Son of a King Part. I

The first thing Logan felt was the feeling of being released from a tube of some kind when he was born, Logan has long decided to not interfere with the current timeline of the story bringing less heat onto himself gave complete control to his bodily functions to Hope while logging onto world seed for some time on his own. He used time delusion of Infinite Tsukuyomi onto himself within his world and started his research in various fields but mainly in human genetics. After a million years or so in the world seed when outside, Logan turned 4 decided to take things in charge and told Hope to piece together his life story so far.

His name in this life was Portgas D. Leo, older brother of Ace, Leo was a loner person who only came in front of people when his brother was in some kind of trouble. Hope mostly kept Leo's body in the personal dimension and watched Ace make sure about his safety and did nothing else.

Logan took over his identity as Leo. He first started channeling the magic energy which came straight like a beam into him without interpretation giving him complete access to Kuram without limit, unlike the previous world. Using the arc of embodiment Logan created his favorite nanotech which flew in his bloodline taking over his body. Logan then pulled 2 coins from his pocket one completely black in color while another simply transparent. Both of which got absorbed in his body giving him unbearable pain rendering him unmovable for 2 weeks or so.

In the meantime, Curly Dadan and the Dadan Family whom Leo stayed with searched everywhere for him but were unable to find him. Making them decide that Leo is either dead or have run away.

Leo in the meantime without any scream or anything took all the pain which came onto him. slowly started to feel his body structure change his blood felt as if lava have replaced it while his muscles and skins turned black stronger then steal itself. Nanotech reformed every tiny bit of his muscles turning them into the most efficient form. His hair also turned white from the change in his bloodline which he turned back to black using nanotech.

After two and a half weeks, Leo returned home along with the dead body of a huge bear to the house of Dadan family. Ace was not at home as usual while some were drunk and some were fighting each other. Leo simply knocked on the door and throw the body of the huge monstrous bear inside. After eating a bit. Leo left the house again moving toward the seaside. And then simply disappearing in his dimension. Leo logged onto world seed and went to the shinobi world.

Leo arrived in the body of a child this time made a worldwide announcement to gather everyone. Leo informed that the world which they were informed about in here. And people are free to move out if they wish to do so. Leo gave them custom options via which they can create their body type which they would like to use in the outside world. Many chose to use their own body while some formed a different body for themselves. Everyone that Leo chose from the naruto world was very experienced in fighting and knew what was the best type of body suitable for themself.

Leo after announcing the body type also announced that proposal to be made by each team regarding what they will go in the outside world and their responsibility. Leo aimed to create 21 units that would work in a different field throughout the world and prepare everything till the time he reaches the age of 10 then he would leave behind the golden tri of Ace Luffy and sabo to fend for themselves.

Everyone in the shinobi organization was skilled at works, they quickly formed a system on their own and proposed different research and things they would need.

Leo using Arc of embodiment and devil's lover created meat suits for every one of the 2580 people who wanted to come into being and embedded nanotech in all of them to always keep track of everything and uploaded their consciousness into the meat suit and thus creating an artificial soul in the one-piece world.

Everyone used their body and got used to it while some who wanted to change came up to Leo and resolved it.

After resolving the body problem, Leo channeled a large amount of magic and created 21 Insight Helicarrier made out of Vibranium adamantium alloy carrying everything which the shinobi forces have asked in their proposal. The shinobi forces knowing the plan went into their own Insight Helicarrier and started upgrading it as per their need if any which they thought was needed, Unlike the original Insight Helicarrier the new one didn't need people to control it and was fully functional on its own each carrying AI which directly worked under Hope. Teams visited each other's carriers upgrading everything which they deemed to be useful which also purposing upgrades and such to the ally Helicarriers.

Leo also tried to sent and a probe satellite into the orbit to look at the geographical and outer space condition but failed as the entire planet was covered in some kind of energy bubble completely, Leo after some tries using different materials and such concluded that only certain kinds of material such as sea stones can go into the bubble. Leo wasn't able to communicate with the probe satellite once it enters the bubble thus Leo didn't waste any more time.

The whole process of his took 3 weeks in which Leo again went mission to the outside world. Unlike the previous time, this time Dadan family members along with Ace didn't get worried. Leo left them to there device didn't interfere with anything. Ace never tried to talk to Leo and only observed him from far away whenever Ace came in front of Leo his body froze up automatically. Leo planted nanotech in the bear he bought with him this time, thus getting a means to spy on everyone who ate it and thus ace too protected him whenever he was in trouble of any kind. Sometimes just to see if Leo would protect him or not Ace would provoke animals and such around him, Leo after ignoring the way of Ace for first 3 times but on 4th he beat Ace till he could stand anymore thus installing fear into the bones of Ace. Soon people got used to his act of disappearance and thus stopped waiting on him. Leo too after 3 weeks or so always came back bringing some huge animal meat or something back with him. Ace too stopped acting out and started training, Leo seeing this decided that Ace no longer need to live in the protection bubble of him and left him alone, only saving ace when Hope had deemed it an absolute necessity.

