The East side

Gawains POW:

"The area isn't half as bad, Franco, you said that there is a sawmill nearby. Where is it?" I turned to Franco. "It's on the other side of the river, you can probably cross in Barring, they have a bridge, then just follow the river upstream until you see it." "Alright thanks. I'll take some men with myself, and order wood from them for the fortification." I told him. "Gawain, didn't Sir Matthew asked us not to start with fortifications yet?" A squad leader asked. "Even if he asked that we don't start yet, at one point we'll have to start, and it's better to get the supplies now, then later." "If he's gonna be mad it's your fault, I don't want to get my ass kicked ha, ha, ha" Some infantry men started to laugh. "If he's gonna do something, then be sure that your name will be on the list, Private Marius." I responded quickly, before I left with five horsemen.

Amauris POW:

That idiot Gawain, as quickly as he arrived, he left just as quickly. I know that he just supposed to escort us, then head back to Ironshore, but he could have helped with setting up camp.

"Alright boys, leisure time is over, lets set up camp, then unpack our cargo, we'll gonna stay here for a while, so just do it nicely." I gave out orders, then I searched for Franco, lets hope his still here.

"Guys, have you seen Franco" I asked the cavalry leads "Yeah, he left just before you arrived, he said something about going to Sailsborg." They told me. "Thanks Dario." I sighted. "No prob." After that I just went to set up my tent, I didn't knew, where to start to dig in, because only Franco talked with Matthew about it.

~10 minutes later~

"Alright men, lets get a roll call, I want everyone, who's not on patrol or guard duty." I asked one of the trumpeters. After a fact signal, the people started to gather on the temporary parade square, I didn't had to wait for so long thankfully. "Nice, it's a new camp record, lets aim for a faster one tomorrow." I started with some jokes, it was clear that most of them were tired, because laughed, just one or two chuckles could be heard from behind. "As I can see, all of you are tired, but there are still some stuff to do, those who feel like it please step up after brief. Right now as you all probably know, we are aiming to build a Fort here, so you don't have to sleep in Stables, so please keep the area clean, tomorrow we have to mark out the walls, the barracks, we need to find space for a warehouse, a smithery, and the administrative buildings. So, go have dinner, and sleep well, the Guard change will be in two hours. Good Night." I gave a fast brief what'll be happening tomorrow, and now I just waited for the volunteers, there were, some of them, so I sent them to dig up some Latrines. It's Customary every time when we're staying in one place for an extended periods of time. Sir Matthews order.

Francos POW:

Poor villagers, they went out to fish in the morning calmness, then came back to the sight of an army camping almost on top of them in the evening. I came to Sailsborg because of two reasons, first to calm down the villagers, and then to buy fish for the troops. So, I waited for the village elder to come back from fishing. Then I negotiated with him, about supplying our troops, well that's one out of four, or two if we count Gawains trip. As I went back to camp I was pleasantry surprised, the camp was nicely set up, and the soldiers already had dinner. Amauri can do if he want, but I have a feeling, that I'm gonna hear about this for weeks.

Gawains POW:

The trip to Rolling Oak was nice, we ate lunch with some peasants on the field. They talked about their work, they were in the middle of harvest, as the winter came closer, and closer, and they complained about bandits in the nearby forest, but they were most interested about the campaign against the Demon King. Then when we reached Rolling Oak, we talked to the village elder, we proposed the idea of protection for products. He happily agreed, because they suffered the most in the area because of bandits. After that we went to talk to the Sawmill, where we ordered a huge amount of logs, for the fort. When we finished, it was already sunset, so we choose to stay for the night. In the morning we left for Bayhead, with a successful trade agreement.

Francos POW:

"Morning Amauri, you did a good job yesterday." "Thanks, I would appreciate if you could stay today, so we can mark out the areas where, we'll lay out the foundation of the buildings tomorrow." Amauri asked. "I guess I have to stay then, but then tomorrow I can't stay, even if Gawain came to terms in Rolling Oak, we still have to negotiate in Barring and Claywall ." I told him "Alright, then lets get to work."

We spent most of the day marking out the foundations, as we agreed, then as we still had time, started to work on the walls, while we did that, Gawain came back from Rolling Oak, gave us a report, and left for Ironshore, immediately, as he already disobeyed orders, and didn't went back after escorting us. While we continued to mark out the walls, the troops unpacked, stored, and organised the equipment we brought with our self, most of them were tools to build up camp, then we had our food stocks calculated, we're good for two weeks, without resupply, but we still haven't accounted for the trading with the villages, so, in my opinion we were good for way longer. In the evening, we had a officer meeting, where we planned out the protection of the villages, as we couldn't just rotate daily. We agreed that both Claywall and Rolling Oak will have a 50 men strong outpost, and they'll rotate every week. When the new military structure will begins, the 50 men will change into one Centuria. Later, we got a runner from Ironshore, Matthew will visit us in 5 days, he'll bring the first batch of new weapons with himself. With that message came new orders, if we can, we can start building the wall, but the warehouse is the most important. A caravan will come here in two days, bringing bricks with them for the foundation. Until then, we are free to do whatever we want.


Matthews POW:

"Shall we take a walk, I didn't even seen my new Town. I'm eager to see it." I suggested. "Alright, where to first?" He asked, while packing up his stuff. "To the Iron Tree, I need to pay them a visit." I told him.

As we walked across town, I could see that, the new patrols worked, the town seemed cleaner, but I can't judge it yet, because I was on the main street. The town has four main roads. The Harbor avenue, the Merchant street, the Lords street (which is the Main road), and the Guild avenue. The main street is going across the shop, and the human district, so its of coarse going to be clean.If I want a clean Town, I have to clean up the west side, the Sailor, Red, and non-human district. Well, it's a job for an other day, with my Crew, who should arrive in a week. As I was thinking about this, we arrived at the Caravan square. Its not really a square, just the place where the streets meet, and from here we turned on the Guild avenue which is on the east side. The name is really, unoriginal. It's called this because out of the four guilds in town, three of them is here, the adventurers guild, the merchant guild, and the craftsman guild. On the way I took a look at the notice board which was surrounded right now, the recruitment orders were just published, I was happy to see, that the people were interested. At last, when we reached the Iron Tree Forge. When we entered, I just could think about one thing, crowded. The whole building complex was filled with forges, and currently all of them were used, in order to finish my order to them. As I stepped up to a apprentice and asked for MacMillan, someone shouted, from the back.

"You slave driver! Keep calm, your weapons are coming together, come to my office, we can talk there." Ol' MacMillan yelled.