Hostile First contact

Ryjin was listening to the Message and had got 1 of the warships to head to that World to offer help Ryjin himself was also heading there on the colony itself there was intense fighting as what seemed like Brown Tree people were fighting the Alliance the Garrison troops were holding there own with the advanced Defence tactics that the alliance learned from Ryjin's Troops they were holding well even with the enemy have greater troop numbers The enemy them self's where trying to Rush and overwhelm the garrison of the humans it had been around 5 days since the attack started and the humans were holding out for Help from the Alliance fleet what they did not expect was Crimson Lights to show up in front of them and from there Hundreds of Troops in Hulking armor appeared and started Shooting the aliens Many of the Great hulks had a shield on there left hand and a Huge Tri barreled Minigun that shot so fast it tore threw all in its path.

On the battlements the human force's saw Great Red Lightning Wreathed in Black bolts as Huge Tanks appeared They seemed to Giv of some pressure and then Some legs dug in and the tank changed form to some kind of artillery ??? -Seige tank from Starcraft- from there They started firing on the Enemy forces with no mercy as the Great Armored soldiers started moving forward The human forces witnessing this Gathered all there Ferver and Zeal and started going forward matching there Allies as they started to steamroll the enemy aliens.

Ryjin was on the ground with 10 of his Elite guards in his own Defender armor as he was making his way to the Alien main HQ Ryjin knew this alien race they where Turians Very militaristic as he made his way Threw the land He saw to the Right the main colony had been saved the defenders had joined his troops in the Pushback as the enemy was Hightailing it back to there landing HQ the Turian General was having a field day his force's That where slowly Very slowly In fact moving forward was suddenly Halted and was Being decimated and pushed back faster then any command can be given to counter or even help all he could order was in shame -FULL RETREAT- The Turian General had sent an urgent message to Palaven Homeworld of the Turians and also -Stupidly- Sent an urgent message to the Citadel council requesting Reinforcements as fast as possible.

However, that was not to happen as 5 minutes later Ryjin had carved his way into the HQ as the Turians where being Slaughtered by 10 Dragon Guard in assault armor there Energy Blades and shields Up there shoulder-mounted guns Going off Rapidly as All over the HQ was strewn Nothing but dead Turians The general Had his men Surrender to save as many lives as possible and was surprised that the enemy stoped there Attack and then what he guessed was the commander Spoke.


the Turians who heard him Dropped there weapons and half started to disarmor the other half did not wish to disarmor That changed when 1 of the dragon guards Spun up his Huge tri-gun and prepared to fire at that all the Turians Disarmored Then as they were all laying face down on the ground they saw something that shocked all the Turians to there Core These Great Soldiers Kneeled Shields in front and there Tri-gun Pointed up and all said the same word -Hail the Emperor- The Turian General was Looking with interest at the one they called emperor and was taking in his facial features But that came to a stop as Said Emperor was now stood over him looking at him.

Ryjin- Turian you have 1 Option you and your people will Give me the coordinates to the Citadel and I shall have you and your ilk took there where I shall meet the other race's for an answer for this act of war DO YOU UNDERSTAND.

Turian General- If you swear my men will be treated well and won't be harmed I will Give you the coordinates.

Ryjin- Very well general Dragon Guard Let them up and Rearmor BUT no weapons and have them taken to the Great Flame -changed ship name from Fire to Great Flame- and we will set out to The citadel once we have either admiral Anderson or Hacket.

The dragon guard nodded as all the Turians where now back in there armor and where being Warped up to the great flame as Ryjin left behind 300 dragon guard and 30 siege tanks under the Garrison commanders command until the alliance Force's Come the people of the colony and the garrison force where Happy and ecstatic for the help Ryjin and his ship left for Sol and arrived a few seconds later and Informed the Earth council and they Had there Master ambassador Udina and there admiral Anderson go with Ryjin to represent Earth in the talks to be Ryjin welcomed both aboard the great flame and then they set off for the citadel.

