
Getting up from bed I called for Iroh. "Iroh can you come here." Coming to the room in a flash I smiled at the man in front of me. Help me dress I said simply as I picked out my outfit for the day and he put it on.

Looking a the man I couldn't help but comment. "You know your quite amazing. You are a kage level fighter that only uses the Body flicker Justu, chakra strengthening, and kunais to fight. Taking in the compliment I wondered if their was a way to strengthen him further.

Thinking back to what my father told me I knew my summons were unable to grow and learn naturally. Vowing to help my servant to the best of my ability I focused my thoughts back to today. Today was a big day for me as it was time to go to the academy and unlock my personal dungeon.

With that I could start enlarging my family. Laughing for a couple seconds at the idea of swarming a person with a thousand Kage ranked Shinobi I looked over at my anoyingly lazy brother. "Naruto, you get up now or I'll burn your ramen supply." Waking up from a nightmare of such a thing happening he looked at me with betrayed eyes.

"You wouldn't." Smiling I pulled out from under my bed a cup ramen I had stole from him. Lighting a match I slowly started putting them together. With a flash Naruto was gone from the bed, and was sitting on the ground hugging his cup raman. "Monster, your ok my precious, yes its your precious master Naruto. No one can take you away from me."

Getting away from my ramen crazed brother, although I admit it was my favorite food as well, but I prefer the lighter flavored ramens. Exiting my house I heard Naruto start getting ready.

After walking through the streets I looked at the hateful villagers straight in their faces. "Stupid fox I heard behind me before the man misteriously dissapeared with my own guardian. A second later both once more appeared, but this time with the civillian covered in blood.

Ignoring this common scene that caused tbe people to be silent I made my way to the doors of the Academy. "Hey, you stop." Looking behind me I noticed some kid running towards me. Waiting for him he stopped in front of me and caught his breath. "Names Winter, whats yours?" Hearing this I couldn't help but chuckle darkly as I knew what was about to happen. "My names Yuki, Yuki Uzumaki." Finally recognizing me the boy stood their not sure on what to do. His matron said not to hang out with the boy, but he felt I was a perfectly trustable person, or at least normal.

Going with his gut that helped him always in the long run he shrugged towards me. " Its Yuki, I didn't recognize you sorry about that. Want to go inside and talk?" Hearing the question I couldn't help but mumble "Are you not scared of me."

Being truthful he shook his hand in a so so gesture." Im less afraid of you and more afraid of the matron finding out I am interested in seeing what makes you diffrent."

Feeling touched I took his hand and started leading him to the place of the Hokage's speech. I remembered looking at the man on stage my first meeting with the old man.

*Flash Back*

Hearing the sound of a bush rustle as the Hokage and his helper Kakashi walked out Iroh immediatly stood with a hostile expression facing the two. Thats when I heard my dad say something that shocked me to the core. "Son, it appears the man is under the influence of someone with a mangekyo sharingan." "What's that," I asked him wondering where to put my hate. "Its a evolution to the regular sharigan that gives unique powers based on the "evil" subjects. Hearing the term evil I thought of it as an evil eye. Correcting the understanding the system continued. The "evil" subjects are powers that cause pain, destruction, or touch on the powers of chaos such as space, nothingness, time, and darkness. Hearing the explanation I nodded my head internally calming my rage slightly to think about the whole situation a bit. more objectively, or as much as I could as I still wanted to kill whatever hurt me.

Observing the man's chakra left behind the system cataloged the signature to help its son in the future. "I recorded down the influencers chakra, so if you run into him in the future you'll know who it is."

Understanding but still not feeling fully forgiving of the old man I gave a internal sigh in sadness. Vowing to free the man's thinking from whoever was controling it I just watched as Iroh calmed down as well learning the info. Thankfully for us the man just confused the hatred for being high strung from the incident.

"What's your name and purpose Shinobi," Hiruzen asked feeling he could make a win against the man in front of him even if it would be a bit difficult. "Iroh," the summon answered confidently and truthfully. "I'm guarding the late Fourth Hokage's sons." Hearing the answer Hiruzen looked at the two people on the ground understanding the causes of their deaths. Sighing in fake pity and craftiness the man looked at the children and made a decision. "Which ones the Jinchuriki, I'll allow you to raise the other one yourself. Smiling deciding to be honest he pointed at both. "Their both Jinchuiki, this one holds the yang," he said pointing at Naruto, "And this child, my master holds the yin." Hearing the answer Hiruzen started cussing out Minato with some of the nastious words possible.

Hearing the words even I started blushing in shame at even considering the man my enemy. "Stupid Minato, Stupid Paperwork, You used the reaper death seal just so you wouldn't need to do anymore paperwork you disapointing successor. Getting his anger under control he started once more taking up an old grandfatherly look. "Please keep what you saw a secret," leaving it there he started walking off towards the village with Iroh who held me and my brother who was then followed by Kakashi who looked at the Hokage with carefully concealed disgust.