Hyuga get a wake up call

Hinata was stood over the elder as he was screaming on the ground as naruto was helping the branch member up all the Hyuga clan had now heard and were there the Hyuga elder council were fuming and where demanding Hinata be branded and such Her farther tho did nothing as he could see with his byakugan her eyes were far more powerful than any he had seen.

Naruto was helping the branch member who he now recognized it was Neji Hyuga he helped Neji get up and also Smiled at him and said Congrats bud you no longer have that shit on ya headNeji hearing this was confused but then the words sunk in He removed his headband and looked in a mirror as he silently let some tears out Naruto just stood beside Neji and let him come to terms with his freedom.

Hinata was going Ape-shit on the Hyuga Elders she had branded them all and was using it on them she was also removing all the seals on the branch members at the same time A true testament of her abilities.

Hinata- I am Hinata Hyuga and I as of now Take the mantle of Hyuga's head -she glares at her farther- DOES anyone OBJECT if so step forward NOW.

No one moved or objected the elders still screaming on the floor in pain.

Hinata- OK with that settled I now dissolve the cage bird seal FOR GOOD and the Hyuga elders shall KEEP IT on them seeing as how they like it so much and all elders now have No power there is no council there is just the CLAN HEAD is that understood.

The whole clan nodded and bowed to Hinata Naruto was smiling and happy his wife had just achieved her dream of freeing her family.

now as this was happening Hiruzen had just gotten word of the Hyuga clan's New Head and was surprised but after meeting Hinata and talking to her he saw she was indeed an able and most capable Clan head and he congratulated her Hinata over the next few days spent time Destroying old laws of the clan to help and allow the individual clan member to be happy like marrying out of the clan and such This caused a Boom in the Hyuga clans Overall attitude as it became open and warm from stoic and stern and strict.

Ryjin spent a few days with Hiruzen setting up plans for the coming fight Ryjin had also been told that Ame was attacked but everyone was already dead in ame The whole place was deserted and only elderly bodies were found ???.

Now ryjin knew where the enemy would get the sacrifices for the Edo Tensei Jutsu he told Hiruzen and he dispatched messengers to all other Kage's to inform them of the Info Ryjin had also heard of what his summoned daughter has been doing apparently when she is seen she tries to speak to people and warn them she is not in control She does try to help but she is too strong.

Ryjin- there is 1 thing we can be certain of and that's the fact the enemy will need a lot of sacrifices to not only summon but also control any of them 3not only that but if they do bring rose back I have no idea how the immortal energies will react Hell she may even fully revive I don't know I could bring down my army but I think we can handle this without my armies getting involved seeing as many ninjas have gained more strength from all the missions and powers gained from other dimensions SO I think we are all that's needed You ok with this.

Hiruzen and the rest agreed their new power needed to be tested along with many others who had gained powers and also Created new ones due to mutations.

Ryjin spent the next 2 days locked in his manor as he was going threw all his memories to find the memories on the Light novels and such of naruto from his home dimension before death to see if any had a way to counter or even compleat the Edo Tensei after 2 days of hardcore searching he found something about compleating the Jutsu from Edo Tensei to Celestial Rebirth this however required for said person to be an Edo Tensei for the rebirth to work BUT ryjin was conflicted He did not wish the dead to be brought back he believed once u die your time was over so he was stuck in a dilemma his heart wanted them but at the same time it wanted them to rest easy ??.

all the other kages had gotten word from hiruzen about said people and his warning they took it and acted on his word and they managed to steer clear of Ava however the Numerous S-rank nin on Akatsuki's Side was becoming a problem and a lot of them where Edo Tensei so the kages convened and meet at Land of Iron -like in cannon they talked Zetzu shows up declares war- as Zetzu is about to leave the meeting Ryjin grabbed him by the throat Zetzu now being Scared shitless as he can't run from Ryjin for some odd reason.

Ryjin- you are lucky shit stain i don't kill messengers but you will heed these words you will de-summon the ones from the locket and you shall return said locket DO THAT AND MAYBE I DONT RIP YOUR BITCH MOTHER TO PIECES IN FRONT OF YOU this is your 1 and only chance Mommas boy.

Zetzu- How do you know of my mother and don't dare speak of her like that MONKEY you are all only able to wield chakra because of her -he was cut off by ryjin-.

Ryjin- that is where you are very wrong I was here on this world LONG BEFORE YOUR WHORE OF A MOTHER CAME HERE and chakra was far more potent and Thick back then Your mother is a parasite and a Fucking DEAD BITCH if any one of them from the locket is out -grips Zetzu's neck- DO YOU UNDERSTAND.

-Zetzu wanted to refute but he could not he knew what this man said was true this being had been here long before his mother had so he nodded-

Ryjin let him go as Zetzu Litraly nosedived in the ground to run as fast as he could never in his life had he been so terrified he had to tell Madara to not summon any from the locket His best bet was to take the locket and just destroy it.