One last Trip

"We are sorry to hear what happened to your family, what do you play on doing with all this money if you don't mind me asking?" said the man in the suit.

"I plan on traveling around the world and then moving to a friends house" the teen says.

'But in reality I planned on taking my life, I am tired on living I just want to see my family again'

"Have a good day" with a fake smile

'Ugh I hate people they all walk through there days and they think it is all great but we are just mindless zombies. We follow what are leaders tell use to do and I hate it so much, I am not a follow but I dont think I am a leader either. Let's just get this trip done with so I can see then again and if I go to hell because of all that religion stuff then welp I guess I am going to hell...'

'This is a nice place but it is just an airport I guess"

"Where is your parents young man?" a older elderly woman asks

"They are traveling abroad and I am going to see them"

"That is lovely, they must trust you a lot to travel alone"

"Yes, they trust me"

All passengers aboarding flight 307 please abroad.

"Please have a good day and have a wonderful trip"

"You have a wonderful trip what is your name if you don't mind me asking?"

"Stevie Davis"

"Welp let's go to China, the wall here I come"

"Would you like anything to drink or eat sir" flight attendants ask

"No ma'am, but thanks for asking"

'I know I don't like people but I mean she was nice and only doing her job and that old lady, I was always told to be nice to my elders. I was raised with respect and I will honor what my parents taught me'

--------- 2 Weeks later---------

'Damn I hate planes but that's the only way to get here. Finally Cairo, Egypt this is the place I saved for last I always wanted to come here. Well let's get a cab and go to the hotel I am tired *yawns*

"Come to us, Stevie we shall see you soon, you are black diamond and you are my Diamond"

*Breathing really hard with sweat on his face

and screams.*

"What the hell was that, oh crap what time is it, 9:23 ohh crap I am supposed to be there by 9:40"

"Crap I am sorry I am late, damn it how could i be late i set like 5 alarms and none of them woke me up"

"Hold on I am here"

Large man with a beard " It about time. white, American and 16 that's you right


"Ahhh good welcome aboard, Miss Pease well be giving the tour ask her if you have questions"

"Stevie you are in seat 7"

"ok thanks"

'This is a nice bus I will have to admit. Can I talk about that freaking weird dream, it felt so real. All I could see what the color white, blue, yellow and pink everything else was a blur. I mean it could just be a dream stuff like that can't be really right. Stevie no one can here you thoughts you sound crazy right now.'

"Ok everyone off the bus and we will line up at the door" Miss Pease informed

'Wow that was quick I guess time flys when talking to yourself. This is going to be the last fun I have so let's enjoy'

"Wow a mummy up this close this is amazing"

"I know right it looks so cool" said a small boy

"yeah man I love the whole pyramid and ancient stuff"

"Timmy please come back over here"

"What have I told you about talking to strangers"

"But mom he is a boy too and he looks lonely"

"You don't know him he could be a creep" she says quietly

'This is why I hate people I swear but its don't his reason his mom is a bitch but I keep my thought to myself'

"Let's not let her ruin this moment" mumbles to myself

'Why is there just a random door her like in a pyramid. I think the Egyptian where stoned when the built this place. Let's ask Miss Pease.'

"Miss Pease where does that door lead to?"

"What door child"

"That one right there" points vigorously at the door

"There is not a door there son you ok?"

'WTF there is a door right there'

"Yes, I am ok nevermind"

"Ok if you need call me"

'Ok I am curious I am definitely gonna open it.'

'Ok this door looks like it has not been open it 2000 years.'

Stevie grabs the door and opens it.

" *coughs* *cought* gosh this place is just as old as I thought"

'Welp let's enter'

*Door slams shut*

"Well I guess I am not leaving the way I came in."

'Wow this place is weird there is this where writing and I know it's not hieroglyphs so what are you?'

*Doors start slamming shut*

"ohh my God I got to run"

*Walls start shutting behind him.*

'Ok I stumbled into something like some Indiana Jones crap, ok last door

*coughs* "Oh my God that hurt" "Good thing my feet can still jump"

'Wow that a weird gem and a altar in the middle of a room that don't sound like every bad thing every. I want to get closer but I am afraid something will happen'

"Wait a moment something is inscribed into the stone"

"Those who are left and forgotten shall leave but may never return"

"Wow that's some deep crap um I think that's a diamond a black diamond wait my dream said black diamond"

'Its a very beautiful gem I think I have built up the courage to grab it'

Stevie leans in and grabs the gem but just as he grabs the gem a flash of light shine throughout the whole room and he is pulled into the air and the gem is levitating and it ejected into his chest but only part of it is put into him. Stevie screams in pain and starts to change by turning black and grows to 10ft is let on to the ground and passes out

"ugh what the hell just happened to me"

"Where the hell am I and why the hell am I black"

"I dont know you so stay away from me long nose"

"Hi my name is blue pearl welcome to homeworld, Black Diamond"

"Black who"