Mystery Force and Great Slumber

As Ryjin was awaiting more Information on Things he had set up a Magic gate to this fort and with it had gotten Much needed supplies Houmai and Renpa had returned with Information on the enemy City as This was happening Little did anyone Know a small Crack had appeared in the Space time dimension and Some Force had Come threw and Sys had been Hit with not only this energy but it also Affected Ryjin and others round him as Ryjin just dropped to the floor asleep as did Renpa Houmai Karin Ribuko Achilles Odysseus Wallace Glen as this weird energy Hit them They entered what seem'd to be a deep slumber and as the Men and women of Draconis had entered a Full state of War due to Ryjin and generals Seemingly being affected by unknown force's The people of Draconis Belive'd it was some Other lands Gods and Ragnar had gone on a rampage in anger and Declared all out war on all gods except the Draconis Pantheon as many good around the World felt a Threat Looming over them They finally understood Draconis was on the war path as many godly pantheon's around Draconis had seemingly Gone Quiet and no god had heard anything from them only to find out they had been slaughtered Pantheon after Pantheon was killed and butchered.

as this had gone on Both Yotanwa and Rose had been placed Beside Ryjin as they slumber'd Ragnar had a Huge Dome Built where each of the slumbering could rest and not be disturbed or Be threatened Ragnar after a years Time Announced He shall take the Mantle of emperor Until his farther awakens he married Lola and had around 8 kids who all inherited blood from Ragnar and also had gained werewolf Blood Ava was so upset she came to visit her mother and farther Until they where placed in the dome the dome could only be opened from the Inside so no one from outside could enter.

With this happening The fight in japan had ended before it even started and as the Years went by Draconis had Sat at the Top of The power of the world as Draconis military and all forms of Structure where Developed to unbelievable Level's they held Ungodly power as the Time went on many emperor's Came to be all descending from the Line of Ryjin as statues of there Great lords and such where erected A gigantic statue of Ryjin was erected in Dragon Citadel along side The statue of Draco and Sys.

The years went by from 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 and on and on and on Until 1900 years later as The Imperial Dragon Clan had become so dominant Most of the world was under its Rule Japan was not and neither was the Land across the sea And Italy but most of the others had sworn Loyalty to Draconis threw that 1900 years Many things happened Many small kingdoms had been taken over By Draconis and had some even Wiped off the earth Almost all Godly Pantheon's where wiped out by Draco in his anger and Rage at Losing the 2 people He cared about -as System had just disapperd once Ryjin fell in to slumber- Not only that Draco had Bombarded Ryjin with Unimaginable Godly power in efforts to try and awaken him Yet if never even made him Twitch what ever did this was strong and powerful Hence his rampage went on the other gods of earth after his Rampage all lands Knew there gods where Killed as Draco had Literally Thrown there Bodies to earth To show all what happens to tho's who Dare do such things to Draconis the Carthaginians The Trojans and the Qin Empire had all there own Gods Left alone Mongolia was under Yotanwa abut due to her slumber her People did all they could to Keep it up and alive as they awaited there Great King to awaken Qin and Draconis there alliance held as strong threw the ages as it was when it was formed.

Draconis and the World had seen a Green falling star around a year ago and it landed somewhere in Italy after that Italy seem'd to have gone Dark no living thing was seen after that green Falling star it was as if all humans in that land had vanish'd But Draconis and many other lands sent scouts and all returned with the same Info BLOOD blood was all over the place a great battle took place but there are no bodies Not a single 1.

Many lords had sent Small expeditions in to the Lands of Italy yet None ever returned Which was now Pissing off the current Draconis Emperor Who was a descendant of Ragnar and his Name was Rai De Dragon He had some achievements his major 1 was destroying The French due to they attacked a Diplomatic envoy on its way to Spain Rai was getting more and more annoy'd at the fact this whole Italy thing is going no where and no matter what no scouts or Expeditions return now and other Kingdoms and such are having same problem also the Lands north of Italy are saying that some of there Villages and towns on the boarder are going silent ???? and they are asking for Draconis aid as he was sta in the Great palace's Hall on the Throne a Imperial Guard rushed in shouting that His majesty must come quickly The Dome The dome was open as Rai heard this his EYES bulged and he shot up and made his way to the Dome's entrance with Guards.

He ordered guards to be ready and Secure the area as he walked In the Domes entrance as he Looked around to see man Pictures and Depictions of battles and Great wars of old as he marvel'd at this sight Before Coming to a Great door Built and shaped like 2 dragons as he near'd the Door he could hear shuffling from the other side He Pulled his sword and His Pistol and Raided himself to Kill this Filthy Intruder and show his body to all for daring to enter this sacred place As he open the door He ran in and what Meet him was a FIST to the face last he heard was -Ryjin why did you Hit him he's are Great grandson- that was what he heard Last before losing conscious and blacking out.