The domain of beginning

Sea King and the rest arrived at the vicinity close to the final island where Leo stayed behind and sea kings dragged the wounded body of IM into the tear.

The middle of the sky was a singular tear with an arm made of light hanging from it various rays of light were binding the arm when IM was brought near the tear, rays of lights raced through the tear, tearing the body of the wounded IM, a ball made out of light was covered by various light rays from the tear and dragged back into the tear.

The sea kings through the body of the IM directly into the tear while Leo signaled all his men to attack into the light hand at one making, to close the tear in sky removing the hand was necessary. Leo had various plans in place for this particular task. All his Helicarrier, force members and firework which he had built on his 7 island nation and in probe form charged themself.

The IM soul ball on making contact with the tear started dissolving, a huge energy wave of air passed in the circle, Leo waved his hand all his forces started their attacked taking their nature, all the attacks dissolved or got absorbed by the hand, on seeing this Leo waved his non-DF personal to infuse their Haki and attack, but just as they got close to the tear a huge lighting wave came and attack them, Leo waved his hand again and the golden circles opened and chains came into being, the chains infused in devil's loved directly repelled the white lighting wave and reaped around the light hand and slowly lifting the hand, seeing this Leo's fasten the process of putting the hand back.

Just as when the hand completely went in, a huge white light wave like lighting came and attacked Leo. Leo's speed was high but not higher than Lightning thus the Light invaded his body taking one of his arms while also damaging his soul. Holding onto his entire will Leo with all his power throws back the entire arm back into the tear.

The tear with a loud bang voice closed itself. Seeing this Leo closed his eyes, his soul was damaged he could connect to Hope his control over his body and powers were slowly failing. His forces quickly surrounded him but one by one they started felling on the ground. They were reuploaded back into the world seed on their own, Leo wasn't able to control anything when suddenly he heard a low voice: Come into the tear.

Leo very distinctively remembered this voice as this was the high god who gave him the reincarnation and the wish. Listening to the voice Leo gathered all his will throw away the Gunbai on his back and slowly started crawling toward space in the front once again torn, slowly with Gunbai support Leo walked into the tear.

He found himself in front of the same ball of bright light he had previously met before he could speak anything space behind his started cracking again and an old man came out. Leo knew this person as death, he has previously met him in the world of Harry potter.

White light started changing into a human form and turned into a child around the 6-8-year-old body. Space again cracked and a huge giant came in.

The space in front started changing and three simple chairs came into being, Leo's body to recover completely giving him enough stand to strength.

Leo lying or more like floating in the mid-air state repositioned himself.

The old man started talking first: You were near your death as death it was my role to reap your soul. You were one of the first who was allowed to reincarnate with memories so I have brought you here to listen about your adventures.

The child while laughing asked: So how was your adventure? Did you enjoy yourself completely?

Leo calmly without fear as he already knew he was dying answered: Yes lord I enjoyed my time on adventures very much I was able to find the love of my life thanks to that.

Child: Good Good, I have seen the lesser god making you clean up after them and was very angry as the wish was meant for you to enjoy your life to the fullest not work for others. I'm as what can be best described as the God of Samsara in your human language, you have already met Death and this is God of Void. We are all three of the 4 primal Ancestral Gods after which the rest of the gods originated or were made to bring balance to the world. Death and I were interested in listening to your adventure.

Leo kneeling and bowing: I thank the lord for the kind thoughts. My adventure is what can be described as nothing short of distraction after losing the love of my life. After losing Asuna, I just focused on gathering and working for the god. Hoping one day I will be able to meet her again.

Death seeing Leo's humbleness in front of their face and spouting lies started laughing loudly: I was right about you. You're very interesting indeed. I can now see why he took an interest in you.

The child also chuckled and continued: We can already read your mind, don't you remember our last meeting you lied to me back then too. Hahaha

The third man the giant just seat theirs without paying any attention to the conversation as if everything going on didn't have any relation with him.

Leo who was kneeling slowly stood up and cleaned his pants which were dirty from the earlier fight and replied: You used me as a Janitor to clean after the messes which your sub-ordinates the lesser gods made took away the love of my life. And now from what I understand is bring me here to make me beg you 3 to save me or something? Sorry to disappoint you but I have heard someone once that "You can die anytime, but living takes true courage". Living without freedom inside the clutches of your hands is no way acceptable to me. The lighting bolt which hit me is also a mystery to me as I was doing Heaven's work so why would it attack me without reason after I have already completed my task.

The boy stopped laughing and said in a serious voice: There are many worst fates a person can have then dying boy. We can do many things to you such as just erase you or more like take your beloved Asuna's soul as a hostage and make you do our bidding or maybe making you into a mindless body of ours.

Leo hearing this started laughing like crazy and replied: Do you all think I'm stupid or something? You can read my mind true, then don't you already know that I know about you guys' involvement in Asuna's death? I secretly injected nanotech inside her body which should have changed her genetic structure but something prevented it. At first, I thought It was world laws that were preventing me so I decided on the long route and created a cure for Huntington's disease but to my surprise, even that failed. Now you want to use her again to control me Good luck with that.

Hearing this everyone including the giant started laughing loudly.

This time the giant spoke: Truly interesting. Courageous, Smart, a big Liar and have a will of steel, I understand why he was interested in you. I'm Void, the leader of the primordial god's court. Do you remember seeing this person?

Different color beams come forth and collected forming an Imposing Eternal majestic figure with arrogance pride on his face with unparalleled power aura coming for it which gave anyone who looked at him a feeling that the entire world's fate depends on his mood with one hand the figure and destroy the world or create a new one.

Leo seeing this was confused. He looked very careful but wasn't able to think of anyone.

Seeing this, the giant who along with the rest were watching Leo carefully spoke: How about now?

The light beam changed again. The figure turned from the majestic warrior into a common person and then finally into an old man.

Seeing the appearance, the realization hit Leo the figure standing in front of him was his master. The only master he had in all the worlds he has been in. The one who taught him Devil's lover.

Death spoke this time: The one you're looking at is God of Destruction, the last 4th member of Ancestral God's court.

Leo slowly realized something and moved his hand to access his dimension to bring out the enclosed seal space were he had kept the body of an old man along with his sculptor but it didn't work. Confused he looked at the three old monsters who were giving him a creepy smile.

The boy started speaking: Do you realize now?

Leo still confused shake his head indicating no. The giant spoke this time: He, your master had decided to make you his successor before passing on. And this is the very reason we saved you.

Leo went quiet and started understanding his situation. He was first given a wish through which he could travel the worlds and learn new things but later was forced into becoming a servant of the gods, and now he was selected as a successor of a god? and the god in question is also a god of beginning which by their very name "destruction" should become of the most powerful being. He became more confused after thinking about it.

The giant seeing this waved his hand and a chair come forth for Leo to seat on.

Leo patiently took the seat and waited for the storytime to begin.