
Some days went by Logan carved a few more pieces his heart always felt fulfilled after carving a sculptor of Asuna. He talked to talked a lot with the old man who told him about his adventures and how stupid he was in his youth. Logan just listened to everything he also started learning magic in general which he never really did but simply learned by observing people around him. He also started diverting all his efforts in learning and opening 2nd origin in his magic which after analysis with the hope he concluded can leave a channel more power from Kurama and his dimension which had the power of three god trees.

Devil's lover was believed to be driven directly from All magic, making it one of the most powerful and offensive type of magic in the world. The kind of magic that could even be used to fought the devil or so was believed. The magic came into being from love in a version depending on the experiences in have learned throughout one's life. It could give infinite supply as long as one remembers his source, nature was simple as his arc of embodiment it could caste any kind of element or non-elemental attack using it making it virtually impossible for a being to stop it or counter it back.

Logan knew that the old man would be dying soon so he offered the old man if he would like to upload himself onto the world seed and continue his adventures but the old man rejected and even scolded him stating that the next big adventure of his is already decided and his love is waiting for him, a few weeks afterward the old man while working on his sculptor passed away suddenly his body just gave away, even the nanotech Logan had planned couldn't do anything.

Logan buried the old man and carved a sculptor of the old man. Leaving with the sculptor of his beloved. As one man in love, he used all his magic channeled it to break apart the space between his dimension and the real world and sealed everything the old man had from house to sculptors it inside his dimension so that it remained safe and secure.

He created a similar house like the old man using the arc of embodiment and started living in it. He started experimenting with both his magics combining them and such. He also started learning God slayer magic which he observed through hope via satellite and nanotech he has left behind into the two people he knew used such magic. He also observed the moments of Fairy tail and how they all have left for Tenrou Island. He set a time limit of 10 years for himself and decided to use the last plan of waiting till Zeraf dies then use that moment to drag the mighty god down with him, with Devil's lover and god slayer magic he had some confidence but didn't stopped searching for other kinds of magic.

After completing all his preparations in 7 years, Logan after visiting his parents and then went back realizing that the part to receive core members has already he decided that it's time for him to wake up from the slumber.

Logan transported himself back to the guild and saw that due to financial difficulties they have left the headquarters, many members to have left.

Logan came inside the crystal form which was buried inside the ground and started coming out he heard shouting from the outside about bring money for safekeeping.

A skeleton hand came out of the groundbreaking wooden floor half. Logan in his mask and old form came out. Logan stared at the person who was asking for the money then moved his gaze toward guild members who were also staring at him.

Logan asked where is the guild master and such

But before anyone could reply the person asking for money started shouting again for money.

Logan asked the guildmembers if the guild owned them money to which they replied it was for safekeeping and they were threated into giving the money. Acting as if he is filled with anger, logan lifted the person and threshed him onto the ground, again and again, ignoring anyone's shocked reacting. He asked Macao about the guild headquarters of the bullies. With the pressure exerted by Logan Macao quickly told the location but also ordered Logan to stand down stating that now he is the guild master and logan being part of the guild must listen to him, Logan waved his hand and created a lot of money and asked Macao to return all the money which has been borrowed from others. Seeing Logan acting peacefully, Macao decided quickly and started arranging members. Logan already via his nanotech knew that Natsu and the rest are nearby so he didn't intervene in anything but he also didn't let anyone leave asking or more like demanding someone to explain the situation before they can leave. Soon Natsu and the rest came barging in.

Logan ignoring the rest went straight to Makarov and hugged the old man.

Makarov was also surprised as he never took Logan to be an emotional type. Logan explained that he had just wakened up and then went on to explain the situation of what happened. Hearing him Natsu and the rest got angry and started urging to rush and beat the people.

Logan stood at the side and just watched everything happen. He has already solved the financial problem of the guild but even then, most members insisted on doing or contributing to the guild hearing this, Logan created an advertisement poster of the Grand magic games and told Makarov the guild could participate in it to show their comeback and also earn themself some finance. Seeing this Natsu and others got fired up and started bugging Makarov to participate. Makarov not seeing any harm in participating agree but asked everyone to train hard. Logan in the meanwhile started giving the speech about how this is an opportunity for the guild to show everyone that Fairy tail is not to be messed with taking the example of people who were just bullying the guild earlier.

Soon things settled down and Guild decided to participate in the Grand magic games and people left to do individual training. Logan with the pretense of also training went alone and left the guild with the promise to come back in time for the games.

Logan traveled back to old man house and stayed for a month enjoying life and watching various factors playing out he also started via satellite started watching and learning the magic of the Spriggan 12, during his observation, he also found a god slayer magic user with the attribute to darkness, he only then remembered that there were various large guilds within the Alvarez Empire which got destroyed due to Zeraf's order right around his time due to the order of Zeraf's son August.

Logan's only reason to come and join the fairy tail crew this time was that he wanted to experiment with the 7 dragons which will come out of the Eclipse Gate. With the goal and plan in mind, Logan started his plan of learning God slayer magic combining the magic of 4 people with 4 elements, his understanding on how to stabilize the elements from the Naruto world helped him and quickly gained experience.

With the month up and half of the new magic formed, Logan decided to go back. He changed his mask from a white color to purple, the black matter come out of his body and coated his complete body. He changed his eyes back to Sharingan and started his journey back to the guild.