Chapter 3

"Wake up, Nil. Wake up." That's what I told myself after the morning sunlight sneaked into my room. If I could cuss out the sun and it would actually run away screaming then... I lost my train of thought as soon as I heard a knock downstairs. I ignored it, thinking it might have been my imagination and wrapped myself in the covers. My whole system was ready to shut down for a couple of more minutes when- knock, knock...

My body protested as I slipped into the same jeans I wore yesterday, managing a black hoodie over the maroon sports bra I liked to sleep in. The knocking stopped  when I set foot on the first step and I considered heading back to bed. Of course I let curiosity get the better of me. Still barefoot, I hurried down the stairs and reached for the door.

Benny charged into the manor and took a seat on the kitchen stool before gesturing me to approach him.

"Mason Dusk is on his way here. You will be my eyes and ears. Gain his trust, learn his secrets and report to me. Any questions?" Benny spoke fast and clearly, leaving me somewhat dumbfounded. 

"Yes. As a matter of fact I do have a question." I began. "What the fuck?"

"You heard me. This is the chance I've been waiting for to take those Dusks down. Get it done, Nilex. If not so help me I will fire you and you will be back on the streets to fend for yourself. You work for me Nilex and you have just been promoted. Don't mess this up." 

A knock on the door made Benny stand and head to the back door. "Come by the bar after you're done with him." He was gone. Everything was so fast. I was confused, tired and downright lost.

When I opened the door at the second knock I saw Mason was on the other side, dressed in the same black coat that hid away the rest of his clothing. I tried closing the door, at least I meant to but his boot stepped between the door and frame. I don't know what it was about him, but it annoyed me so much, and at the same time I was intrigued. He hasn't exactly done anything, but right now I had the urge to throw him out the second floor window. He'd probably land on his feet though, so I discarded the idea. 

"Do you know what time it is? Also, I have work." It was true, but it wasn't at Benny's. I already felt sick to my stomach about this and hoped Mason would do as I say. Benny was a serious guy for the most part and when he said something he meant it. He wanted me to get close to Mason, find a weakness in his family.

"No you don't. Benny won't mind giving you a day off. We have plans remember?"

"It's seven in the morning..." I said, looking back at the clock in my kitchen. Not to mention that he never did mention when he would be around to pick me up. "Besides Benny wants me to work today." Lies. It was my day off.

"Don't question it. Also, you are a rotten liar. Get dressed."

"I am dressed." I said in defeat. 

His eyes took me in from head to toe, a brow rising over a fiery eye. "Dress a little nicer." He didn't feel bad not one bit. I looked like hell and I knew it.

My whole face wrinkled. By the looks of him, I knew this would be an argument that would go nowhere. I yielded. For now. 

"Give me a minute." 

I wasn't mad at him. Not exactly. I was just taken aback by his approach. He was confident in what he says and does, which threw me off. There only ever been one other guy with so much confidence. Hobs, but lets not get into that now. In my room I stripped and stood only in my underwear as I browsed through the few clothes I've managed to buy throughout the years. I settled for a blue sundress and my black, ballet slippers. No jewelry or makeup. Makeup was too messy, so I never got any. Accessories were an unnecessary commodity when you don't really have any money, so I didn't have any of that either. I took one good look in the mirror and noticed my messed up braid. Mason didn't deserve my efforts of looking pretty, so I left it as it was and headed down. I walked right past him and out the door.

We walked for a while in silence. Mason was looking forward at all times and it made me wonder. Does this guy think I'm stupid? Or does he just pretend I have no idea what he is doing? He wasn't looking to be friends. There was more here. His intentions are well masked, but not to perfection. I started a  conversation for the sake of this increasingly morbid walk.

"What are we eating? Oh I know. We can go to Benny's and he'll give us a discount." Sarcasm was one of my many talents, but from the look of Mason's face he didn't really appreciate it. 

"Ok..." I shut up.

"We're going to the Upper Level." He finally replied.

I stopped. Was he kidding? I hoped he was. The farthest up I've ever been is Level One, and that's only when I needed to do the shopping for Benny. That was it. I knew very well he meant a little higher than that, and it left me uneasy. Why? I haven't left the Underground Level for a reason. Because I knew the place well enough to be able to escape through every nook and crany. In the upper levels I was defenseless. It would be like throwing a poor Bambi in the middle of a field surrounded by lions. What if the Kovras were lurking up there, looking for me, thinking I'd be in the most obvious places? 

"Is something wrong?" Mason asked, stopping just ahead of me. His hands were tucked in his pockets and his posture was stubborn. He wasn't taking now for an answer so I tried something else. Asking politely. 

"Can't we stay here?" I asked.

He looked like he was considering it, then his whole expression changed to one of superiority. "No" Harshly, he turned from me and kept leading the way to the staircase tunnel.

