King's Landing

Ryjin is stood before rob Stark John Snow and Sansa Stark as Ryjin greeted them and gave them Hugs that they welcomed and returned after that they started the talks on open trade and such rob also told Ryjin about their father being in kings landing and even about the king wishing to meet him in kings landing for talks on trade and such.

once word had come to rob from his father he told ryjin and asked if he would be willing to go to King's Landing Ryjin agreed Sansa asked if she could accompany him as she had become good friends with Oichi Yotanwa and Padme Rose and Tali Sansa was shocked at her first meeting with tali but overcame it real quick.

so Ryjin his wives and rob and John and Sansa were now riding to king's landing as they made their way to kings landing they talked and such Rob and John were asking about ancient battles and beasts and such Ryjin told Rob and John he would bring them to his land so they can see such creatures and such this they were ecstatic about.

after a few days, they arrived at The outskirts of Kings Landing Ryjin had some of his guards with him they were all at the Level of apocalyptic beings each was a dragon guard but where the elite of all of them and had also melded all their powers they are a force to be reckoned with.

as they stopped at the gates to the city Ned met them there and guided them into the city along with a royal Escort as all the civilians were watching on with awe and shock and also surprise and interest.

as they entered the soldiers were running about Ned was told Cersei and Jamie was broken out of the dungeon and had made their escape Tywin had broken them out and declared war the greyjoy's joined him and has their troops march with Lannister's along with over 100k sellswords and merc's from all across essos even now a good 100k Lannister troops march on house Tully in Riverlands with a further 200k heading down into House Tyrell towards high garden Ned was shocked 300k troops and that does not include the armies defending the Lannister lands Ned turned to Ryjin and said he needed to see Robert Ryjin agreed and they left for the keep.

Robert was throwing curses and such and was in a full-blown rage Ned entered as did Ryjin and his wives Robert shouted at Ned.


Ned- Robert calm down we need to think this through calmly.

Ryjin- Ned you need to send word to the north now for the northern army to gear up and prepare to meet the Lannister army or you will be caught with your pants down I will have 50k Troops from my kingdom come here to help I will also have 100 Fast warships sent to help the northern navy.

Ned- I agree I will have word sent right away Robert you need to call all banners to be raised Now or the lannisters will catch a lot off guard and the damage will be extremely heavy.

Robert- Guards get it down now send word threw the realm I want the banners up and to march on the lannisters or Guard their borders I will have my army meet the 200k heading to high garden Ned I want you and the north to take on the 100k heading to the Riverlands can you do this.

Ryjin leaves rob and ned to deal with that as he sends a message to his kingdom via Warp Crow a unique race of bird that can use warp travel somehow the message stated to bring 20k Legionerys 10k Armored Spear Seargent's and 5k heavy bowmen and 5k heavy crossbows and 10k heavy cav with the message sent it would not take long for his army to arrive he also said to dispatch 100 fast navy warships to help the northern fleet.

with all this done all Ryjin had to do now was wait for ned and rob Ryjin did however save Tyrion from being killed as he was in king's landing Ryjin took him in and said no harm shall come to Tyrion the man in question was grateful and gave his thanks especially since Ryjin was paying for his needs meaning whores drink food Rinse and repeat.

after about a day ned came to ryjin and told him the plan the king will lead all the southern lands to defeat the 200k Lannister army heading to high garden while the north and any lords in the north are to deal with the now 170k Lannister army heading to the Riverlands Ryjin agreed and told ned the 100 ships should arrive at the north top help in about another day and his army of 50k is already in the north waiting for them even now.

with the plans done Ryjin ned rob and john Rode north along with the girls, the ride was quick as Ryjin had summoned a bunch of Red Hairs so they got to the Riverlands before the Lannister's had with Ryjin's army also already there and set up a makeshift fort in the Lannister army's path so now both armies were staring each other down.

Ryjin told Ned to keep going to get to his army and that he and his men shall hold the Lannister army here as long as possible till ned comes with the northern army Both rob and John also said they would stay But ryjin told Rob he needs to go with his father due to rob is the lord apparent so he needs to be with his father to learn -this made ned nod his head in respect to ryjin- ryjin also told ned that he would keep john safe and they await his arrival with all peace said the girls and women took off north with ned as ned took off to the northern army camp while the girls and ryjins wives went with the stark girls to Winterfell this left Ryjin and john now staring at the Lannister army with plans running threw Ryjins head.