After around 1 hour of udina and Anderson talking to the Turian General with the help of the Universal Translator Ryjin had gifted them both They learned a lot The said general was very cooperative and they where happy Anderson gave said general a Great deal of honor for thinking of his men rather than His pride This Seemed to Build a Very fragile Bridge between both Generals in there right then about 1 hour later Ryjin told all to brace for High warp and then they shifted Then they returned to normal and Ryjin told all that they were now in Citadel space This shocked the Turians As no race had the tech to travel instantly.

at this time the races on the citadel who were keeping the Region scanned for hostiles Set the alarms off all over the citadel stating a ship had appeared out of nowhere and was at least 8X the size of the biggest Ship they had Recorded of, this ship was heading to the citadel as the Asari Turian and Salarian councilors got word they had the destiny ascension and the citadel fleet head out to intercept said Ship and find out its purpose.

Ryjin Anderson Udina and the Turian general were on the bridge Ryjin looked to the Turian and Nodded Have them stand down and tell them we want to meet on there citadel to Get an explanation for there actions the Turian general Hailed the Citadel fleet and also the citadel itself after about 10 minutes the citadel fleet moved out of the way and the great flame made its way towards the citadel and Stationed itself Next to the citadel as Ryjin Udina and Anderson and the general where Warped on to the citadel to the Embassy area where they would go to meet the council also Ryjin had the entire Turian troops warped on to the citadel at the Turian embassy area to honor his word to the Turian General.

after about 10 minutes of waiting a Blue women came to greet them and guide them to the council meeting room where all council races shall be Anderson and Udina were starting at the Blue Squid like women Ryjin was Doing his best to hide his laughter BUT failed as he burst out laughing making udina and Anderson look at him then they started laughing the Asari in question did not know their reason for laughing and shrugged it off The 3 finally stopped laughing before they entered the council Hall from there Ryjin saw the 3 big races had Great seats and the smaller races had side seats So Ryjin decided to FK with them as they entered He noticed no seats for him or Anderson or udina So he summoned 3 flyable Furry Lazy boys for the 3 to sit on as they would float around 10 feet up Higher than the council.

Seeing what this being just done many of the council race's where surprised and shocked Anderson and Udina Looked at ryjin and instantly understood Why he did that as they both took their seats and Then lay back and relaxed in the ever so comfy chair as Anderson even turned on the Massage function as all heard a Low Humm as his chair Vibrated Udina got annoyed he did not do that so he did also The council where Giving them the Glare while Ryjin sat down and then started to speak.

Ryjin- We are here to get answers for your Attack on the Race of humanity called the System Alliance of the earth I am here as there Iron-clad Allie and Fellow human and emperor of the Draconis empire NOW why did you declare war on our Allies.

To say the council was shocked was The furthest thing from them as They seemed puzzled confused as if Hit with an unknown question in an unknown language then the Asari councilor spoke.

Asari councilor- Umm I believe there is a mistake the council races have not declared war on anyone what do you mean we started a war ??? can you please explain.

Ryjin Motioned for a Turian to walk forward -Explain to your council race what you had done and why we are nowhere and preparing for full-scale war Turian general the general went on for about 30 minutes about how he and his fleet were patrolling and saw an Unknown ship and followed it and found a Great habitable world with what seemed like and unknow race's colony on it he had messaged Palaven and the citadel and he had gotten Word from both to attack and remove said race from said world At that the Asari and salarian councilor looked at the turian Councilor with a wrathful gaze the said councilor was shaking but whether in fear or rage was unknow.

Asari councilor- It would seem the Turians had caused this mistake -Ryjin Glared at the Turion council member- I can say to you that the citadel races would of never give approval of such an act especially with it being a first contact Meeting Is there any way we can rectify this and maybe open negotiations I am sure we can sort this out and come to agreeable terms.

Ryjin turned to Anderson and Udina and Lowered his chair to ground Level as he Spoke -I leave this up to our allies who where the ones affected my empire shall Back them 100% in there choice May I explore and look around the citadel till the talks are done ???- Udina Nodded to Ryjin mentally thinking he needed to thank ryjin for letting him do his job and for the Backup with his support Anderson also thought the same The council was shocked This man this emperor had such loyalty to his allies It was unheard of and many now wanted to get to know this empire and their culture and maybe even set up Agreements the council agreed to his request and Ryjin left leaving the council and His allies Now friends Udina and Anderson to do there work.

