Arrogance of a God..

Without waiting for anyone to recover or response Logan started running toward Zeref and the Spriggans, after taking 3 steps he simply disappeared and out of nowhere appeared again in the sky holding the throat of Arcnologia.

Logan throws down Arcnologia down from the sky in front of Zeref and landed on the ground and release 30% of his magic pressure using gravity magic of Bluenote stinger pressing everyone whether they were with the alliance or Zeref to the ground only leaving Arcnologia and Mavis standing. Zeref too kneed on the ground along with August.

Arcnologia quickly recovered and used his super-speed to rip out Logan but Logan took out his Gunbai from behind and deflected the attack while pushing Archnologia back onto the ground.

Mavis just stood there supporting herself as she knew this was not the complete power of Logan. Logan started laughing loudly and said: Little dragon sit down for a moment I will come to you.

Logan turned his gaze onto Zeref: I was sent to this world to Hunt down three people- The self-proclaimed Dragon King Acnologia, The dark wizard Zeref Dragneel and the fairy Heart Mavis Vermillion. We will first start with the little dragon king.

Saying these 3 Huge circles opened in the sky, and the cries of the dragons came out of them, One with the size of more than entire Magnolia Town before the Dragon queen Irene used Universe one magic to relocated everyone and expand the entire continent size. 2 more dragons followed the big dragon both having a different body type.

Arcnologia seeing the dragon turned into a dragon too and rushed toward the large dragon to take the size advantage to go into the blind spot of Earth dragon god but as he reached closer chains upon chains came out of the earth dragon gods body piercing the wings of Arcnologia who Screamed in pain but before giving him any time to recover 2 dragon roar from each side came and ripped his wings completely while also taking his left arm by simply taking out the shoulder through which the arm was attached to the body. Arcnologia with his experience with dragons knew that the three dragons in front of him were just a bit less powerful than him so he decided to retrieve recovery and then Take then down individual down using his experience of fighting millions of dragons in his lifetime.

Logan wanted to finish Arcnologia first to complete focus on his fight with Ankhseram thus joined the battle himself charging the fire dragon god power in his arms he appeared on top of the right shoulder of Arcnologia and used Dragon roar burning down the entire arm of Arcnologia while also Binding now fallen Arcnologia onto the ground using black chains made out of Arc of embodiment empowered by Devil's lover. Logan using Kamui appeared the screaming Arcnologia head and embedded his entire arm which was wrapped in black matter into his head, Filling the head of Arcnologia, destroying the part of brain which was under the control and made decisions and replacing it with black matter directly under the control of Hope thus giving direct control whole of Arcnologia but Arcnologia had the power of various dragon one of which was of a light dragon which could heal itself, Arcnologia without even commanding unconsciously started recovering his destroyed matter. But Hope not giving any opportunity to Arcnologia magic uploaded his consciousness onto the world seed thus making his body nothing more than a meatless suit under the control of Hope.

Completing his process of control over Arcnologia, Logan took out his hand and started using his hands to reattached parts of Arcnologia which he had destroyed earlier. with his right arm made out of chains.

Logan got of Arcnologia's head and stepped back in a distance, the chains around Arcnologia's body started going back into the ground while come entering into his body. Arms and wings recovered Arcnologia slowly got up releasing his complete magic power and roar. The three other Dragons in the sky also Roared along while flying in the sky. Arcnologia looked at the members of both Zeref forces and alliances who were all lying on the ground with only their head a bit up watching everything with their mouth open once again roared then flew up in the sky in which a huge black door opened up. Arcnologia directly went into the hole and disappeared along with the three other dragon gods which did the same.

Logan calmly watched everything before turning his gaze back onto Zeref and said: One down two to go.

He started walking toward the forces of both Enemy and alliance who all watched him with nothing but fear and dread in their eyes as they have just watched the strongest being in their world brought down. Logan slowly started removing his mask. Long Black hair reaching his shoulder fell followed by a face with was completely white and carved as if it was made by gods themselves along with 2 expressionless Black colored eyes that started revolving into and changing into red color and taking on the usual pattern. Golden circles opened near Zeref and bound all the members of 12 Spriggans.

Logan throwing the mask back into his dimension said in a cold voice while looking at Zeref: I hunt the ruler of this world life and death law God Ankhseram I want the key of Space between the time you hold, if you give it to me I will remove your and Mavis curse letting you pass on without the end of the world. If you refuse then I might have to do something you might not like.

Zeref who was kneeling calmly analyzed the situation he knew from watching what happened to Arcnologia that winning in this situation is not possible neither will he be able to use Fairy heart so decided to give up the key which he bound the space between the time with but just as he lifted his hand to give the key over the law his body stopped working, his body without his control slowly stood up magic energy started overflowing in it, a ball of energy suddenly came out of it his arm pushing it onto Logan.

Logan in response stopped walking and deflected the attack using Gunbai on his back and pushed Zeref back but Zeref didn't move but used his raw power to push back Logan who fell back falling into the ground rolling.

Logan recovered and with a grim on his face asked: Am I talking to Zeref the dark wizard right now or the God Ankhseram right now?

Without waiting for the answered Logan putting his Gunbai back on his back rushed to Zeref, meanwhile a black hole opened under all 12 Spriggan and alliance force consuming them as they were already lying on the ground.

Natsu and the rest of the people found themself surrounded by 4 dragons who didn't even look at them but were looking at a huge panel on which Logan was barehanded fighting Zeref with Gunbai on his back, earth getting destroyed with both person countering the attack of others, Logan with silver colors mix god dragon magic in both arms fighting Zeref who covered both his hand with black magic.

