40K Gets an Ass whooping

Ryjin is now Manning the forts walls for the last 3 week's His troops have been pouring in and his force is now Officially Fully landed and The region is now Fully under Ryjins Control He also has found out that astra militarum is here or atleast a Tiny Portion of them I guess they came down with The damn Tyrannids This also means they cant return Home But that also means They cant get help and Cant Tell anyone what happens here.

Ryjin is now talking to his 3 generals and has Dropped an order that Excite's Them as they shall now Launch an attack not only on the Tyrannid Main army but also the astra militarum Who Ryjin does not Like But what he wants Is the 3 space marine bodies as apparently Sys said if he attains them He can Then Summon a Legion of them BUT Sys suggested for him not to summon right away because there Loyalty would be to there emperor Ryjin needs To Make his Own Chapters and also Primarch's then his Space marine's will be Loyal to him Ryjin was now Marching his army towards the astra militarum outpost they placed it in a Huge open land so no enemy can Hide near them But that's good cause we can see all the enemy's Even the damn Bugs as they marched at the Outpost the Guardsmen where fighting the Tyrannids the battle was full swing as both side's hammerd each other the astra militarum was loseing due to every loss they cant replenish new troops But as the battle went on from behind the Tyrannid force's a huge amount of Soldiers riding Horse's appeard and started attacking the Tyrannids from behind from other sides of the outpost there was also Men charging the Bugs with No fear at all these men where Fanatical as they charged Enemy Aliens 2 to 8 times there size the astra militarum men where astonish'd No man of the empire would do that unless it was space marine as the but these native's had no damn fear if the Empire Had men like these They could retake there whole universe Men with No fear and with Fanatical Loyalty thats what the God emperor Demanded this Guard commander was now Sure this world shall join the empire NO MATTER WHAT.

As the battle went on Ryjin had located the Hive's Base and had also sent his own 1 million Red coats and also 1 million Glaive's under Achilles command to destroy the Hive and Kill everything Burn all the Alien shit around As the Battle of the Outpost came to an end The guardsmen and Ryjin's army Meet as the guards Demanded Ryjin and his men Follow Imperial Rule and Join the empire At this Ryjin had but 1 Word -CHARGE- as the order was dropped The astra militarum became Confused Why would they attack fellow Humans They should follow the emperor The guardsmen started shooting as Ryjins men Mad there way in to the Outpost a Huge slaughter was Happening at both Base's at the Tyrannids and the Guardsmen at the end only the 3 Space marine's where still alive and fighting -Due to there heavy armour- Renpa was Battling it out with 1 of the Marine's and was evenly match'd The other 2 marines where battling Ryjin and losing Al-bait Only just losing.

As the battles came to an end alot of land in Italy had been set ablaze by Ryjin and his entire army The damn Tyrannids had Contaminated alot of the land But nothing some Fire cant Fix as the Flames raged the entire World now Knew what happened Many of the Alien Bodies where Strung up all over the Draconis Empire as a Trophy The astra militarum outpost was Seized and taken The Tech that was there was taken by Sys and so was the space marine's bodies Ryjin started Rebuilding Italy and had taken over it in the Name of Draconis He renamed it from Italy To Roma in honour of The roman's.

with this the World had now seen Draconis was without a doubt the worlds strongest power and none could contend with it all kingdom's Except Qin empire and Japan Joined Draconis within the next few weeks with the Empire Now controlling Most of the Known world Ryjin turned his attention to Either the american lands or Japan However the american lands had actually sent an envoy to talk about Joining the empire This surprised Ryjin as he thought they would never do that But after around 4 weeks or talks all was agreed and they joined Draconis with this there was only 2 area's in the world left 1 an Allie By blood and Honour the other a soon to be war-zone -if not already- So Ryjin sent the Japanese Emperor a message The message was as such BOW or DIE there was no Middle Line The Japanese emperor sent word to all of Japan's warlords to Remove the Draconis City on the Japanese lands and to Kill all draconis people This garnered a Huge reaction from draconis as Ryjin personally went to Tigers rest with His remaining Red coats of around 800k He had his generals take there Men also they had outfitted many Legions with all sorts of there own Equipment and such Ryjin however Had gotten a message from a Very Strange Person 1 he did not believe would ever Talk to him it was Oda Nobunaga he wanted to Meet Ryjin in person and was asking if he could come to Owari Oda held lands Ryjin decided to take a Chance and accepted he gave command to his generals to start the Campaign of these lands and he took a Battle ship with 10k elite Rifle Marine's and went to meet Oda