Chapter 28: Disabling The Bombs 3

Arriane: what are you guys doing???? come on it is not the time to pray!!! You can do that later, we have jobs to do here.....

As they open their eyes, they saw Arriane smiling mischievously on them, she grinned from ear to ear seeing their pale face and sweat-soaked clothes.

Bombs disposal unit leader: It.... didn't explode???

Arriane: oh??? you want it to explode??? are you a terrorist??? Arriane joke as she looks the man up and down.

The man who was holding the other bomb with the bomb were inspired, he opens the bag and took the bomb out. He was about to put the clamp on the yellow wires to cut it when heard Arriane's voice again.

Arriane: Stop!!! What are you doing??? do you wanna die??? Arriane took the bomb from him as she scolded him from head to toe.

Why don't you go and help your team find the other bag instead of trying to put our lives in danger here???

The man walks away to find his teams and help look for the other bag looking dejected and feeling that he's been wronged, he only wants to help.

Arriane study the wiring, after a few minutes, she took the clamp and the cutter. She used the clamp on the red wire this time before she proceeded to cut the red wire. The number on the counter stop abruptly after she cuts the red wire. All the men around her heaved a sigh of relief after she put down the bomb.

Bomb Disposal Unit leader: Thank you, I'm sorry if I mistreated and underestimated you before.

Arriane: ah... it's alright, you've been through a lot of distress, let's go... We need to locate the other bomb before it explodes l the other one.

The team of bomb disposal walked back to find the others and helped look for the last bag with the bomb.

They found them near the control room, one of them pointing at the bomb that was attached under the chair. They can't remove it the wirings are quite tricky that an accident explosion may occur if they mistakenly pulled out a wire.