Logan didn't want Ankhseram to get used to controlling Zeref's body used his chains to capture Zeref but Zeref simply using black magic broke the chains thus Logan used God slayer magic to counter the Zeref leaving him less opportunity to deflect the chains. Some chains managed to manage to hold onto the legs of Zeref using which as an opportunity more and more chains started attaching itself to Zeref absorbing his magic. Giving a moment to gain control over his body in which Zeref stood on Logan's expectations and passed him the control over the lock implanted on the space between time.

Finally getting the last key of the puzzle and not caring about Innocent life as he has already sent everyone on the kingdom in his dimension released his complete power of the 1 god tree out of 3 which was the limitation and the magic energy he obtained after absorbing the dragon gods.

With the dimension, a chain came from the sky taking Mavis into the sky while 4 dragons moved to Mavis and started passing their magic energy onto her which was being absorbed by the chain which was holding her thus making it a power source for Logan to recharge if he fell low of energy at any time.

Logan focusing his complete magic onto Devil's lover which was formed and was the source of One magic itself that ruled over this world to burn down the body of Zeref itself bringing the spirit form of Ankhseram into being.

Logan not giving any opportunity or waiting opened thousands of golden circles which surrounded every point possible around the Burning body of Zeref through which black-colored chains in which Logan through his hand passed Devil's lover magic derived from One magic started piercing the complete body of the burning Zeref, A pulse of Black magic came out of the Zeref deflecting all the upcoming chains but due to a large number of chains, chains after moved to deflect resumed their course, the Spirit form came out rushing but before it could do anything was completely covered in chains. More and more circles opened up chains upon chains completely black in color covered the entire area, even the ground below was destroyed completely, all the building and everything with the kingdom of Fiore was already destroyed and turned to dust. Chains grinding against each other slowly absorbing the magic present withing the spirit form Ankhseram had, slowly absorbing magic which amounted to the power of a god tree was dawned into the soul of Logan into Kurama dimension which contained the power of 3 god trees already. The circular ball of chain hanged in the air 100 feet above the ground.

After absorbing all the powers, thousands of black lines came out of chains all falling in earth connecting to various parts. Logan understanding that this was the connecting which Ankhseram used to come into being combined his god slayer magic along with Devil's lover magic into his gunbai and cut them all thus removing all the influence Ankhseram had in the world, the space above his ball of chains cracked itself showing nothing but a hallow empty dark space and sucked the spirit form of Ankhseram automatically making chains which were binding it lose and onto the ground.

The live feed panel in front of all closed, the dragons roared and moved back into the darkness meanwhile Mavis kept hanging in the air through a chain. Letting the rest of the people present freely move.

In the meantime outside the space in front of Logan cracked but this time instead of one-two space opened up. a deep ancient voice came out of one of the space: I'm what you can call the true Dragon god, unlike my foolish Desenceds who proclaimed themself god without even knowing their origin. This world was created by one of my fellow friends Alastor and to bless it I sent some of my descendants into it to act as a guide for the people here but over time everything changed, their children fought among themselves which lead us to today. I Garyx, the god of Dragons would like to give you a task to remove all the dragon influence from the world which is left behind. As per your usual reward, I would give you a wish.

Space through which Garyx spoke closed itself, Logan who was kneeling didn't say anything but waited for the 2nd crack to speak.

A voice came out of 2nd crack: I am Alastor the creator and god who blessed the world with Magic driven from One magic. I was the one who put the task to you, the collector made by the higher god. Tell me what you wish.

Logan: Lord I would like to carry forth Arc of Embodiment with me in my journey.

Alastor: Granted. What's your second wish which you would like to carry with you to the next world?

Logan: Lord I would like to carry forth Copy magic with me.

Alastor: Hahahaha, Little brat you would be invincible with both of this. Your next world will become a joke and nothing more.

Logan: Lord pardon me but as you have said I am but a simple collector, power was never my goal, to begin with.

Alastor: Yes yes just a simple collector.... Okay fine I will grant you this wish too but you would have to complete this specific task for me.

Logan: Lord, kindly instruct your kind follower.

Alastor: I have looked through your life, I want you to use the same means as you did in the world of Naruto, but this time instead of chakra you will be removing Magic. Make a god tree using Arc of embodiment and Devil's lover magic of yours and remove my blessing of magic from this world. I see the fate of my friend Garyx, descendants have come to this decision. Do this and I will grant you your wish. I will allow you to use your complete eye power in doing this task.

Logan: As your instructions my lord.

Space fixed itself again leaving Logan who was kneeling behind.

Logan put his Gunbai back onto his back brought everyone back out of his dimension. Millions of people all trapped in golden chains appeared in front of him with Mavis to felling from the sky hanging by the chain.

Logan seeing this moved toward the body of burnt Zeref and started healing it and bringing Zeref back into being in the state of when he was not under the direct influence of Ankhseram or his magic when he was just a little child of around the age of 5 using the magic of time from the rift which was in space between the time. After recovering Zeref into his state, He moved onto Mavis who along with the rest of the guild members were standing in front of Millions of people. He without wasting time appeared in front of Mavis and started moving time backward onto her, making her child of 5 years too and finally doing the same onto August who was watching everything from the sidelines. Putting all 3 members of the family together on a comfy bed. Logan took up the form of Susano and spoke in a loud voice: My Name is Kai, I was sent here to remove the influence of dark arts from this world, which I have done, Now Magic will slowly remove from this world and everyone. I was told to guide the world through the new era the civilization would go through. Kindly select someone among yourself as the leader of Humanity. I will come back after 6 months to talk to the person who has been selected. Logan in his Susanoo form raised both his hands, Houses roads trees started coming out of the ground restoring the town's cities which were destroyed.

Logan looked at the family of three sleeping peaceful on the bed and then at Makarov one more time and said: I have fulfilled my promise to Zeref and Mavis rest is up to you.

And simply disappeared.