5/6th year

Before the beginning of his 5th year, Liam accompanied by his grandfather participated in the Dunstable Duelling Championship which was a complete joke as even all the participants didn't have 1/100 of his magic, Liam not pretending to be weak anymore as he didn't have anyone watching him such as Dumbledor went on to win the matches straight forth by overpowering his opponent. And won the tournament, once again coming into the limelight soon afterward also took part in a Transfiguration and chess competition which happened and won them, soon after which his 5th year begins.

Other than the beginning of 5th year, Liam's life was completely blessed for the rest of the year, with Liam being in 5th year everyone withdraws from perfect position nomination, the house head Filius was also very happy to give the seat to Liam.

With made Perfect, Liam turned very busy he took care of his entire house, he ruled with 2 things, first was the power of Aura he had while another being Knowledge. No one opposed anything he said. After Liam gained the crown all the other houses perfect also told their members to leave the Ravenclaw alone as they have seen the power of Liam and knew better than try to mess with. Twins also avoided Liam like a plage as they too have seen the consequences.

It happened when twins wherein their 2nd year, one day Liam after completing breakfast was when suddenly a hex come on to him which Liam twisted his body and avoided after which he saw Twins running away. Liam waved his hand through which a spell came forth hitting both of them. From that day forth twins life became hellish, every time they tried doing something wrong intentionally or not, they loudly farted bringing the attention of everyone nearby. After a month of struggle and research finding no way to remove the spell both came forth and apologized to Liam who was having breakfast alone like usual. Liam looked at both of them using Aura's eyes and then said he had forgiven them and removed the spell.

While participating in all the competitions happening in the school other than Polo. Liam with the consent and recommendation went forth to put in the request to the headmaster for being in consideration in the Transfiguration trophy and chess trophy along with Dueling trophy all three of which he won the competitions within the school as well as Outside within Britain.

Ravenclaw under his leadership went on to score more points than any house in the history of Hogwarts winning the Yearly House cup.

By the end of 5th year, Liam won everything and made History as it had never happened before. During the break, he simply started Auditories books on weaponry and it's creation after completing Kenway's books and journals.

6th year remained for the large part same for Liam being a perfect and Quidditch captain remained busy, He also announced of him leaving the Quidditch team after the season to allow younger players and to focus more on his studies. With him as prefect, the house behaved perfectly like last year, during this time Liam decided to release the last of 20% Veela hybrid charm he had suppressed making him more popular than he already was. Liam as per plan during the entire school year didn't interfere with Harry Potter and his gang back when he saved them, he already used the opportunity to plant some of him nanotech within them which embedded themself into their blood and recorded everything regarding what they are doing? where they are?. He did the same to everyone who was key players like Nevile Longbottom and such.

He also wanted to plant some on Dumbledor but the old bastard never invited him like he usually does to all the self insert character in fan friction.

During his 6th year, he started getting close with House-elves in the kitchen who made food for everyone inside the physical structure of Hogwarts only thus not included Hagrid who lived outside.

Soon 6th year come to an end with his house once again winning the cup.

During the holiday he received an invitation from Scotland and various other territories to come and participate in the Quidditch world championship while representing their team which Liam rejected stating that he will be participating in the Duelling World Championship which too was happening in England along with Quidditch world championship.

On 10th August 1994, Liam along with his grandparents went to participate in the championship. In the first battle, using his Aura he scared away his opponent who simply surrendered as soon as they stood before each other. The second match marked the mockery of which was made out of the Nobel house of Guat, Liam's opponent after taking the stand to fight become so afraid that he started throwing random spells while running backward and peeing in his pants. Liam decided that it was enough fun, he went forth with the real matches where he sometimes simply overpowered the opponent while in some he used cleaver tactics. Winning rounds upon rounds within 5 moves. After winning 10 matches he qualified for the semi-finals where he would face Cedric Diggory who have been chasing after him since he entered the school. Liam smiled seeing his name, Informing his grandparents about the next day of competition and his opponent. Happy with their grandchild and his achievements complimented Liam.

After 3 days, the semi-final round begins, Liam ignoring everything simply went on the attack ripping apart Cedric defense in one move while winning the match in another. In the final round, he faced a big bout Smirnov who was from Russia the fight was boring first Smirnov tried to use an attack which Liam simply deflected while on the second he went on complete preservation like Liam was trying to kill him. Liam on the fourth attack broke through his defense and on the 5th attack Disarmed him thus winning the championship.

Gaining another title for himself, during the interview He credited his success to his House head Filius who too was a dueling champion. He again came into limelight his previous achievement of winning the Quidditch championship and his name the Golden seeker were revived. Many people from school wrote to wish him.

After winning the championship and everything, his grandparents asked him what he wanted as a present to which Liam simply asked them if he can place some ruins on them so he always knows that they are safe, while under the disguse he planted nanotech in both of them, connecting them directly to world seed thus if they ever were in a problematic position Hope could always protect their minds.