Days gone by so fast Peter and Jr returned from the enchanted land with Kabatao and Kabayuhan to help them with the moving...

They even bring gifts from Arnie and Borjo's king and queen parents.

Holding the pouch of precious stones, she gave it to her sister to keep it in her system interface, she felt envious that her sister had a wonderful system that could let her keep important things so that the authority at the airport Won't detect them...

ARRIANE: here keep it for me, she said giving the pouch to her sister.

MORGANA: I wish that you have a system just like me so that we could experience together with the amazing feeling of having a system...

of course, it will be a bit awkward, but once you are used to it it'll be awesome!!!

Then her sister Morgana describe to her some other function that the system can do, aside from receiving gifts and reward from every mission she completed...

ARRIANE: WOW!!! that was awesome!!!

Morgana then get down from the window sill where she's sitting and they then walked into the room to sleep...

The next morning Peter went to town to talk to a truck driver and owner to contract for the trip when they moved out to Olongapo the next day...

Arriane's sister is busy practicing an ancient martial arts technique she acquired from the system in the backyard.....

After lunch, they were putting all the fruits and vegetables inside a big sack when they were startled by a booming sound of an explosion, after that they felt the ground moved

Arriane ducked off afraid of the ground sudden movement...

ARRIANE: Morgana!!! she screamed as she felt the earth move.

Morgana then clasped her cold hands, after the earthquake, they followed Peter outside, she was so scared that her face lost its color...

ARRIANE: Morgana I'm so scared!!! this is my first time experiencing an earthquake

MORGANA: me too..... don't worry, it'll be over soon, her sister Morgana said trying to comfort her.....

Then she heard her sister asking a man about the situation,

looking at the sky Arriane feared that the earthquake they felt just now is just a start of something more terrifying.....

she made a sign of the cross, praying silently as she listens to the man saying that the explosion they heard must be a volcano erupting. and the darkening of the sky is the cause of ashes .....

ARRIANE: oh GOD help us all and save all the people from this calamity...

I know I'm not a good person, but now I'm praying for your help with all my heart that you help and save us from all this....

Arriane prayed silently while her cold hands clasped her sister's hand tightly...