When I didn't move he doubled back and gripped my wrist. He took me into the tunnel and up the stairs to Level One, only to continue his stroke towards the fancy elevator that would take us to a world unknown. I didn't want to know it either. Two huge guards stepped aside the second they saw Mason coming their way. The elevator doors opened for us and Mason stepped aside so I'd get in first. He pushed a button that marked 'Up,' and away we went.

Mason was still focused ahead, his hands shoved back in the pockets of his coat. Then the doors slid open and I was faced with a lobby. The elevator was located in a building, which I stared at the inside of it for a long time. Mason urged me to move it along towards the street. I knew most of the sunlight hit the Upper Level, but my eyes were not prepared. The Upper Level nearly glowed and everything seemed to be made out of gold if you ask me. The level itself looked too expensive.

An impossible traffic was located at the main roads. Mason suddenly had his hand wrapped around on my arm and my  body spun around, only to be cupped up in his arms. He cut through the transit, zig zagging from car to car. He set me down when we road on the roof of a minivan and held my hand in his. 

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"No." I told him and he grinned, holding my hand tighter and leaping towards a small Honda. I was yanked along with him and I expected myself to fall over to my death. I didn't. Instead I stood firmly on the roof of the car, Mason holding me by the arms. I shoved at him, making him step back a foot or two. 

"Whoop! Mason! My lovely!" It was a pretty high pitched voice. It came from behind us and I carefully turned to see a tiny blonde beaming from car to car. There was barely any room left and still she leaped onto the car Mason and I were on. It made me nervous to have such little space.

"Wow. Who's her?" She pointed a thumb at me and I wish I could have snapped it off. I didn't recognize her from the times I've seen the Dusk family patrolling the Underground. This must be his girlfriend. Which just made me wonder why in the world he would bring me up here.

"I don't know. She's yet to tell me her name." Mason chuckled and the girl looked at him confused before turning her gaze to me. Her mouth split into the sweetest smile and she came too close to me. I leaned back and felt like I would fall, but Mason had me in a tight grip that kept me upright.

"Your name?" She asked. She seemed eager, like her curiosity was nearly exploding within her. I  had forgotten that Mason didn't know my name. Both of them looked attentive, ears ready.

"Nilex." I finally said. 

"Pretty." She said just as Mason looked at me with different eyes. He seemed pleased, like my name had been worth the wait. 

"I'm Loon. Half-sister of this half dimwit. A pleasure to meet someone who is actually pretty. You won't believe the twits his man has dated." She said it with a loud laugh and Mason directed a deadly gaze in her direction. If it was concerning to her at all she did not show it. Loon seemed pleased with his reaction actually.

She was beautiful and also just the slightest bit taller than me. Her hair fell in soft waves to her shoulders and her figure was average. In a good way. She was shaped like a chubby guitar, which made her a lot cuter than she probably realized. Her face was of none sharp features, all so rounded and inexplicably adorable whilst her personality was way too energetic. 

"Thank y-" I began. 

"Race ya both!" She yelled, taking off onto a speeding car.

She was off. The car we were on took a sharp turn that had me stumbling. I caught myself before I fell off the edge and realized I was now holding on to Mason for dear life. Loon, like a bouncy ball, was furthering from us. I struggled to keep my balance and just as I thought I was getting the hang of it Mason wrapped an arm around my waist and leaped off the car. He eventually let me go and just held to my hand, supporting me enough but still forcing me to keep up. It was getting annoying. I wasn't built for this. No. I'm serious. I was not built for this at all. Come to think of it? I have no idea what I was built for.  Eventually a park came into view, Mason grabbed my waist once more and helped me to the sidewalk. It felt good to have solid ground beneath my feet. Loon was out of sight and then he sprang out of nowhere and stood way to close to me for the second time.

"So am I right to assume you will be coming to the Dusk Annual Ball? Everyone who's anybody is invited." Her voice rose in excitement. 

I wasn't anybody. I gave her a nervous smile and played it off as disinterest. "I don't think so." 

"Did this ass not invite you yet?" 


"We just met, Loon." Mason cut in, his voice dark and brooding. I swear this man had chronic mood swings.

"Well if he doesn't invite you then I will. You are totally welcome to the ball. So where are you from? East side, West side? I haven't seen you around before." 


"She's from around." Mason answered.

That made me frown. Around? I was from the Underground. The lowest of the low. Was he embarrassed of where I was from. Not that I cared, what he thought meant nothing to me. Still, it pissed me off that he would go through all this trouble only to hide where I was from.

"Actually. I'm from the Underground Level. Maybe that's why I knew nothing about the ball." I snapped. I didn't know why it was bothering me so much. I shouldn't care, I was sure I did not care. But then again the tight feeling in my chest begged to differ.  

"Oh. Well that's cool." She was the one looking nervous now. She wasn't sure what to say and I didn't blame her. "Now you know right? If you want, we can go get you a pretty dress. Oh! You could borrow one of mine. I think we might be about the same size." 

