
???: Mortal I have a task for you, there are currently 3 god trees around different planets including this one I want you to go and remove them and kill all those damn Otsutsuki members, If you fulfill the task I will fulfill one wish of yours. I'm sleepy so do whatever you want.

Leaving behind a stunt Naruto, space closes again and the Shinigami too disappeared.

After recovering from the shock, Naruto went quite before speaking: Kurama you understand what this means right?

Kurama: We always knew about the possibility, let's go according to the plan and use the wish in the end.

Naruto nodded: Yes remember our code, Be bad or people will thing bad. Hahaha

With about three years remaining Naruto changed his plans.

He created about 500 clones and told them to gain maximum chakra manipulation ability. He created another 50 clones to build a real-world version of Hope super AI to analyze the DNA genetic in depth. While creating around 50 clones to work on modifying Sasuke's DNA so that he can gain Rinnegan. Naruto then used the rest of his and Kurama chakra into creating 1500 clones of which 500 would work on creating different seals. 500 of whom will go around and gather bodies of the dead for his arm while 200 will work on creating new Jutsu and the remaining 300 would practice each element and gain affiliation to the max.

Like this 3 years went by Naruto with the help of Hope unlock more genetic locks in his blood and become able to manipulate any part of his body at will, while gaining Rinnegan with 11 totems in each eye. He also gained the ability to manipulate chakra at will and manifest a physical form of it in the real world using which he can seal anything or block anything. With his proficiency, he also gained the ability to do Jutsu via one hand. And also the ability to suck chakra of others via those manifested chakra chains.

Each totem of Rinnegan reflecting an element: Fire, water, air, earth, Lighting, Lava, Magnet, Boil, Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang. which he gained after collecting chakra from each tail beast with the help of Kurama. He also collected over 300 Kage rank shinobi from all around the world and created their summoning Jutsu which included the likes of all the previous leaders of the 5 villages and all people who died in the Shinobi war or during the period of war state. He used the knowledge of the first 2 leaders of the Uzumaki clan who were more than happy to teach the last of the royal bloodline he then went on to incorporate new techniques with the knowledge he acquired from them He also came to know about Uzumaki ancient fūinjutsu teaching summoning animal Panda, with the help of the 2nd leader of Uzumaki he entered the relics of Uzushiogakure and gained all the knowledge available their while also gaining panda summoning contract. He sent about 50 of his clones to learn everything about fūinjutsu from Panda clan.

With the help of Hope Super AI, he also analyzed Byakugan and found that he can combine his Rinnegan with Byakugan but will need to become 10 tail host along with some of Kaguya's blood to envolve it as he is not a descendant of Hyuga clan thus can't envolve his Byakugan via taking chakra from Hamura.

His foxes from time to time gave updates on Konoha to him, Sasuke still after everything ran away to train with Orochimaru. Tsunade the 5th Hokage has issued a missing notice regarding him while also spreading the news that he can return to the village, all his crimes will be cleared. Kakashi without the Sharingan wasn't special anymore and just reached normal high Jonin level. Danzo's body was found attached to a huge tree making people suspect Danzo and soon Anbu found evidence of Danzo and Orochimaru colluding, thus lead to declaring Danzo's name as a traitor of the leaf and responsible for the attack on the leaf during Chunin exams.

Naruto, after completing his training and achieving all his goals, decided to go back to the village for fun.

Naruto returned 2 days before the attack on Gaara who has become Kazekage of the sand village now.

Naruto wearing black T-shirt with the symbol of Uzumaki clan on the back and little blue Pants while wearing converse sneakers of the same light blue color. walked toward the door of the Konoha. He went up to the counter were 2 guards were writing the visitor's name.

Naruto: Hello, I'm returning to the Village. I was gone for a few years due to business purpose but now am returning.

Guard 1: Hm... okay what's the name?

Naruto: Uzumaki Naruto

Guard 1: Hm... Uzumaki Naruto, WHAT UZUMAKI NARUTO ??

Guard 2 who was sleeping peacefully also wake up hearing his fellow guard screaming: What happened now?

Guard 1 with a broken fearful voice: he... he.. he is Uzumaki Naruto

Guard 2 also stunted hearing this his eyes again moved to the man standing in front of him

Naruto smiled and started walking into the village

Guard 2 after mustering up the courage: Why are you here?

Naruto stopped turned back moved one finger in front of his lips and said while smiling: That's a secret

Naruto disappeared from the spot and teleported directly into the Hokage office, He saw Tsunade working on her desk and haven't noticed him.

Naruto: I hear you're looking for me?

As soon as he spoke 5 Anbu pointing sword toward his neck surrounded him.