Republic's Shock

as that happened the republic had a shock as Naboo had just said they are no longer part of the republic they are now part of the Draconis empire not only that but around 7 or 8 hours into the Whole republic meeting they got word that the Trade federations Homeworld was attacked by an unknown warship and its size was Massive its weapons was Unlike any ever seen they where so powerfull they Ripped threw shields and hull So easy full picture had been taken and a projection of it was now in the centre of the Chambers Padme saw the emblem And smiled the Council saw this and were confused they asked her what was so funny she told them That is the Draconis Imperial Flagship The Exterminatus and it was Commanded by none other than Ryjin De Dragon The high emperor of Draconis and also his 3 Wives also have their own ships of equal size and power with there own fleets No less.

Council: How do you know this where is this Empire's worlds we have never heard of such an empire and never seen such fleets.

Padme: That's simple Councillor I am 1 of the 3 emperesses of said empire and their empire Is large in population and strength not only that the entire Empire is a warring RACE they love war they love family and they show NO mercy to any who dare insult or step on them or there's in any way if the Trade federation was attacked by Draconis the federation must have crossed Draconis space without permission and must have ignored the warnings or such acts would not have been done Now as i have stated Naboo's Stance Goodbye Councillors.

after Padme leaves the entire republic is in a tizzy they don't know what to do this new empire shows up has power and can go anywhere yet the republic Knows Nothing of this empire Not even where it is.

Palpatine was Livid he wanted that empire Under his Thumb he wanted it as his toy but he also had never heard of this empire and their Power is The real deal he wanted it Under his rule he was planning in his mind he will find it he will Infiltrate it and he will take it he was sure he could cause a huge rift between the republic and this new empire but he wanted the power of the senate he decided to act quicker He knew attacking Padme would cause a Full-blown war with this empire so he sent his apprentice Darth Maul to kill her however she was guarded by 10 Guards that were very powerful he gave Maul his order's and Maul was tracking Padme only to be shot at multiple times by the Dragon guard Maul knew he could not get near this empress he chose to Bide his time she was on her way back to naboo in her ship Maul was following her there a few days later she arrived at Naboo and was meet by Ryjin who talked to her and told her of what happened Then as they were in the Palace talking Some royal guards came in saying some Jedi were here asking to see The queen Ryjin just sat on the step's next to the Throne as Padme sat on the throne.

Qui-Gon Jinn followed by Obi-wan and Ryjin saw a Young Anakin Ryjin knew Anakin would be a good Apprentice Qui-gon had seen Ryjin's look towards Anakin and became wary of this mystery man Qui-gon had asked Padme for some shelter and such while he and his padawan Obi-wan Padme had agreed Ryjin had approached Anakin and had asked him Bluntly.

Kid how would you like to be my Apprentice I see you have good talent and potential not only that BUT you can also have your family here with you while you train ???

Anakin was now shocked he was thinking BUT qui-gon interrupted saying the boy was a Jedi and won't become his apprentice however ryjin did not pay attention to qui-gon as ryjin was focused on Anakin who was thinkingRyjin said that the boy shall choose not anyone else This sparked some Thought in Anakin as Gui-gon tried to talk to persuade Anakin Ryjin silenced Both qui-gon and Obi-wan with His own force power which SHOCKED the 2 as this kind of power was Powerful Anakin asked a bunch of questions to Ryjin, in the end, Anakin decided he would Join Ryjin Anakin also asked The Jedi the questions first and such Qui-gon was a little shocked an unknown Person had Litraly taken a potential Jedi from them Ryjin had left the Palace with Anakin Qui-gon and Obi-wan both where talking and both agreed this unknown person must be told to the Jedi council With this Ryjin had Rai take 4 of the Dragon guard Escort Anakin Ryjins Offical Apprentice to Tatooine to Buy his mothers freedom and to have his mother and all their belongings brought here He gave Rai command of the operation.

with this Days go by as Ryjin await Anakin's return during this time the 2 Jedi had told the Jedi council about this Unknown person They had told them everything and also told them about the sheer power in the force this unknown has and the fact he managed to take a potential Jedi from them Yoda had said he shall come so had 2 other Masters.

after about a week or so Anakin had returned and his mother too Ryjin had taken Anakin to Dragon isle's and had given His mother a house in the main city Many threw the Draconis empire Now knew This child was there emperor's Apprentice all showed Anakin and his mother respect and honour Ryjin started to teach Anakin about the force such as Good evil and such but also tell Anakin there is never a Pure Good or Pure evil Force-user For you cannot have 1 without the other after a day Anakin had understood a bit about Ryjin and had come to understand Ryjin was Brutal to his enemies Yet loving to his own people and family This was His balance as Ryjin had called it something Anakin actually loved he agreed that showing No mercy to enemys yet showing Love to Friends and Family is somthing everyone does anyway Ryjin had anakin Train with sensing the force he would awaken magic in him but he was Young so his magic would be Low so he helped anakin feel it by Bathing anakin in said force after about 20 minuets Anakin said he could feel it and he actualy started playing with it Ryjin smiled and said Good Anakin.

Ryjin was with Anakin a lot teaching him and having many of his generals Train him in fighting style's and weapons not just an Energy blade Anakin had his mother with him This made his mind Whole and Complete as he grew in power and knowledge it was amazing Ryjin had gone back to Naboo with Anakin about a week later Renpa had come along too he was teaching Anakin well ryjin says teaching but it looked like he was bashing the Kid to bits but Anakin was making Extream progress.