell as cavalry charged off the Ship followed by Infantry as a clash with the Samurai was underway The new Generals Who joined Ryjin Now knew what he meant by small armies But all where elites or masters These samurai had slaughtered most of the troops They had brought The cavalry had charged and kill'd Most of the Samurai now as the Port became silent Ryjin had given orders for the Builders and Ships crew to Get the ship on the water again and To set up Palisade walls round the Port to make a Small fort for defence and safe harbour Renpa was fighting a Real Samurai not a Common 1 but an actual Noble Samurai as he was evenly matched this surprised all the Chinese as they never thought that the lands away from them would be so Strong.
with the battle drawing on for about an hour Renpa had won with that the last Defender was dead and The port was now fully under Ryjins Boot as he had it changed in to a fortified Harbour with sea walls and Good palisade but then Stone walls took around 2 weeks But in that time all had gone out scouting and Raiding and attacking all over the shimazu and Ito lands Now Ryjin was Summoning Japan style Troops like Katana samurai and Yari samurai and such But not in the Millions like china as Japan does not have that kind of Population there armies are mostly in the Thousands But are made up of Real warriors and fighters who have trained from Birth AKA the Samurai.
So now the Port which was now named as Tigers Rest had a Garrison of 5k Katana Samurai and 5k Samurai bowmen and around 5k Katana Samurai cavalry the troops where never Still as they where always going in and out of Tigers rest doing attacks and Raids on shimazu and Ito over the weeks Ryjin knew eventually Shimazu and Ito would come for them and he was waiting for that.