Wulfs Anger

as Ryjin was sat thinking about what and how to approach these Elves His son wolf had gone west with his own Personal Men he Dubbed The Drakes they wore Blood red armour with a black Drake head on their chest and back Wulf had gone off west to explore the Human civilization and just have some fun his Drake Guard Number around 1000 They where highly trained and had good weapons and as such Ryjin did not have to worry It has been days since he left Ryjin expected him back soon.

Ryjin had given his Personal guard commands to escort the elves either threw his land or to bring them to him if they were coming here about a day passed and Ryjin was now face to face with a group of elves They wore Fancy Gilded armour and such but had sabres and bows and even Knifes as Ryjin was about to Greet the elves a Huge noise outside the Throne room was going on as The doors Burst open as Wulf Busted threw shouting Gibberish ???.

Fuchsakahdkdld them as hksohjehekdhs Gahhhh i will kajeuetdbdkl.

That was about all Ryjin could understand as his son was from what Ryjin could tell Livid mad No even Livid was an understatement The elves were talking amongst them selfs some even sneering and some curious.

Ryjin- Wulf what is going on Why are you so angry about what happened ?????.

Wulf paused when he heard his father's voice and he went calm and silent he thought he had Disappointed his farther but still he explained all as it happened.

Wulf- Farther as you know I left west to explore and look at the civilization in the west where humans are as me and my drake guard where going threw the lands we came across a Huge Lion around 30 feet tall a great Beast so me and my guards decided to battle it I was going to have some Nice fur clothes made for some of my men to win in our next Last man standing competition As we battled it We beat it and we hooked up around 9 wagons together in a 3x3 formation to carry it after about an hours journey and Fully Bleeding the lion we kept the blood for Science research I was about to have my men Skin the lion and also collect the meat for food When some people from a nearby city had come to our camp area along with what looked of around 5000 soldiers which were lead by what looked like a lord as he wore Better and Guilded armour and had a Guilded sword The man in question came towards are camp I orderd my guards to stand down as we heard him out his exact words where as such,

- I am Lord Barak Lord of these lands under his majesty King Roe of the Sky Monarchy Rulers of the western lands and all Humans you Bandits have stolen these adventurers Kill and have been running rampant threw are lands That ends now Hand over the Kill and return all the gold and weapons and armour you stole from are kingdoms armoury Comply or Die-

that was his words Exactly as he said them I went forward guarded buy 4 of my men and started to explain this beast was killed by me and my men and these weapons and armours were forged in are kingdom by my own people and had never been forged by his people So he was Lied to at hearing this He just Got angry and ordered his men to fire a volley at my men My men Raised shields and None where killed some harmed none killed So I told him if he attacks again we will respond in full He just laughed and had his Mounted men charge around 1500 I had 100 of my men mount up and Countercharge Lets just say My men wiped out there cavalry with only 2 of my men dieing Lord Barak Left screaming stuff about him coming back with the king's army and such.

Ryjin had listened to his son Even the elves had listened Intently 1 of the elves Just snorted and sneered saying,

-And how would a Human-like you defeat a great Lion, Huh you probably did steal that kill only high-rank adventurers could kill a beast like that even armies have fallen to beasts like that-

Well, Ryjins mind had been made for him as He Nodded to a Dragon guard who walked forward and Instantly Beheaded said Elve this shocked the elves Ryjin stood and said Kill all but 1 and send him back with all there head's the dragon guards Slaughtered all but the youngest Female elve the rest killed and beheaded.

Ryjin- Listen Well Little Elven Women Take these Heads Back to your King and tell him this was caused by your own people's Arrogant ways and as of now we Have WAR.

Ryjin Turned to Wulf and gave a command.

Ryjin- Wolf my son You are to write and issue some High-Rank missions to the Ninja and have them posted on their missions board Also you are to send word to Renpa and Ribuko that we are now at war with the northern Elven kingdom and the western Humans Attack at will act is they wish Also Gather your self and your siblings and prepare your own men as I shall have an army 30 thousand strong gathered and shall be led by General Ro-Ro of the werewolf Clan of Draconis you shall go with him to attack the west I want this lord Barak taken alive for Execution.

Wulf was wide-eyed He knew his farther missed cold weapons war but to instantly declare war on 2 Huge Empires at the same time even shocked him He nodded to his farther and Left to tell his sisters and naruto and Hinata and also sort out the missions for the ninja Ryjin had started giving orders to his guards.

Ryjin- Gather 1000 Dragon guard from Draconis have the Suited with Cold weapons and bring them here I want them to be mounted on Armoured War Tigers I want them here in 7 days or sooner also I want you to summon Karin of Chu from Draconis Tell her I have a target for her to stretch her legs with