new world and Evolution

So as Ryjin was getting his men ready for the Expedition and Invasion to this next world he made sure that only Cold steel weapons and cloth's where allowed He would not fk up a world by bringing High-end Tech to a Low primitive world.

The Daimyo had also told the kages that 100 Elite Ninjas from each village are to go with Ryjin and to help him set up his kingdom and Ryjin shall have a hidden Village built for them and also a gate built in the said village so they can funnel there loot back to the elemental nations Ryjin was sure that all the stuff that's taken from this new world he will make sure to use his power to make sure that said Resources are replenished in said world so as not to just Strip Mine the world.

but as this was happening Ryjin and sys had suddenly been covered in Golden Lightning and power All the gods and the people watching where worried but something told them all it was a good thing After hours of waiting Sys and Ryjin came back to normal but there power was on the very Boarder of what the gods know as True god and what goes beyond this Shocked all the gods and even the people around them Many of the People around who were on the verge of Immortal and godhood were astounded and excited.

as the hours went by everything seemed fine BUT that changed when Ryjin went into his system to Buy troops for Renpa and his 2 commanders and Ribuko and his 3 commanders He was shocked to his core.

His System had evolved along with him and sys Now he had access to all Factions and Civilizations in total war even the modded ones He was no longer blocked on just Humans This was a Great thing now he had access to troops that Normally he could not get not to mention his Achievement units had expanded Dramatically.

With this, he bought each of his men their troops and geared them up for battle Ryjin also saw he had access to the other civilizations buildings and unique Buildings and such this would mean he can develop certain race's in different dimensions.

Ryjin was now ready He had 3000 under his command and around 1000 under each of his generals so 10000 in total his kids were also in his group as was Naruto and Hinata and from the Elemental world there where 10000 Ninja 2000 from each village that would help with making the new United hidden Village in the new war world.

Sys was sleeping and getting used to her power increasing Draco was beside her helping all he could the rest of the gods were also there helping Even shinigami Susano and Amaterasu from the elemental world where helping.

as all where ready Ryjin opened a Gateway threw dimensions and had he and his men charge threw as the army followed and what greeted them was a Huge open flat land with a Huge Almost never-ending forest the trees where almost the size of the damn Empire state building ????.

Ryjin had his men ride around and Scout the area fully but what got his attention and that of all his men was the game like display in front of them that told them there names class attributes and skills and such ?????.

Ryjins screen was Mostly ?????? due to him being a god but his attributes were off the chart in the Trillions Again he attests that to him being a god the others where more normal-Ish his kids where brutally overpowered Hinata and naruto as well His generals and their commanders again were also overpowered The ninja were kinda normal for Ninja that is. after hours of Setting up a camp -a roman Bivuwak from Spartacus a nice Pallisade fort- the entire force was set up in the fort and all scouts where out Hundreds of ninja had taken the scouting missions Ryjin had Made and stuck on a board by sunrise they should have a good amount of knowledge of the area to act.

as they all slept they where being watched by Unknown Scouts that where Human but also others that Looked Like elves Ryjin knew so did Renpa and Ribuko So did the ninja leaders but them scouts did nothing so Ryjin had them left alone.

The next morning Ryjin had gotten a Good map layout of the land for a few hundred miles in all directions Bird summons really do come in handy as they looked The forest on there right covers the right of the land and the birds and ninja found no end to the forest so it must go on for a while to the left is a Kingdom that looks Human but has what looks like Beastkin as slaves the north has what looks like Elves kingdom with also Beastkin in Not treated as slaves BUT not fully treated like subjects To the south Thos is a Full beastkin Kingdom and all over are Monsters such as Goblins Orks dragons Gryfhins Dryads Drakes Lines tigers Ligers bears all manner of monsters from myth and legends and even fiction these monsters were part of no kingdom but attacked all so Ryjin believes this world to be a Sword and magic world with a Natural Status like a game system.

To the right, in the forest, around 80 miles in there is a mountain that would make for a good spot to drop down a city as to start building his war kingdom He just needs to get there threw untold amount of monsters and other such things BUT everyone is excited for what's to come.

Ryjin meets the 5 Ninja Commanders

Konoha = Kakashi

Iwa = Kurotsuchi

Kumo = Samui

Kiri = Ao

Suna = Temari

Ryjin had all 5 meet him as he stated, for now, they are in command of there force's to do as they see fit till Ryjin has the village built for them Which may be in around a month They all Understood and all shot out of the camp with there troops in different directions Some heading for Villages towns and such others for the monster settlements but all went for the same thing To Most likely Fight and gain Loot and Plunder This world after all is a Haven for ninja for they can fight here to there hearts content and not worry about there home They can essentially do what they want here as long as it abides by there Kage's Law.

Ryjin had gathered his men and had them move into the forest as he headed to the Mountain as they went they ran into few monsters and beasts all where Huge in size So food would never be a Problem The fruits where also Massive Ryjin noticed that the beasts and monsters seemed to avoid them mostly BUT Ryjin knew that would change when he was not with his men.