Stargate Universe

All Hands Brace for Dimension Breach and Brace for a possible enemy.

Ryjin- Ok ladies and gentlemen Lets POP THE CORK OFF THIS BITCH engines Full ahead -Smirks-

as the Hokage world sees The huge ship leave and the space fort right behind it The ninja villages and daimyo lands are Abuzz due to the Draconis gate's that allow them to go to Draconis Dimension and trade and learn and get missions and such as that's happening as The Exterminatus and the space fort that's now going to be the stargate Universe Imperial Starbase once we arrive and get set up over a world.

as the Exterminatus and the fort is going threw the Breach the sheer power trying to rip the ship and fort apart is Unbelievable but the shields and the power of Sys and Draco and Ryjin block it fine and after what seems an hour They see light ahead of them.

in the stargate universe, The Ascended Ancients Feel this Breach and HUGE power far greater than there's come threw as they throw there Conscious out to find this whatever it is they see the Huge space storm and 2 Enormas objects fly out They feel the power of 3 immensely Powerful Beings and look to see who it is but as they go to look they notice they are being watched by the very 3 with this the ancients Feel a threat and leave.

Sys- Ryjin Draco did you see them too they seem to have failed to ascend to godhood and are in between They are no threat to us but what do you wish to do Ryjin.

Draco- Let me go Batter them and make sure they never bother us.

Ryjin- They are the ancients who supposedly ascended and shed their mortal bodies and are the ancestors of this Dimensions Humans But they were arrogant and got wiped out for it they ascended to escape an enemy they awoke and could not win so they ran away leave them there no threat.

Ryjin- helmsman Head for a big Gaia world the bigger the better and take us there time for the fort to be Set as are imperial starbase and to have it bigger and have the thing retro-fitted.

as this is happening The SGC they have already encountered the goa'uld and are fighting them and they even have Teal'c already so there now aware of the goa'uld Threat the goa'uld are also now fully aware of the tau'ri and won't stop till they have Conquered the tau'ri homeworld of earth it was about the time that Jack O'Neill Captain of SG-1 was going threw a problem he had the ancients Knowledge in his head and was being consumed by it and was doing weird stuff.

Ryjin- Captain send a Cruiser stealth'd to earth and I want Updates and I want the south pole under are command have a Team of Dragon guard go and secure the area also Fine someone in SGC called Jack O'Neill and see if he is ok If he is acting strange Bring him here when he does Cause he will have something we will want then.

Captain- Yes your majesty -Cruiser 1 you have orders Relaying now Get it done also Dragon guard onboard this mission- Your Majesty The Gaia World has been found Its located near the Center of the Galaxy we are heading there now the Cruiser shall be off to the earth in 5 minutes.

as a few hours go by Ryjin and the fort come out of Warp above the planet and as they do Ryjin see's 5 Ha'tak Vessels -There goa'uld Mothership about the size of a Pyramid- are in orbit around the planet Ryjin has the captain head for the planet and as they are The captain tells Ryjin they are being Hailed.

Ryjin- Open the channel and let them speak.

Jaffa Commander- Jaffa Cree state who you are and why you are in Lord Apophis Domain You shall Explain Now Cree.

Ryjin Smirked

Ryjin- Captain -the captain looks at Ryjin- Open Fire I want 4 Gone in 5 seconds Let the Firth Leave.

Jaffa commander- JAFFA ATTACK.

As that was said the 5 Ha'tak Vessels started to fire and bombard the Exterminatus yet they did not even scorch the shield Let alone do damage however 4 of the weapons on the Exterminatus Powerd up and the Ha'tak Powerd shield believing they would Hold well even if this enemy ship is Over 100x there size but they were proven wrong as 4 Crimson Lasers with Black lightning Hit the 4 vessels and they where Destroyed in 1 go even with there shields at max the last ship saw this and went to fell only to get hailed so the Jaffa commander opened the channel in hopes of getting away alive.

Ryjin- You shall take this message to your -Smirks as he says it- G O D Apophis Tell him if he or any other of them Fucking Worms come in this space again I will Eradicate them and their troops to the LAST Now go before I change my mind.

at that the Ha'tak vessel entered their crude hyperspace and left as Ryjin turned to the planet and Had the space fort set up in orbit he accessed his system and Bought all upgrades for it Making it Big Hell even the Exterminatus can dock at the fort It's that big its defences are on a whole other LVL not only that it has a planetary Beaming Technology which makes travel to and from and around the planet Quick and effective.

as the Whole Crew see this there Reverance for Ryjin grows more and more as the Exterminatus docks at the Huge Imperial Space Fort ever crew member has there own Home in the base which amazed all the crew.

The cruiser that had shot off to earth was there and had scanned the Whole planet and found the SGC and was Infiltrating there Systems so they can see inside with there own cameras after getting in in about 3 minuets they where going threw every camera looking for the person on the Picture they have of Jack O'Neill once they find him The see he is actually acting weird even to the other people saying it The dragon guard Knew they must enter the SGC and take Jack O'Neill Now and take him to there Lord and fast.

With this Decided The Dragon guard led by Terry Orderd the Invasion of the SGC to take Jack O'Neill the entire Dragon guard unit under terrys command sounded at the same time Yes Sir