The Emporer

Liam moved out of the Hotel, instructed Hope to arrange for transportation while also asking for the nanotech inside his body to be updated.

A BMW without anyone in it soon came in front of the hotel which Liam boarded. Liam drank some water present and moved his arms and legs a bit as he felt them bit stiffed. Soon the nanotech was updated and moved through his body reviewing all the portions of his body to make sure they were in perfect condition. Soon Lu An arrived at his old house. A party was going on many people coming into the household. Liam was informed that Little treasure's daughter was getting married. Liam smiled coldly and went in his nanotech changed his cloths making it into a black suit.

Lu An walked into the house ignoring everything. But one of the guards rushed up and stopped him asking for an invite. Lu An looked coldly at the guard releasing a bit of him bloodthirst. Soon some of the guests at the party saw the seen and started talking insulting Lu An. Lu An picked the guard by the neck and throw him through the door of the entrance of the House. Bringing more attention from others.

Lu An calmly walked in ignoring everything, someone from the ground came running and kneed in front of Liam,

Klaus: Klaus greets the lord and asks for forgiveness to not be there to welcome you.

Lu An simply ignored him while some more people came from the crowd and kneed.

Liam without looking at them in a cold voice asked: where are my parents?

Klaus while bowing: Lord they are in their room resting.

Liam started moving toward the room.

Everyone from the crowd was confused to see powerful people such as Klaus, Ryo and others kneeling on the ground in front of an unknown person who didn't even look at them.

Someone from the crowd finally recognized Lu An and screamed in a broken voice: I know who that is.... he is.... he is the Emporer.

Many people were confused as they heard this while some connected people who knew of the history of the business or underworld broke out of sweat as they hear Lu An's identity, The Emporer was the title held by a monster which once ruled the world, His rule was absolute, no one could oppose him. The story was such that the Emporer to take care of his sick wife donated his empire changing billions of life and ultimately retired after his wife died, the story goes go to say the rule of the Emporer was always there, he left 9 families which ruled the world on his behalf now. One of those family head was Klaus said to be one of the most trusted people of the Emporer.

Lu An arrived in his parent's room where his father seated on a chair in front of his mother who laid on the bed.

Lu An slowly walked toward them and put his hand on his father's shoulder who turned around and saw his long lost son standing there with the same face he saw him last time. Liam seat next to his father and held her mother's hand.

Liam looked at his mother knowing she didn't have much time spoke to his father in a low voice: Do you want to continue living with her?

Shooked to hear his son say something like this Lu TingXieo nodded then he head his son: I can make this happen you too will be part of me then Go sleep next to her.

Lu TingXieo believing his son slept next to his wife holding her hand. Lu An put his hand on both of them planting nanotech who constructed a nerve gear condition and started uploading their brain. His mother woke up feeling a handover her head. Lu An spoke in a low voice: Go to sleep this is the least I can do for both of you for giving birth to me. Thank you I will meet you soon.

Fully uploading their consciousness into world seed, making them part of the system giving them rebirth completely.

Lu An after fulfilling his purpose, left the room and started moving out of the House when he heard Little treasure speak Brother you come to my daughter's wedding and didn't even bring any gift and made so much conflict and disturbance what are you trying to do?

Lu An stopped and looked back at Little treasure and spoke in a cold voice: Good luck with the wedding and the company I hope some big bad wolf doesn't set his eyes on it for insulting his dead wife.

After giving his a cold smile, he looked at Klaus and others who bowed their head he nodded and went out.

He seats back into his car which moved on it's on logged onto Never gear and accessed the world seed and found his parents who were living in a house made of bamboos and were young again, He looked at them enjoying each other company and happy. Lu An face broke out a small smile then he logged off, went back to the Hotel Del Luna as he was told by the young women.

Lu An opened the door and saw that the Hotel is overflowing with water. The young man who always greeted him at that door came and informed him that they are facing some situation that will be solved soon and that the manager has left instructions for him to stay in his room she will soon come and talk to her.

Lu An chucked and then started moving toward his room. He opened the door, the room was completely unaffected from the water. Lu An went and a seat on the sofa waiting for the manager. He started remembering the story of Hotel Del Luna he has seen in the series something similar happens in it too.

Soon the manager with an older woman and a young man came.

Lu An with the same expressionless face observed as far he could remember this young man is supposed to be the person the manger will fall in love with and then have to leave for the afterlife. Lu An didn't say anything. The older woman started talking: You have impressed a lot of people with the clean and sportless work, so much that 3 worlds lesser god has put in a task for you for their world.

Saying that the old woman gave Lu An a sheet of paper with information about the tasks and the worlds in it.

Earth world: A lesser god named Ankhseram has inflicted a cure on a human via which he disturbed the balance of life and death and grown powerful.

Task: You are tasked with either Killing or Sealing the host which is under the influence of the lesser god, and lastly removing all influence from the world which the god Ankhseram have in matters of life and death.

Reward: One kind of Magic from this world which you would be allowed to use in the next or previous world you go to.

World: A lesser god by the name of Anima wanted to rule the world as his own created a rift between the boundaries of Lower Heaven and that planet in the hope to bring his body along with him but due to Heaven's High god's law the body of the lesser god didn't manage to go through the tear completely only managed to send his spirit which caused chose within the world and brought about Devil Fruit into existence created due to heavenly energy leaking through the tear of space.

Task: Kill the spirit of the lesser god. Find the tear in space and throwback the body of lesser god back into heaven thus removing Heaven's energy from the world. Also, collect 3 ancient artifacts made by the people of that world using Heavenly technology.

Rewards: Can choose at the time of completion of the task.

Earth MCU Universe: 4 lesser gods for their entertainment created 6 stones of power and left them in the universe, thus changing the course of many civilizations and worlds.

Task: Collect all 6 stones. Offer them to the cosmic entity who will seal them thus stopping the imbalance. Be cautious if other cosmic entities find out about your mission they might hunt you down.

Rewards: Can choose at the time of completion of the task.

The older woman started talking again: I was told to also explain that you will be able to use only some of your eyes power in each world with the last one being an exception where you can use them fully. I was also told to explain to you that due to your wish to carry forth the dark matter with you have used both the wishes of that world one granting you right to carry on the material which dark matter is made of out of that world and second granting the mixture of those materials which form dark matter form in you body. In each world, you go to you will find the dark matter as a coin in your pocket when you reach the age of 4 similar to that of a ticket coming into your pocket. Additionally, the dark matter can only be used to consume and deconstruct thing which is not truly alive as in you can accumulate an egg into the dark matter but not the animal if it comes out of the egg. Do you have any questions?

Lu An: Is there any time limit on each quest?

Old woman: No, each world is hard and filled with danger I would personally recommend you only go when you are sure you can do it.

Lu An nodding his head: I would like to go as per the list and go to Earth world first. can you kindly tell me the limitation I will be facing regarding my eyes?

The old woman then picked up the paper with tasks on it and said: You will only be allowed to your eyes till Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan level. The world you're going to is based on Fairy Tail. All the best to you.

Lu An: Okay I'm ready. Will I get the magic of my choice or a random one?

Older woman: As you were told when you started you can choose when where how in this regards so I don't know.

Lu An then sleeps on the same bed his body was in when he first left the world and said: I would like to be born 4 years before Natsu is brought 400 years into the future making me 4 years older then Natsu in the conon storyline, somewhere in the Magnolia Town itself with the Magic Arc of embodiment and become conscious when I'm 5 years old.

The space in front of him tore and sucked him in leaving his body behind.