Surprise attack and aftermath

as the Fleet was Speeding its way to Coruscant to engage the enemy fleet ina Huge surprise attack about 2 minutes before the fleet emerges.

Empire officer: Sir we are getting weird signals all over the North sector weird energy signals Like a wall of energy there is nothing there but these weird signals are Messing with are Sensor's what should we do.

Palpatine: Are you sure there are no ships I feel no Disturbance with the Darkside there are no ships What could it be hum send a Detachment of ships to that location and find out -but as he was saying that an Officer started screaming-.

Sensor officer: SIR HUGE ENEMY FLEET HAS APPEARED AT NORTH SECTOR they have opened Fire on are Fleet as soon as they appeared are ships being Hit are getting torn apart the enemy fleet Is moving forward at great speed while Laying down constant fire on our fleet.

Palpatine: Order the entire Fleet to engage this enemy and Destroy there small fleet -But as he said that the 4 Exterminatus came threw the Warp space- His eyes bulged at the sheer size of these 4 ships their weapons Fired and tore threw His ships like They where nothing From these 4 World size ships Millions upon Millions of Fighters and bombers came out of hangers His fleet was around 600k in size but had taken Huge losses from this Fleet that he now knew was the Draconis Imperial fleet his fleet had already taken around 180k losses while Draconis had taken around 20k losses.

Anakin was leading the Force Fighters into battle as him and his Entire Legion of force fighters tore threw the empire Tie Fighters-the Draconis bombers Had made there a way to the super star destroyer and started Bombing runs on it but due to its sheer size not much damage was done.

the battle went on for around 2 days as the Draconis fleet had gone from 120k down to 20k while the empire fleet had gone from 600k down to 300k However they lost a good 750k as they got reinforcements in the 2 days the super star destroyer was Battered Covered in holes and Aflame all over it looked on the verge of Blowing up The entire Space around Coruscant was Filled with ship Debri Draconis ships had a setting that if it was going down it was Suicide run an enemy as the crew abandon ship This is what caused so much damage to the empire fleet.

The 4 Exterminatus where Litraly unharmed and the 20k Dreadnaught battleships were in good condition as they left to return to Naboo as Ryjin had returned to Naboo 24 hours ago Palpatine was Raging Bigtime he had killed a few of his men and council members in his rage as his Fleet and his power had just been beaten by a forced way smaller he was Shouting for his Fleet to reorganize and follow the enemy Ships in hyperspace but an officer had told Palpatine the enemy did not use hyperspace in that instant Palatine snaped that guys Neck and threw him to the other side of the room Like a doll order all the Able Fleet to Head to Naboo and Destroy that world NOW.

Ryjin was Now staring at an ancient Mandolorian in a clone vat it takes 24 hours for a Full-grown Warrior to come out and they have all the Experience of the Current Mandalorians in there Head so NO learning needed They just need a Day or so to let their Bodies awaken fully and then Bam ready for war Not only that but the Mando lords where in vats to they were having there DNA Attuned more to the ancient Mandalorian more than Common day as there abilities where greater once this was done The Mando Fleet had arrived at Naboo and Number around 80k to 100k ships.

Ryjin had given the Mando's Better armour In their armour style Tho to keep there Culture and also better weapons there own style But more Powerful They had been supplied with there own energy blades too to battle against Jedi and sith also they had access to Ground and Orbit to the air to ground Vehicles Ranging from Huge Scorpion tanks to Huge Mammoth tanks to Laso tanks and at- at walkers and such The mando's where now Fully Committed to Ryjin and Draconis they had no need to worry about food or such as all were supplied by Draconis Military Personel and such.

About a day later the Fleet returned to Naboo as Ryjin had been Told what happened and how much Damage they did This Made the Mando's laugh along with Ryjin Many mando's where down as they Missed such a Great fight but perked up once hearing the enemy is on their way to Naboo.

Ryjin had about 3 or so days till they arrive he decided to But 100k Dreadnaught battleships again to Bolster his Fleet to a Good number he also had a huge Space station Bought and Built it was Huge it could have a Fleet of over 1million dock on it in total that's an amazing size not to mention it's Hull and weapons were also Long-range Barrage type It also had close range too but its main weapons where the Long to mid-range weapons it had 12 HUGE Bombard Cannons that were each the size of a damn battleship on the space station in a X type set up so 4 at each are of the station from top middle and bottom so it could fire in every direction and also fire around 6 times each side easy These are the True Defence weapons it had many thousands of Artilary weapons and such but these 12 where the Real deal.

This station had all 220 fleet Dock'd and also the 4 exterminatus Class ships had stationed them selfs around the planet of Naboo Guarding it against every direction as they waited for the enemy fleet to Arrive.

Yet not knowing more than just the empire was on its way