Covering his goal Leo disappeared in his dimension again checking on the progress of Shinobis. After a whole month, all the preparations were finally complete, Leo in the night-time open a hole in the sky letting the upgraded Insight Helicarrier out one by one. Each assigned a different mission. 5 were given the task to map out the entire world no matter where it is while also leaving Probes in the sky for them which would cover an island individually, 3 were assigned to research about the technology of this world and how to upgrade them, 2 were left alone to research deeply into genetics of the races of creatures and animals found in the world while 3 were sent to find and learn all about the different fighting style techniques of the world this including infiltrating various groups learning everything possible. While 8 were given the task of creating artificial devil fruit while also collecting devil fruit and planting nanotech in the devil fruit users silently without raising any flags. The number of the member in each team was different as each task required different man force.

Leo also made 40 or shinobi souls which were under the control of Hope into a specific shadow force that would within the shadows like roots did for Konoha.

Leo also deployed the Half of his shadow unit into Marine forces to mix into the forces planting his spies in the enemy force. While also sending Arcnologia into the marines using some trick to make a vice-admiral believe that Arcnologia was a sole survivor child in a pirate attack that destroyed one of the island towns near which the vice-admiral was passing through to go back to headquarters. Leo did deep research while selected the person who Arcnologia should be sent too. An old vice admiral who mostly did the job of escorting people was selected for this task, he was known to take back orphans back to Marine Headquarters which he found during his journey.

The modified Helicarriers which were sent on scout mission regularly sent updates regarding all the discoveries while also developing Air probes and leaving them in the sky which will remain there above the island while being fully weaponized and act as a monitoring device which will record monitor and report everything which is going on within and on the island.

Leo sent the rest of the shadow forces to the moon as he had heard about there being a city that was more advance then the rest of the world.

Leo seeing them all off started with basic training, while also practicing his Dragon bloodline in physical form which gave him superhuman strength speed and agility making his body have unlimited potential.

Soon years went by Ace met with Sabo became friends with him and started their dream of becoming pirates.

Leo in silence also became friends with Sabo when he saved both of them from an animal that was about to injure them.

Leo with all things in motions did nothing but relaxed and trained in his basics.

Soon 6 years went by other than the task of genetic research, Artificial Logia/Paramecia fruit creation, and embedding/collection devil fruit and users were left.

Shinobi forces figured out the method to search for the devil fruit in particular but due to the presence of Heavenly energy weren't able to find fruit more than 5 km away from there location. After mapping out of the sea, the forces identify a bubble region at the end of the new world in which all the technology made by them failed similar to the bubble surrounding the planetary orbit, making them use wooden ships or other particular objects to enter it but those objects and ships got lost when they entered the sea similarly to the condition of the sky bubble.

Leo remembered the storyline identified that the last island of one piece where the said treasure was can only be visited using the map which was inscribed within the Poneglyph. Thus Leo announced the task to collect all the Poneglyph or at least their images and such. Thus 10 out of 11 free teams moved onto looking for Poneglyph throughout the world knowing the location of some such as 2 in Alabasta, Three with Big mom one on sky island, one on Zou and unknown number with Kaido. While the last team was assigned the task to intercept all the transmission around the globe which they did by planting devices in each island which intercepted all the electric charged which came onto the island thus tapping into world communication of the whole world via current charge regardless of the lines or medium of transmission used. Another AI was made and modified for this particular task. It would record break down and solve all the communication recordings letting Shinobi forces spy on everyone.

Arcnologia in the meantime topped his combat course showing top talent to the higher-ups who also took interest in him and started paying more attention in him while half of the shadow forces successfully infiltrated into the headquarters doing different jobs and moving up the rank, by now every person who has even one ate something at Marin headquarters had nanotech present in their body regardless of their rank or such making everything from food they ate to anything they drank from water to alcohol mixed in with nanotech.

With the introduction of Luffy, he knew his time here as a child was about to complete. Leo uploaded all kind of Devil fruit uses which the satellite had recorded and started practicing them using copy magic he was able to do things which didn't require his body itself to be changed its molecular structure to do so such as turning into the sand like Crocodile. He could copy all Paramecia fruits. He wanted to create artificial devil fruit using the arc of embodiment but didn't as he wasn't sure if messing with the already screwed world law was a good idea or not thus decided against it heavenly energy was another issue. His understanding of the Heavenly energy collides with various understanding. In some cases, Heavenly energy collected into a single entity and formed DF while in some changing a normal human body into a genetically modified body that could compete against the likes of Captain America and such in there adult form.