Pegasus in Total war

in the pegasus galaxy alexander was dealing with an annoying Race The Wraith he knew from his lord the wraith had numbers but these numbers are sheer madness he and his fleet must have wiped out more than a few hundred thousand ships and Billions of Wraith yet They come back twice if not 5X the numbers ??? Ryjin had gotten the second Atlantis which he renamed Draco Atlantis and had it retro engineered it was at least 50X larger and had enough landing pads for Draconis warships to dock around a thousand not only that the Place had weapons and such placed all over IT is a moving City of death with space thrusters.

it was then sent back to Alexander after around 5 weeks along with over 1800 Draconis warships alexander had the entire fleet moving and attacking he was getting annoyed that no matter how many they kill more show up JUST LIKE BUGS whats more is in the last week he has been getting reports from Teyla's people that the wraith has cracked down on all their human cattle worlds Harshly so alexander decided to give them a Battle he allowed the wraith to find his fleet for a Huge space dog fight 1950 Draconis warships and alexanders Titan Capital Where in orbit around a Giant world of humans who where Evacuating by stargate to another world the wraith had sent over 60000 ships believing there victory all but assured.

Alexander was planning his battle out there ships are far more powerful than the wraith but they have the numbers if he had another 1500 or more ships he would not care plus the 8 captured Wraith ships were sent back to milky way for study and retro engineer which was going well.

Meanwhile in the milky way

Ryjin had delt the goa'uld system lords a Deadly hit he and the alliance had effectively wiped out 70% of the entire goa'uld space fleet There power was now on a huge decline the Tok'ra had saved all there captured operatives and had started to do Hit and runs on their worlds with Terry's fleet alongside his now-wife Egeria.

the Earth commanders had also learned and grown as commanders in space battles and world invasions.

BUT for all they had heard of The pegasus galaxy's Plight, Ryjin was now fielding a fleet of over 20k and was gearing for a fight with the Wraith and the Replicators in pegasus also the Asgard had fixed there genetic defect and even managed to gain their original bodies back and had also managed to defeat there enemy the replicators so they now were dealing with the goa'uld the system lords Had now called a Meeting between the alliance and the system lords to discuss peace as the days go by the meeting come to fruition as Ryjin is sat there beside Egeria and Thor and the US president as the goa'uld sat across from them now the goa'uld had fully united even the lower lords had joined the system lords making their numbers from like 10 or 15 to around 35 to 50 system lords As the goa'uld lords came in many where throwing threats and such but were ignored as all sat down Ryjin started talking.

Ryjin- So why have the system lords called for this meeting -He narrows his eyes at them-

Ba'al- we have called this meeting to talk about Peace this war is bad for all of us even you so if we stop it now the better don't you agree.

Ryjin- we as an alliance are and have no problem keeping this war going we have lost Nothing and I mean not a single thing you goa'uld are the only ones losing so why should we stop ????.

Ba'al- then why have you not destroyed the Tok'ra they are Goa'uld and yet they are your allies is not that a contradiction as they are your enemies.

Egeria- first of BA'AL we are nothing like you Goa'uld we live in harmony with our host's we don't try and conquer everything and act like fake gods I admit we are of the same Race but completely different ideal's and we find it an honor to be included in their alliance so don't put the Tok'ra in the same category as you.

Lord Yu- we should stop this bickering what Ba'al says is right but I also agree with the Tok'ra but this war should end I say we end this war and try and find a middle ground.

Ryjin- Lord Yu I know of you of all the system lords you are strict Yet fair however your old age is starting to affect you -Lord Yu's face contorts at that- but if you surrender and agree to join the Draconis empire and follow are laws I can offer you your Youth back and you will still be the lord of your domain but shall be under Draconis rule ??? What says, you Lord Yu.

Lord Yu sits and contemplates this offer for him its a great offer he and his domain is 1 of few system lords that have not acted against this enemy so they were left alone in honor of them not being enemies.

Lord Yu- I would Like time to think about this Its a great offer but I would like to confer with my Own council.

Ryjin Nods and agree's but the other system lords are mad as FK

Ryjin- Now then on to a matter that will have you system lords in an uproar Anubis is alive and has rebuilt his force's and they are stronger than you Lords if he attacked now you all would fall for the exception of Lord Yu Lord Ba'al and Lord Kronos as them 3 have not attacked are alliance and have their forced at full they may be able to fight Anubis BUT they will fall in time his tech is greater then yours currently and he also has new Hybrid Soldiers equipped with better armor that can take staff and zat hits like there nothing but a breeze.


Ryjin- correction WAS DEAD he managed to attain a semi ascended state he is half ascended and half un-ascended the ancients who ascended in this galaxy have not allowed him to fully ascend but have not fully stopped him either They have done nothing to help or stop it I am very close to just Attacking them for there inactive acts.

As he said the last words he turned his head to the right glaring at the entrance of the doors where when everyone looked they saw no one.

Ryjin- DID YOU HEAR ME ANCIENT go back to your cowardly Kin and tell them to leave this galaxy before I wipe them out.

after he said that everyone saw a shimmer and a woman appeared.

????????- I am an ancient and 1 of few who don't agree with the others for not helping my name is Oma Desala I ask you to hear me out Great one -she bows to ryjin-