"Thanks but-"

"Great! I'll see you then!" She gave me a huge hug that left me paralyzed and confused more than anything. I didn't even hug her back. She ran off so quick I barely aw her dashing through the traffic. I'm sure the life expectancy of these people could not be long.  Were they all like this? Did they all just cut you off when you try to say no?

"Let's go." 

Mason walked with his hands tucked into his pockets. He looked somewhat uncomfortable, like he wasn't used to much interaction. I followed close behind him. We took a seat on a bench right in front of the most crystalline lake I had even seen. It was a beautiful sight. No one was around in the park and the rush and loud hum of the city was nearly silenced, as if pushed away. It was great actually, to be able to hear yourself thinking, only I wans't sure where my mind was right now. We sat in silence for a while until Mason finally spoke.

"How long have you been living here?" he asked. 

"About a two month now. I've been traveling a lot."

"A traveler? Where have you gone to?"

"Oh just... Here and there. Never been anywhere longer than a few weeks."

"What made you stay here so long?" 

It's a good city to hide in. I couldn't very well tell him that. "It's a massive city. There's sill much to do and see."

"I would have honestly thought you to end up at a higher level."

"Well I don't have much. Plus I don't look like all the women here. I can't play the part of rich girl either. The Underground suits me better."

"Right. A woman like you down there? Not unusual at all."

"What? I fit there just fine."

"You don't."

"Why not?"

"Have you ever heard the expression 'A diamond among coal' before?" 


He settled back against the bench and nodded. Had he just called me pretty? I might have never heard the expression but I could figure what it meant. 

"How about we stop talking about me. Why don't you tell me something instead."

"Like?" I rose and eyebrow.

  "Well, for starters, why the interest in me?" 

 "You're different. You're not afraid of me." 

 "Should I be?" I asked bluntly. Come to think of it, he was right. I never was afraid. Annoyed yes, irritated definitely, but never afraid. Mason gave an aura of unimaginable power, something similar to that of the Kovra's. I never felt any fear though. It was almost as if I knew he wouldn't hurt me, at least not without cause or provocation. 

 "Most are." This he said with a hint of regret, maybe disappointment? Anyone else wouldn't catch it, but I found myself attentive, pulled towards him and just genuinely curious. I also think he knew I caught on to the hint in his voice because he straightened and cleared his voice. Again he was a stone face giving no emotion. 

 "So what's the deal with your family?" Too straight forward? Probably, but the sooner I get information for Benny, the faster I can go back to my normal life. At least what passes for normal.  

"How do you mean?" He looked at me this time and I instantly felt nervous.

"You're all obviously not related by blood."  

He laughed. It wasn't something of humor though. "We are not. My family is family by loyalty. We are also not tyrants contrary to popular belief. We simply enforce the law that needs to take place in this city. If we don't, then it would be chaos." 

"Chaos? A bit dramatic, don't you think?"


"So, I noticed your embarrassment earlier when you didn't want Loon knowing where I'm really from. Why did you bring me here?" 

He looked at me then and raised a single eyebrow. "I'm not embarrassed. I just don't like Loon getting all in my business." 

"I see." 

My hair was a mess. I could feel it. I undid the braid and brushed it with my fingers mainly out of nervousness. I wasn't sure what else to talk about and asking too many questions about his family could be a dangerous way to go right now. I tried tying my hair into a simple pony tail but my hair band broke. Next thing I knew, another set of hands were brushing my hair back. Mason tied it with a rubber band, then pushed the tail over my shoulder. Against my back, his hand traveled over the top of my dress and I could feel his finger trace a scar leading down my spine. I jerked forward and tossed my hair back to hide it. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing. I should get going. Thanks for today. It was ok." I stood. 


When he called I looked back at him, but he said nothing. We were both at a loss for words then. When the silence prolonged I bolted.

I hurried through the city square and found the building where the elevator was. It was the tallest building in the city and I power walked across the main floor. Everyone in the lobby gawked at me. Clearly they've never seen a normal person before. Though, I'm not normal, or a person. I pressed the button for Level One and the doors closed. On my way down I slipped down and held my knees against my chest.  I was alone in there. It made sense, anyone leaving this type of lifestyle would have no desire nor business to be going any further down than where they were currently. The ride down was endless and my brain wouldn't shut up about the scars in my back and how Mason came so close to seeing them. 

When I heard the last ding, relief took over. I was out of the elevator as fast I could and took the stairs down two at a time, not caring for the lack of light. When I was finally Underground I breathed in the familiar sent of ruin and alcohol. I knew where I needed to go next and it pissed me off. Just as I took the street to Benny's my phone rang. 

"I'm almost there. Don't rush me." I remember saying similar words a few days ago. Except back then, I was on my way to work. Now I'm on my way to snitch.