
Stevie and BP get on to the warp pad and the. Stevie looks back at his hand then clicks the button and they are warped back to earth. Stevie sets his tools down and then looks at BP and directs her to put the tools over where he put his. Then Stevie takes the axes and carves a sit into the ravine and then one for BP. Then they takes a sit and then Stevie looks at BP.

"Hey it is getting dark we should starts a fire?"


"It will give us a source of light, I would say heat but we do not get cold."

"Ok what do we need?"

"Pick up the dry sagebrush and find me some wood. I'll help you too."

Stevie and BP spend a good time gathering wood with the axe and a lot of dried up sagebrush. They put it into a group, and then Stevie shows BP how to starts a fire with his hands.

"Ok you take this stick and put it on the wooden board and have it going up. Ok then you take your hands and put them low and then you rub them really quick around the stick, you keep going tell you see smoke or a small part on fire, then you blow on the wood so that air will help it get bigger and once you get a flame started put it with the rest of the sage and then bam we have a fire. Did you get all that BP?"

"Ummm a little, sorry."

"Nah it's fine I l didn't think you would get it in the first time."

Stevie shows BP a few times on how to do it, then he let's her do it by her self. After a couple of shots BP got it. When she did she jumped up and got all excited and ran to Stevie telling him all about it. Stevie looked at the flame with joy he had not seen or smelt the sent of sage in a long time he just sat there and with joy in his face.

"Tomorrow BP I'll go back to the base so I can get some stuff for a foundation of the house. I'll need you to clear out a space for me while I am gone."

"I will do anything you ask My Diamond."

"Ok now that I am in control no more my Diamond call me Stevie."

"Yes m... I mean Stevie, I will."

"Ok that settled."

"What you going to do now?"

"I am gonna sleep now. Stevie says while yawning loudly

"I stand watch while you sleep, I still do not understand this sleep thing."

Yawns again "You do you."

Stevie lays his head on the dirt made bed he made earlier that day. He shuts his eyes and thinks about things he knows he will never be able to touch again, his friends,family and nice watch home to come back to after a day of school. So stevie lays there and dreams of a dream he will never be able to come true.

"Sir wake up umm the fire went out."

"Yeah that's what happens when you don't put more wood in it."

"I did but we ran out."

Stevie giggles a little "Yeah that means you have to go get more fuel BP."

"I know but it was dark and it is scary in the dark I have never had to be scared. I must be defected Pearl?"

"No BP it is okay to show emotions, fear is one everyone has okay it's fine, I will never deny you the feeling of emotions."

"Emotions make you weak though Stevie and it only a Pearl."

"I get that Black but the Diamonds do not rule this planet yet so I dont give a crap so I'll do it my way."

"Fair enough continues with what your doing."

"So Stevie it's ok to be scared?"

"Yes BP it's fine that's what makes you different from other Pearls."

"Yeah your right Stevie thank you for talking to me."

"No problem let's get to work."

"Yeah let's do it."

Stevie gets up from his dirt bed and digs a staircase into the ravine so he can get to the top. Once Stevie gets to the top he knew that there is a clear spot on to from yesterday and had BP follow him, he took her to the spot where he found.

"So here take this shovel and pick. So I want you to flatten out a 80 by 60 area and then mine about like 2 feet down so I can pour it with concrete and plumbing and stuff like that."

"Plumbing but we are gems."

"Yes but we want water don't we and Pink should have something I can use to transfer water from one area to another easy so I can have plumbing and still get water even with no water around at all."

"Ohh ok I think I get it. I'll get started while you go get what you need."

"I shouldn't be more than a hour unless I start talking with Pink but I really only need concrete."

While Stevie is gone BP gets to work she does as she is told she starts squaring out the area so she can clear it. But she is very fast so it talk no time at all. Sandstone, rocks, coal and the tons of dirt are all cleared out from the area and are just thrown to the side.

"Wow this is a little fun, cleaning is fun you know just flattening it feels nice." Grabs the pick and shovel again "Let's start going down into the ground."

