You should see me in a crown

The main motive of Naruto to go to Harry Potter world was to fulfill the mission given by Shinigami. Which he believed to be very easy as people in this world tend to be boring and dull. Like even the dumb arrogant abused kid lead to the defeat of the powerful dark lord.

Naruto after being sucked into space and wake up, his surrounding was dark, probably night time Naruto with help of Hope put forth his memories in order and saw his name now is Liam Parker, a branch family member of the Queen of the UK,13th inline for the crown, with both parents dead of what he was told was a car accident. Currently living with his grandparents. The name of his grandfather is Aiden the 3rd Albert while grandmother's name is Fallon Albert. Both love and cherishes his greatly. While both are wizards they chose to live with the muggles because when Liam was a child he was classified as a squib by the family thus leading his grandparents to move into a muggle neighborhood for him to live a normal life.

Naruto organized all his thought stood up from the bed and went to the window to see cars and people going by.

Naruto seat on the floor and tried to feel chakra in his body but couldn't find any, so decided to meditate a bit more to see if he can find some kind of energy or something. half an hour into meditation he felt something change huge energy coming onto him, the energy has a similar signature of Kurama, Naruto seeing the energy got up and started to formulate the energy in his hand but failed. After concentrating a bit he could move little things but couldn't lift the entire things.

Naruto teared up a little and went running into his grandparent's room: Grandma grandma help me something is wrong with me.

Hearing her sweetheart cry Fallon quickly got up followed by her husband Aiden: What happened sweetheart did you have a bad dream?

Naruto/Liam: Grandma something happened to me I don't know what but things around me started to move on their own

Hearing what Liam said both grandparents eyes narrowed

Fallon: Can you show me, sweetheart?

Liam: Grandma has to promise not to get angry with me

Fallon: Of course sweetheart grandma will never get angry at you.

Liam: Ok grandma, just remember you promised

Naruto/Liam moved back a little from his grandparent and spread his arms channeling all the energy he felt Kurama supply: Up

Various things around the room started flowing in the air from sleepers to tableware many small items just as pepper and salt shaker, tv remote and such started revolving him while larger Items such as sofa tv, painting on the wall also moved toward him, He also started flying in the air a bit.

As Liam hasn't used magic much his body quickly felt exhausted which leads to him losing focus on channeling making all the stuff fall on the ground.

Both his grandparents got stunted seeing Liam possess so much magic at such a small age and looked at each other at the same time. nodded heads to each other but suddenly got interpreted as Liam started crying again.

Liam crying ran into his grandma saying he is very sorry and that it happened on its own.

Fallon looked at her husband one last time then consoled Liam then put him in bed.

After a while come back to the room which now has all the lights turned on with her husband waiting for her.

Fallon: I know what you want to say but He is just a kid.

Aiden: But he is his son. It's in his blood, did you see how powerful he is at 3 years of age.

Fallon: No matter what you said I won't allow him to train before he is 9 years old when he reaches his first maturity.

Aiden: Fine, I will listen to you on this but you better keep your side of the deal.

Fallon: Come old man let's make an unbreakable bond. You will neither teach him or tell anyone about him and brag till he reaches the age of 9 and I won't interfere when you teach him at that time.

Aiden: Come come, this old man is a man of his word.

Liam's following days behaved normally but started changing it slowly as the time went by. He got enrolled in school which he completed in 7 months than completed High school at the age of 5 and a half.

Liam during his childhood started showing the potential of being a genius. His family was rich so with there help he brought various items and started creating a small laptop for himself which took him about two weeks, following the completion of the laptop, Hope was released on the internet quickly taking over everything online Using Hope he started investing and owning companies which will hit big soon. Harry Potter's world was similar to that of SAO with the only difference of were there being less genius in the human part or many who weren't able to achieve potential.

Liam going easy so after completing high school and requested his grandparents that he wants to spend more time with them and doesn't want to continue his education to college for now.

With Liam cleaning School in one go, his grandparents too started seeing and treating him as a mature person. so they didn't push for anything and returned to the UK with him. There Liam lived in the palace and learned the royal etiquette of both muggle and wizarding worlds.

For the next three years, Liam went on to create nanotech for himself and travel around the globe with his grandparents.

When he reached the age of 9 his grandfather started teaching Liam basics of portion, charm fearing that his magic core will be harmed, Liam was prohibited from doing magic on Intension. His grandfather also started teaching Liam Legilimency and Occlumency for his protection.

Due to the presence of hope within his soul, Liam was a natural Occlumency protection barrier which only allowed people to see whatever Liam desired.

Liam after returning to the place started going through the entire collection of 13 thousand books the crown had related to both muggle and the wizarding world which he found to be relevant.

Liam using Hope lear through everything with 19 months, didn't have wand yet not did he have the complete magic core formed, thus all Liam could do was learn everything is theory.

Liam also practiced wandless magic but only a bit as he didn't want to overpower his yet to form power core.

With the help of Hope, Liam finalized that each person has a certain amount of magic depending on the appetite of their body, bloodline, and knowledge which was different in his case as he was connected to Kurama who acted as his energy source, Liam concluded that magic core acted as a medium to channel energy from dimension Kurama was in.

With the help of nanotech, Liam already maximized his physical self attributes. Taking it easy Liam decided to learn ancient languages in which his grandfather establish a base for Ancient Ruine, alchemy and such wanted to teach him till the age of 11.

Growing up he had complete back hair with black eyes and stopped talking to anyone other than his grandparents in sentences. He also always kept an expressionless face regardless of where he was. He was earlier kicked to the curb by the main branch after they found that he was squid so he left them alone too for now.

On 21st January 1988, Liam turned 11 and formation of his magic core completed it was located very close to his heart with the size of an eye it was completely red. With the formation of the core, Liam was able to do magic more naturally, giving an easier pathway for the magic to circulate in his body. Using magic as a medium, Liam forced out all impurities out of his body making his muscles softer and skin fairer than it already was. Using nanotech, he also started changing his growth a bit making his body a bit lean while giving room to muscles to grow more with age.