Tok'ra meet Draconis & Tau'ri

as the hours went by the defence site had been uncovered and handed to the joint nations for manning and study as they had returned to SGC but as Ryjin was about to leave the Alarms blared and the coms Blared.

Coms- will General Hammond come to the gate room we have incoming guests who call them selfs the Tok'ra who are requesting to meet with Urgent Information.

As ryjin hears this He looks at the president and Hammond Let them in the Tok'ra are enemies of the goa'uld they are also the same things but not bent on galaxy-wide domination the Tok'ra are more peaceful.

as this is said Hammond gives the order to allow the gate to open and allow are guests in and a few Minuets later a group of Tok'ra is escorted into the meeting room as they are offered seats and Ryjin looks at them as the Tok'ra look around as the sit the president Greets them and speaks.

US President Hayes- Greeting Tok'ra I am US President Hayes and leader of this facility Now before you speak I wish to tell you we all here are cautious of you due to you have the same Race in you as the goa'uld However due to a Great ally of are's -looks to Ryjin and the Tok'ra see this- he has explained you may be of the same race But you are of completely different ideology so As a First meeting Greeting I welcome you Tok'ra to the meeting of the Tau'ri - Asgardians - And Draconis Empire.

The Tok'ra are surprised this was a 3-way meeting they had come upon and the Asgard wherein on this it is amazing with this force and there's combined they may be able to defeat the goa'uld But before they could speak Ryjin spoke up.

Ryjin- Greeting Tok'ra I know you are here due to the system Lords uniting against the Tau'ri And Draconis Empire Yes I already knew However I may have something you would like to hear and no doubt would make you happy I know where your Tok'ra Originator is and I can get her for you and heal her fully back to healthy and young BUT for this, I ask something I want you allied with us and to supply the Tau'ri with all the information you can on system lord movements and also to Work with them also is this possible.

Tok'ra Representative- You know where Queen Egeria is You must tell us it's of imperative importance but if what you ask of is all it takes We agree Please bring Egeria back to us.

Ryjin- Very well -He motions to his dragon guard Terry- Terry you are to take 2 teams along with your own to make 3 you shall take the dragon guard cruiser and go to the world of Pangar once there you are to Go in Retrieve Queen Egeria but don't allow her to meld it will weaken her already decaying health So place her in stasis and Bring her to the Exterminatus we have the technology to heal and rejuvenate her fully and if that does not work bring her to me and I myself shall heal her with my power Also take 1 of the Tok'ra with you she will only trust you if 1 of her kin is among the rescuers BUT remember to KILL only if needed.

Terry- So which of you Tok'ra wish to accompany us to retrieve your beloved Queen at this a Tok'ra stepped forward and introduced her self - I am Garshaw of Belote of the Tok'ra High Council I would Most Honoured to help in the rescue of our beloved Queen and I can't thank you Enough - Terry nodded and went to Warp her to the Exterminatus But before they warp Ryjin speaks up.

Ryjin- Terry is any of the leaders of that world are more to talk tell them that I shall come and meet them myself to explain why we Infiltrated and such OK.

Terry nodded and Warped with Garshaw of Belote to the Exterminatus and was off to Pangar withing a few minutes Ryjin explained his men and their queen should be back in around an hour or so so no long wait during this time The Earth powers had been gathering there Major Expedition the Tok'ra were curious and asked Ryjin what was happening he explained to them and the Tok'ra where Amazed the ancient Lost city they were going to it The Tok'ra asked if they could also be allowed to go and explore and even have some of there's join the expedition with this Ryjin said he has no problem But they must discuss it with the Tau'ri cause He has essentially handed the ancient city to them so its there's with this the Tok'ra went and talked to the earth leaders and started to discuss a Great alliance and joining the expedition.

after about an hour and a half, Terry and Garshaw of Belote Had Warped Back into the room the Tok'ra where instantly beside Garshaw of Belote asking how their queen was was it her and such Garshaw of Belote's face was filled with worry and Panic she spoke.

Garshaw of Belote-Are queen was rescued But She is severely weak and Will soon Die they Tried to heal her in their ship but they said she is far too weak -As she was talking a water tank Warped in front of Ryjin with the Tok'ra Queen in it- I Implore you Lord Ryjin Please Please for all Tokra Please heal are queen We need her she is are life and are Future she was on her knee's Bowing and pleading.

Ryjin stood and walked by her towards the Water tanker -There is no need for kneeling or pleading Miss Garshaw of Belote Now I ask you do you have a Good Partner prepared for Queen Egeria- at these words, the Tok'ra where puzzled -Lord Ryjin we have already explained she is far too weak a melding will kill her and her Host- Ryjin looked at the Tok'ra -Have you forgotten my words so quickly I said if my ships Technoladgy cant heal her I SHALL PERSONALLY I am a true God, after all, I am not a self-proclaimed god like the goa'uld I am but the Real Deal there are People in my Empire who are Bordering on the Ascension to godhood He slowly Slipped his Arm in the water tank as Egeria swayed in the water but his hand gently stroked her Before his hand started to Glow Golden and then all of a sudden = BOOOOM = the entire Mountain Shook vilently the entire continent shook as the Golden light enveloped Egeria as all could see her Wounds and scars heal to the visable eye and even her Very age seemed to revers takeing a very Young and Youthful look even in her Symbiot state all could tell she was FAR YOUNGER.

Ryjin- I have healed her and I have rejuvenated her to 15 years of age so she shall live for thousands of years and shall be able to Birth and have many children and I have healed all scares and wounds All she needs now is a new Partner I would suggest a women -as he was taking his arm out of the tank Egeria Wrapped around his arm as if hugging him Ryjin simply smiled- I suggest giving me a hug once you and your partner are settled in together and I hope are 3 Peoples can Live and Thrive together for millennia to come.

After this, the Tok'ra had asked for the gate to be used for them to get a new able Partner for Egeria where they stayed and talked after hours the gate opened again and this time the Entire Hiaracy of the Tok'ra came in to witness the Return of there, Queen and after about another hour Queen Egeria was officially back with her people and catching up on everything she had missed and she did indeed Hug Ryjin and even Terry with Great thanks to them.

both of which stated - You are most welcome Queen Egeria it was are honour and Pleasure- terry was looking at her with eye's Ryjin knew well Seems Terry had fallen for this Queen and she seemed to feel the same.

Ryjin- Terry Kneel Now and Receive your Lords Decree -Terry snapped back to reality and kneeled- Terry you are now Removed from the Dragon Guard and are going to be the Draconis Representative with the Tok'ra you can now Court any you wish as you are freed of your Vows and Oath's DO YOU RECEIVE THIS DECREE AND ACCEPT OR NOT ???.

Everyone looked on with Unbelieving Eyes Ryjin just Fired one of his Elite Guard and is throwing him to the Tok'ra However Terry saw the look on his lord's face and knew he had been caught having feelings for this Egeria and this is his lord's way of saying.

-Go get her before someone else does-

Terry- I Terry of the Gryph Family Here by accept this Decree and thank his lord as long as Miss Egeria shall accept me as the representative -these words Egeria heard Made it all click she knew why he had done that now and smiled and she said = I accept on behalf of the Tok'ra = with this Terry was happy and Ryjin was also happy then now we shall continue are talks on the plans.