"With Stevie gone I have to impress him I just have to.

With each swing she makes rock just flights out and everywhere but with her wanting to finish quickly it does not bother her, rock and coal are what she mainly has to mine out but dirt was just as a problem.

Just as she had hopped out of the hole well more like a rectangle hole but still a hole a flash of light flashed and Stevie was there but not alone two jaspers accompanied him. She stood there confused and they where even black too.

"Umm who are they Stevie."

"They are Jamie and Ephraim there are here to help us."

"Put the bags over there and in a few Jamie I'll send you back to get the mixer and water device ok."

"Yes sir."

"Please Jamie no formalities just Stevie."

"Ok Stevie."

"Now Ephraim help BP."

"But Stevie I am done."

"No shit really let me take a look." walks over to the hole "No shit you did well ok Ephraim I have a different job for you." looks back at BP "You did a great job."

BP blushes "Thank you"

"Now Ephraim go with Jamie and start grabbing the beams for the house because I think we should get them and put them in the concrete and then do some of the plumbing and put the device in it too."

Then they started getting to work, four is better than two so time went by quick. Jamie and Ephraim got the concrete, beams, plumbing and water device. Stevie started to mix the concrete and started to pour it in while when Jamie and Ephraim would dig holes and then lower the beams in to them, then Stevie would pour concrete into. BP mixed the concrete and poured it to but in areas that didn't need beams. Once they go the beams in order to Stevie's design, they all got on the concrete pouring and tried to pour all in before it drys. But they did not forget the plumbing because while Stevie, Jamie and Ephraim where doing concrete and the beams, BP was laying out the plumbing and the water device.

So let's explain the water device it is a gem device that when it had plumbing it will take water from a said location and transfer it to you. If you have plumbing you can have a house pretty much anywhere.

Wipes sweat from head "Wow we managed to smooth out the whole floor I am impressed."

"What is that liquid coming from your forehead?" Jamie's very lost

"Its called sweat when you work very hard and lose water in your system and it turns it into sweat."

"So will I or Ephraim sweat?"

"No only me I am a special case."

"Why is that."

"Because now that I am in control my last like 2% human part of me came back out too. So only I will sweat."

"Ohhh what is a human."

Stevie smiles a little "One day I'll show you but for now you got to wait."

"That sucks a lot." She crosses her arms

Everyone just Laughs, that night Stevie tells everyone story's from his time as a human. He even tells the storys from Blacks point of view and they where all laughing and having fun, BP and Ephraim went and got firewood and they stayed up all night long.

For the next two months they did eventually build the house, it was two stories, four bedrooms and for the giggles the added two bathrooms with a showers more or less Stevie wanted it to feel like a real house, a kitchen with over and working sink thanks to there plumbing, they have a livingroom and den with chairs and couches. A little gift from Pink was a small energy source that would let Stevie power his entire house. It was a small device he wired outside to a power pole that connected to the house. Stevie also build a little secret room for himself and it was for his own study and training, it was to study his power and what he can really do because the Diamonds didn't tell him everything he could do. The entrance is in the den behind the bookcase, there is a door that only opens to a certain gem and the only two who have access is Stevie/Black and BP. Stevie was proud of his house he had a working sinks,toilet and a wood burning stove and to even warm up the house the had a fireplace, even knowing gems don't get cold.

"So guys how do you like are house."

"Our house?" replied Jamie and Ephraim

"Yes I didn't have you guys to build it just to stay outside. You guys can have one of the three room upstairs, even you BP."

"Thank you Stevie we are forever grateful to you."

"Chill guys it's just a room but good look at them they are yours so do what you want to them."

"Ok" All three of them say excitedly

Stevie walks into the house behind the rest, he looks around thinking of home and seeing how he built a house and with running plumbing and power. The other three ran upstairs to there rooms, Stevie walk to his room and looked around and sat on his bed and laid his head on a pillow and just drifted into sleep... the other three came down to find him and looked into his room a saw him sound asleep and they just giggled...

"Let him sleep he has earned it." BP said to Jamie and Ephraim