The great Return

with the mission, compleat Kakashi ordered his team to return to Konoha BUT naruto refused stating he had a second mission to compleat so he won't leave This statement shocked and confused his team Kakashi demanded naruto to tell him everything BUT naruto just said - NO - as days go by naruto spends time with tazuna in his newly built Daimyo Palace built by Naruto using his mokuton and Kinton along with the people of Nami no Kuni the palace was grand the wood used was chakra Oak strongest wood in existence and chakra Metal made by Kinton the building was designed by Tazuna himself and built by the people of Nami no Kuni after about 3 weeks Zabuza returned with Haku both happy at the completion of there mission.

tazuna was sat on his throne -still getting used to it- naruto was stood beside him Kakashi and Sasuke and sakura was at the far end of the great hall as many new nobles of wave were now sat in the hall as Zabuza and Haku were before Tazuna and naruto.

Zabuza- Yo Old man Gaki the mission was and is 100% compleat.

-He gave a soldier a scroll as the said soldier took it to naruto who then walked to a room further in the palace after about 10 minutes he cam back and told tazuna its done-

Tazuna- Zabuza momochi you have done a great service for Nami no Kuni and with my power and authority as daimyo you Zabuza are friend and brother to Nami no Kuni here you are free to come and go as you see fit this is a home for you same for Haku -he tosses Zabuza a scroll- that is what we agreed on the payment gato promised X5.

Tazuna then turns to naruto as naruto steps down to stand next to Zabuza.

Tazuna- Naruto there is nothing me or the people of Nami no Kuni can give you that would be able to repay all you have done you are our hero are brother a son of wave you are always welcome here no matter what and it was and is a pleasure to know such a young man Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the help you have given us -hands naruto 2 scrolls- this is payment for both missions also are you sure you don't want any of that ????.

Naruto- yeah I am sure old man use all that to rebuild and strengthen Nami no Kuni.

Tazuna hugged naruto and was crying while saying thank you the new nobles all clapped many were also crying.

Team 7 had set off from wave a few hours later Kakashi wanted naruto to hand the scrolls over top him yet naruto Declined Zabuza was with naruto as was Haku Kakashi had asked why but got no answer from any of the 3.

after a few days, they arrived at Konoha as the gate guards halted them naruto had a clone go and get permission from Hokage to allow Zabuza and Haku entrance and to meet Hiruzenafter a few minutes permission was given and granted team 7 and the 2 extras made there way to Hokage tower and were now stood before hiruzen.

Hiruzen- glad to see you back in one piece Team 7 Now Naruto I believe you have some things for me ??.

Naruto handed hiruzen the 2 scrolls hiruzen read them for about 5 minutes all the while nodding his head and smiling.

hiruzen- Very well done naruto and I will send this on to the daimyo and will also send the response to Nami no Kuni you have done great now on to a more serious matter while you were gone Naruto let's just say them 3 Came back out to the world -naruto nodded in understanding- the Uchiha quarters were torn down and there houses placed there same with the Uzumaki and Senju districts -hearing this Sasuke threw a fit- SHUT UP GENIN now the Uzumaki have stated they would like you as there clan lord here in Konoha will you accept ???.

Naruto- of course, Jiji I would be honored also I would like to officially announce Zabuza and Haku shall be entering the Uzumaki clan as a blood bound clan meaning they shall be Uzumaki clansmen but shall keep their names and can pass them on and such this shall also keep them from any unwanted attention also they would request to join Konoha ninja force ?????.

Hiruzen- that's fine -he hands them a headband each- now Sasuke Uchiha you are now under investigation and evaluation by the Uchiha high patriarch and lord -in walks a regal man- this is Izu Uchiha High Lord of the Uchiha and new head of Uchiha clan here in Konoha and he has stated to me you shall be investigated and evaluated if found negative you shall be removed from the Uchiha clan do you understand.


Izu- that's where your wrong young-un you see when this village was to be built 3/4 of the clans of Senju and Uchiha moved to the west while 1/4 of the clans remained here in Konoha the MAIN bloodline was in the west the Branch line was here in the east you Youn-un are not even pureblood of Uchiha so watch how you speak we are not arrogant like you and your ilk that lived here we have honor and pride but we squash are ego and remain humble unlike you and your ilk and as of now you Sasuke are hereby banished and removed from the Uchiha clan along with your descendants effective immediately.

Hiruzen- also not only is the Uchiha back but so is the Senju and Uzumaki, not all of course around the same number as what was here when the village was built the rest are all still in the west also Naruto I am hereby promoting you to the rank of elite chunin for your outstanding performance in this mission and also securing us new allies and agreements you shall also be made a chunin captain do you accept if so your teammates shall be Haku who shall also be elite chunin and Zabuza who shall be for the next 3 weeks special jonin you may scout 1 more team member of your choice from any rank belove special jonin.

the village is to hold a great festival for the return of the three great clans I hope to see you there Kakashi your team shall have a new member and shall also be under re-evaluation as your team is only held up by naruto fail this evaluation then they shall be sent back to the academy and you demoted to chunin UNDERSTOOD -Kakashi nods- Good now leave naruto we must go to the council hall come ma boy.

Naruto- Hai Jiji.