Ryjin was walking with 4 Shadow Guards of which all 4 where Ninja from the elemental dimension They where amazed and shocked by this dimension but their mission was a XXX class bodyguard mission The pay was enough for buying 5 worlds But ryjin offered them Better stuff such as Jutsu scrolls and also techniques on how to combine elements to Creat new Kekki Genki which to the ninja was Unbelievable BUT ryjin paid upfront and the ninja sent where Kakashi Guy Tsunade and Jiraiya he also has other ninjas with him from each other village to even out the table for all to be given same share and such These 4 were looking around With very curious eyes after about 6 hours or looking exploring and such a Turian came to them Statement that the council has ended and he has been requested to come back to talk Ryjin thanked the guy and made his way back Guards in tow.

Arriving back Ryjin saw Udina and Anderson both smiling Ryjin asked how it went They explained to him that the council officially apologizes to Humanity as a whole and the Turians shall pay a huge reparation to humanity also humanity shall have a place in the citadel and shall have a chance to join the council itself once They have proven them selfs Ryjin looked on as Anderson spoke and he told ryjin that the council even offered 2 spots in there elite Specter ranks to 2 humans Anderson asked Ryjin if anyone he had met on earth got his attention Ryjin offered the name of Commander Jhon Sheperd of the N7 who was commander of the garrison force on Sanxi and was the one who held the line before his force arrive Anderson took the name in and nodded and said he would Have it brought to the Alliance councils attention Then ryjin walked into the center of the Room as the citadel council wanted to speak to him.

Asari Councilor- Lord Ryjin we have spoken and come to terms with the race of humanity this in conjunction means we are at peace with you we all hope and also would you be willing to Open negotiations with us your empire shall also have an embassy here on the citadel if you wish many races would love to meet and make agreements and such with you and your empire If this is possible.

Ryjin stands there thinking then speaks.

Ryjin- I will accept peace as are friends and allies Earth have come to terms with you so we are no longer enemies or hostile also on the matter of Diplomatic ties Yes all are welcome to talk my empire would Love to have an embassy here on the citadel However I will give you a heads up the only world you will find of are's here in this universe is mars in the sol system and is Right next to earth all are other worlds are in are other dimensions and universe's If I and my empire come to trust you we may even open a gate here on the citadel for your race's to go to other dimensions we inhabit gain newfound powers meet new race's See new worlds and animals and cultures and such BUT Trust and respect is EARNED not given and trust takes time to build please remember this.

at this revelation, the entire Citadel council was Bogeyed shocked Other dimensions and universe's to explore new elements new powers New everything.

To show you what I mean allow me to introduce you to my 4 Guards here they are from what we call the Elemental Dimension and they are Ninja and can use a Power far different and more powerful then your Biotic abilities as they use Chakra and can use Jutsu If you would Kakashi can you show some.

At this Kakashi walked forward and did some Jutsu like fireball fire dragon water dragon and such the council now Knew This emperor was not JOKING and where enormed by the prospect of these new powers worlds culture and such The entire citadel council Agreed to Ryjins words and as such The Turian general was released By Ryjin and the general Bowed and thanked Ryjin for Holding to his word and showing and treating his men well while In his hold Ryjin nodded and from there all went there own way Ryjin had Anderson and Udina come back to his ship and they left-back for the earth as Udina Anderson Ryjin and his 4 Ninja guards all drank and laughed and talked about the success of the talks and all they saw.

as days went by the Alliance had made its way out into the galaxy now and was settled in the citadel to Ryjin had his world Mars now with a Mage city on it and people on there This world was like a Vacation world and people loved how clean and Nice it was The Megacity itself is not a 1 giant Cluster of buildings this mega city was spread all over the world where pockets of vacation housing where all over the world all connected to the main Vacation area by warp doors so the world was Truly green and when looked at you could see no city Yet if you looked closely you could say what looked like a web of sots which was the Housing area's all over that each pocket had different areas like beach areas Canyon areas Mountain areas and such Truly a beautiful world.

With this, all going well and Ryjin had now thought of going to meet the Quarians but he would be busy for the next few years and then the events would start so he shall sit wait enjoy his time until it comes to an end Ryjin had a small fleet here only around 30 Warships 31 if you include the new Dragon Command ship he had bought for The leader of his dragon guard here in the mass effect dimension it was around 20X the size of a warship yet nowhere near the size of a titan Let alone a capital titan.

As the days passed to weeks and weeks to months and months to years around 5 years passed by Fast and Ryjin had just gotten word that Commander Jhon Shepard was nominated for specter Status and was to be given a mission to see whether he was fit for said status Ryjin now knew the time was Ripe and It had arrived.

WAR HAD ARRIVED -he Smirked as he Looked forward to it-